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Other units may require use of our tools to measure their objectives, or their work may impact our work. Draft objectives that units submitted that may potentially impact UX are listed here; not all objectives that were submitted are listed here. (For comprehensive list of up-to-date objectives, see FY11 Objectives.)

green - may become part of the usability or user needs studies
pink - may require UIG resources (other than usability)

1.    Understand our users
  • AMES objective: Understand how are users are getting to e-content that is accessible by way of Barton and other discovery interfaces.
  • ID&LA (plus others) objective: Evaluate user behaviors to inform hours planning.
2.        Improve customer service
  • CSM objective: Develop patron-driven monograph-acquisition pilot.
  • ID&LA objective:  Develop uniform branding for request services, with fewer starting points, better cross promotion of services, and improved request management.
  • M&C objective: Standardize marketing materials at service desks to provide clear, consistent and relevant information to our users that corresponds with established Libraries’ design standards.
3.        Increase awareness
  • IRS objective: Develop connections between undergraduates and library resources and services through their classes (in person instruction, course pages, other types of tutorials, stellar).
  • LDLC objective: Increase the community’s awareness of their librarian.
4.        Improve infrastructure for locating and accessing digital products (advisor = Mat)
  • AMES objective: Improve off-campus access to e-books.

Preplanning for 11/22/10 meeting of "UX assessment leadership team" LS/NH/LRH: UX Assessment Plan 2011