Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin












































  • Host


  • Name:Is


  • this


  • a


  • web


  • application?


  • What


  • is


  • the


  • intended


  • public


  • CNAME(s)?


    • Apache


    • redirects


    • to


    • the


    • public


    • name.


    • Shibboleth


    • is


    • configured


    • to


    • use


    • that


    • name.


    • touchstone-dev


    • was


    • contacted


    • to


    • add


    • the


    • hostname


    • to


    • Touchstone.


    • Apache's


    • certificates


    • are


    • for


    • the


    • public


    • hostname,


    • and


    • the


    • request


    • for


    • the


    • cert


    • was


    • sent


    • with


    • the


    • hostname


    • all


    • lower


    • case.


    • vhosts


    • are


    • set


    • correctly


    • for


    • both


    • HTTP


    • and


    • HTTPS.


  • Memory


  • Settings:


  • Production


  • and


  • Staging


  • servers


  • likely


  • have


  • more


  • resources


  • than


  • Development


  • and


  • Test.


  • Validate


  • the


  • memory


  • settings


  • for


  • runtime


  • environments


  • like


  • Java


  • and


  • PHP.


  • RAdminD:


  • Server


  • Operations


  • manages


  • the


  • operating


  • systems


  • with


  • RAdminD,


  • make


  • sure


  • all


  • paths


  • to


  • AMIT


  • installed


  • components


  • are


  • excluded


  • from


  • the


  • RAdminD


  • system


  • profile


  • or


  • that


  • the


  • component


  • is


  • managed


  • by


  • RAdmind.


  • Runtimes
    • Redundancy:


    • For


    • machines


    • with


    • a


    • legacy


    • of


    • more


    • than


    • one


    • runtime


    • installed


    • (multiple


    • Java,


    • multiple


    • PHP),


    • work


    • with


    • the


    • development


    • team


    • to


    • figure


    • out


    • which


    • one


    • to


    • keep


    • and


    • eliminate


    • the


    • rest.


    • Get an accurate list of which runtimes are being used (Java,


    • PHP,


    • Python)


    • and


    • in


    • what


    • context


    • (web,


    • feed


    • script)


    • and


    • configure


    • the


    • runtime


    • to


    • work


    • only


    • in


    • the


    • ways


    • that


    • system


    • uses


    • it.


  • Feeds:


  • Is


  • the


  • system


  • dependent


  • on


  • feeds


  • from


  • other


  • systems?


  • Validate


  • they


  • are


  • working


  • correctly.


  • Backup:


  • Is


  • a


  • backup


  • mechinism


  • in


  • place


  • and


  • functioning


  • properly?


  • This


  • is


  • different


  • depending


  • on


  • the


  • hosting


  • option.


  • Touchstone/Shibboleth:


  • Does


  • this


  • system


  • require


  • authentication


  • for


  • a


  • local


  • or


  • external


  • user


  • account?


  • Or


  • by


  • certs?


    • For


    • these


    • tests,


    • you


    • will


    • need:


      1. An


      1. internal


      1. MIT


      1. id


      1. that


      1. is


      1. already


      1. been


      1. configured


      1. for


      1. use


      1. with


      1. Touchstone


      1. (this


      1. should


      1. be


      1. the


      1. default


      1. for


      1. all




      1. accounts).


      1. An


      1. external


      1. account


      1. registered


      1. through




      1. for


      1. use


      1. with


      1. CAMS.


      1. A


      1. x.509


      1. cert


      1. issued


      1. by




      1. Either


      1. 3


      1. browsers,


      1. each


      1. one


      1. configured


      1. to


      1. use


      1. a


      1. different


      1. auth


      1. method


      1. from


      1. the


      1. above,


      1. or


      1. the


      1. ability


      1. to


      1. clear


      1. cookies


      1. and


      1. authenticated


      1. sessions


      1. for


      1. one


      1. browser.


      1. These


      1. browsers


      1. will


      1. also


      1. need


      1. to


      1. be


      1. configured


      1. to


      1. accept


      1. cookies


      1. from


      1. the


      1. MIT


      1. IdP's,


      1. WAYF's,


      1. and


      1. the


      1. server/service


      1. you


      1. are


      1. testing.


      1. An


      1. expectation


      1. of


      1. how


      1. the


      1. application


      1. will


      1. handle


      1. users,


      1. either


      1. first


      1. time


      1. users,


      1. or


      1. logins


      1. of


      1. established


      1. users.


      1. Does


      1. it


      1. require


      1. out


      1. of


      1. band


      1. pre-registration,


      1. does


      1. is


      1. automatically


      1. create


      1. user


      1. accounts,


      1. do


      1. you


      1. need


      1. to


      1. use


      1. a


      1. separate


      1. login


      1. page,


      1. etc.


    • First,


    • check


    • that


    • the


    • application


    • is


    • up


    • on


    • the


    • server,


    • and


    • that


    • its


    • PID


    • has


    • completed


    • any


    • init


    • process


    • that


    • it


    • need


    • to


    • run,


    • and


    • its


    • CPU%


    • utilization


    • has


    • dropped.


    • Go


    • to


    • the


    • shibverify


    • URL


    • for


    • the


    • server/service


    • that


    • you


    • are


    • testing.


    • This


    • will


    • be


    • in


    • the


    • format


    • of


    • Code Block


    •  https://[service name] 


      1. For the two shibboleth services, there should be non-null


      1. data


      1. filled


      1. into


      1. the


      1. top


      1. response


      1. block


      1. and


      1. the


      1. lines


      1. in


      1. the


      1. lower


      1. response


      1. block


      1. that


      1. begin


      1. with


      1. 'Shib-'


      1. or


      1. 'key


      1. =


      1. Shib-'.


      1. You


      1. will


      1. need


      1. to


      1. do


      1. this


      1. either


      1. twice,


      1. clearing


      1. cookies


      1. and


      1. authenticated


      1. session


      1. in


      1. the


      1. browswer,


      1. and


      1. selecting


      1. first


      1. Touchstone,


      1. and


      1. then


      1. CAMS,


      1. whenever


      1. you


      1. are


      1. redirected


      1. to


      1. the


      1. IdP


      1. or


      1. WAYF.


    • For


    • the


    • Cert


    • test,


    • shibverify


    • will


    • not


    • return


    • expected


    • values.


    • You


    • will


    • need


    • to


    • use


    • either


    • Code Block


    •  https://[service name] 


    • or
      Code Block
       https://[service name] 


    • depending


    • upon


    • the


    • configuration


    • of


    • the


    • server


    • in


    • question.


    • Note

      This is not currently configured on most systems.

    • Then you can progress to repeated these methods for the individual application or service, not just the server configuration.

      This is application specific. Some applications will automatically create a login for you the first time you use it, some will prompt you, give you an invalid user error, or some other behavior. Find out what the expected behavior is before testing.