Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin













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  1. Install


  1. new


  1. clean


  1. VM


  1. from


  1. (




  1. )


  1. Follow


  1. instalation


  1. steps


  1. from


  1. Graphite


  1. site


    1. upload


    1. PIN


    1. code


    1. (a


    1. tool


    1. for


    1. the


    1. dynamic


    1. instrumentation


    1. of


    1. programs


    1. from


    1. Intel)


    1. code.


    1. use


    1. version


    1. specified


    1. by


    1. Graphite-team


    1. even


    1. if


    1. it


    1. is


    1. not


    1. the


    1. latest


    1. one.


    1. Untar


    1. code


    1. and


    1. place


    1. it


    1. somewhere


    1. to


    1. stay


    1. permanently.


    1. I


    1. put


    1. it


    1. at


    1. ~/balewski/pin/


    1. Install


    1. the


    1. libraries


    1. needed


    1. for


    1. compiling


    1. (g++,


    1. make,


    1. etc…)


    1. using


    1. apt-get


    1. Install


    1. git-core.


    1. Although


    1. instruction


    1. says


    1. it


    1. is


    1. not


    1. essential,


    1. I


    1. could


    1. not


    1. compile


    1. the


    1. code


    1. on


    1. 32-bit


    1. architecture


    1. w/o


    1. it.


    1. Upload


    1. Graphite


    1. tarball


    1. from


    1. github,


    1. unpack,


    1. place


    1. in


    1. permanent


    1. directory


    1. Edit


    1. graphite/Makefile.config


    1. and


    1. set:


      1. PIN_HOME


      1. to


      1. point


      1. to


      1. your


      1. PIN-code


      1. change


      1. target


      1. architecture


      1. if


      1. you


      1. run


      1. it


      1. on


      1. 32-bit


      1. machine


    1. type


    1. make


    1. and


    1. wait


    1. ~5


    1. minutes


  1. To


  1. test


  1. the


  1. code


  1. works


  1. execute:


  1.   make cannon_app_test


  1. SIZE=4


  1. You


  1. should


  1. see


  1. the


  1. output


  1. like


  1. this


  1. Code Block


    balewski@debian5:~/graphite-2$ make cannon_app_test SIZE=4
    tests/unit/Makefile:17: warning: overriding commands for target `clean'
    tests/apps/Makefile:16: warning: ignoring old commands for target `clean'
    tests/benchmarks/Makefile:9: warning: overriding commands for target `clean'
    tests/unit/Makefile:17: warning: ignoring old commands for target `clean'
    Makefile:23: warning: overriding commands for target `clean'
    tests/benchmarks/Makefile:9: warning: ignoring old commands for target `clean'
    make -C /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps//cannon
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon'
    /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../common/Makefile.common:82: cannon.d: No such file or directory
    cc -MM -MG  -I/home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../common/user -I/home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../common/misc -c -Wall -O2 -m32 -DTARGET_IA32 -std=c99 cannon.c | sed -e 's,^\([^:]*\)\.o[ ]*:,./\1.o ./\1.d:,' >cannon.d
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon'
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon'
    cc  -I/home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../common/user -I/home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../common/misc -c -Wall -O2 -m32 -DTARGET_IA32 -std=c99 -c -o cannon.o cannon.c
    cannon.c: In function ‘do_cannon’:
    cannon.c:79: warning: ‘matSize’ may be used uninitialized in this function
    make -C /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../common
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/balewski/graphite-2/common'
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/balewski/graphite-2/common'
    make -C /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../pin
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/balewski/graphite-2/pin'
    make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/balewski/graphite-2/pin'
    if [ ! -e cannon ] || [ cannon.o -nt cannon ] || [ /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../lib/libcarbon_sim.a -nt cannon ] || [ /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../lib/ -nt cannon ]; \
       then g++ cannon.o -o cannon -static -u CarbonStartSim -u CarbonStopSim -upthread_create -upthread_join -L/home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../lib -los-services -L /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../os-services-25032-gcc.4.0.0-linux-ia32_intel64/ia32 -m32 -L/home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../contrib/orion -L/home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../lib -pthread -lcarbon_sim -los-services -lboost_filesystem-mt -lboost_system-mt -pthread -lorion; \
    /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../lib/libcarbon_sim.a(socktransport.o): In function `SockTransport::Socket::connect(char const*, int)': warning: Using 'gethostbyname' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking
    cd /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../.. ; /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../tools/ 1 /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../carbon_sim.cfg  /home/balewski/pin/ia32/bin/pinbin -mt -t /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../lib/pin_sim -c /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../carbon_sim.cfg --general/total_cores=5 --general/num_processes=1 --general/enable_shared_mem=true  -- /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/cannon -t 4 -m 4
    [] 'GRAPHITE_ROOT' undefined. Setting 'GRAPHITE_ROOT' to '/home/balewski/graphite-2
    [] Starting process: 0 : export CARBON_PROCESS_INDEX=0; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/afs/csail/group/carbon/tools/boost_1_38_0/stage/lib"; /home/balewski/pin/ia32/bin/pinbin -mt -t /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../lib/pin_sim -c /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/../../../carbon_sim.cfg --general/total_cores=5 --general/num_processes=1 --general/enable_shared_mem=true -- /home/balewski/graphite-2/tests/apps/cannon/cannon -t 4 -m 4
    [[Graphite]] --> [ Core IDs' with memory controllers = (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) ]
    Starting iteration 0...
    Allocating and Initializing matrix a
    Allocating and Initializing matrix b
    Allocating and Initializing matrix c
    Initializing thread structures
    Thread 0 starting to retrieve initial data
    Thread 0 finished retrieving initial data, starting computation
    Thread 1 starting to retrieve initial data
    Thread 2 starting to retrieve initial data
    Thread 3 starting to retrieve initial data
    Thread 1 finished retrieving initial data, starting computation
    Thread 2 finished retrieving initial data, starting computation
    Thread 3 finished retrieving initial data, starting computation
    Done sending, waiting for worker threads to complete
    [] Exited with return code: 0


  1. Also


  1. the


  1. log


  1. file


  1. should


  1. show


  1. some


  1. performance


  1. benchmarks


  1. Code Block


  1. cat  output_files/sim.out
    Simulation timers:
    start time	3623124
    stop time	5712947
    shutdown time	6039413
                                          | Core 0          | Core 1          | Core 2          | Core 3          | Core 4          | TS 0            | MCP             |
    Core Performance Model Summary        |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        Instructions                      |  15981          |  6188           |  6186           |  6156           |  6175           |  2754           |  0              |
        Completion Time                   |  123142         |  105450         |  104754         |  103939         |  101949         |  14449          |  0              |
        Average Frequency                 |  1              |  1              |  1              |  1              |  1              |  0              |  0              |
        Recv Instructions                 |  4              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
        Recv Instruction Costs            |  14336          |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
        Sync Instructions                 |  3              |  9              |  8              |  7              |  8              |  0              |  0              |
        Sync Instruction Costs            |  54655          |  45850          |  42055          |  42596          |  42078          |  0              |  0              |
      Branch predictor stats              |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        num correct                       |  1886           |  694            |  695            |  691            |  698            |  267            |  0              |
        num incorrect                     |  384            |  195            |  195            |  196            |  191            |  39             |  0              |
        type                              |  one-bit (1024) |  one-bit (1024) |  one-bit (1024) |  one-bit (1024) |  one-bit (1024) |  one-bit (1024) |  one-bit (1024) |
    Network summary                       |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
      Network model 0                     |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        num packets received              |  8              |  17             |  17             |  17             |  17             |  0              |  131            |
        num bytes received                |  384            |  764            |  764            |  764            |  764            |  0              |  9856           |
        average latency (in clock cycles) |  9              |  8.47059        |  8.47059        |  9.52941        |  9.52941        |  nan            |  14.8244        |
        average latency (in ns)           |  9              |  8.47059        |  8.47059        |  9.52941        |  9.52941        |  nan            |  14.8244        |
        Static Power                      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |
        Dynamic Energy                    |  1.89929e-06    |  1.86787e-06    |  9.37239e-07    |  1.2594e-06     |  5.22373e-07    |  0              |  0              |
      Activity Counters                   |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        Switch Allocator Traversals       |  153            |  122            |  64             |  85             |  39             |  0              |  0              |
        Crossbar Traversals               |  1167           |  1148           |  576            |  774            |  321            |  0              |  0              |
        Link Traversals                   |  1167           |  1148           |  576            |  774            |  321            |  0              |  0              |
      Network model 1                     |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        num packets received              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
        num bytes received                |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
        average latency (in clock cycles) |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |
        average latency (in ns)           |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |
        Static Power                      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |
        Dynamic Energy                    |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
      Activity Counters                   |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        Switch Allocator Traversals       |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
        Crossbar Traversals               |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
        Link Traversals                   |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
      Network model 2                     |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        num packets received              |  345            |  368            |  827            |  384            |  332            |  188            |  138            |
        num bytes received                |  19257          |  20720          |  41499          |  21696          |  18892          |  8188           |  5962           |
        average latency (in clock cycles) |  7.47246        |  8.29076        |  6.14994        |  7.75           |  7.9006         |  8.58511        |  10.9275        |
        average latency (in ns)           |  7.47246        |  8.29076        |  6.14994        |  7.75           |  7.9006         |  8.58511        |  10.9275        |
        Static Power                      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |
        Dynamic Energy                    |  6.8307e-06     |  5.40692e-06    |  8.50509e-06    |  4.03165e-06    |  3.80035e-06    |  4.47535e-06    |  4.02241e-06    |
      Activity Counters                   |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        Switch Allocator Traversals       |  462            |  458            |  674            |  345            |  315            |  251            |  280            |
        Crossbar Traversals               |  4198           |  3322           |  5226           |  2477           |  2335           |  2751           |  2472           |
        Link Traversals                   |  4198           |  3322           |  5226           |  2477           |  2335           |  2751           |  2472           |
      Network model 3                     |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        num packets received              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
        num bytes received                |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
        average latency (in clock cycles) |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |
        average latency (in ns)           |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |
        Static Power                      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |  0.0176561      |
        Dynamic Energy                    |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
      Activity Counters                   |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        Switch Allocator Traversals       |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
        Crossbar Traversals               |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
        Link Traversals                   |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
      Network model 4                     |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        num packets received              |  1              |  1              |  1              |  1              |  1              |  0              |  0              |
        num bytes received                |  40             |  40             |  40             |  40             |  40             |  0              |  0              |
    Shmem Perf Model summary              |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        num memory accesses               |  8036           |  2950           |  2950           |  2937           |  2945           |  1487           |  0              |
        average memory access latency     |  4.75075        |  8.31458        |  9.35627        |  8.93667        |  8.39728        |  7.86685        |  nan            |
    Cache Summary                         |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
      Cache L1-I                          |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        num cache accesses                |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
        miss rate                         |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |  nan            |
        num cache misses                  |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
      Cache L1-D                          |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        num cache accesses                |  8066           |  2954           |  2954           |  2941           |  2949           |  1568           |  0              |
        miss rate                         |  1.46293        |  3.65606        |  4.40081        |  3.94424        |  3.62835        |  8.09949        |  nan            |
        num cache misses                  |  118            |  108            |  130            |  116            |  107            |  127            |  0              |
      Cache L2                            |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        num cache accesses                |  118            |  108            |  130            |  116            |  107            |  127            |  0              |
        miss rate                         |  74.5763        |  100            |  100            |  100            |  100            |  100            |  nan            |
        num cache misses                  |  88             |  108            |  130            |  116            |  107            |  127            |  0              |
    Dram Perf Model summary               |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        num dram accesses                 |  80             |  68             |  183            |  57             |  46             |  87             |  58             |
        average dram access latency       |  113            |  113.074        |  113.076        |  113            |  113            |  113            |  113.276        |
        average dram queueing delay       |  0              |  0.0735294      |  0.0765027      |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0.275862       |
      Queue Model                         |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        Queue Utilization(%)              |  0.920492       |  0.728351       |  2.14126        |  0.654045       |  0.528698       |  0.996801       |  0.665631       |
        Analytical Model Used(%)          |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
    Dram Directory Cache                  |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
        Total Addresses                   |  1170           |  1169           |  1166           |  1169           |  1170           |  1174           |  1173           |
        Average set size                  |  1.14258        |  1.1416         |  1.13867        |  1.1416         |  1.14258        |  1.14648        |  1.14551        |
        Set index with max size           |  1022           |  1023           |  1017           |  1022           |  995            |  994            |  1014           |
        Max set size                      |  6              |  6              |  5              |  5              |  5              |  5              |  5              |
        Set index with min size           |  543            |  543            |  543            |  544            |  543            |  543            |  543            |
        Min set size                      |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
        Average evictions per set         |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
        Set index with max evictions      |  -1             |  -1             |  -1             |  -1             |  -1             |  -1             |  -1             |
        Max set evictions                 |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
        Address with max evictions        |  0xffffffff     |  0xffffffff     |  0xffffffff     |  0xffffffff     |  0xffffffff     |  0xffffffff     |  0xffffffff     |
        Max address evictions             |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |  0              |
