Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • GET: checkWorksetCache


  • PUT: populateWorksetCache : input parms: Scenario Key, Workset Key, output: success/fail


  • DELETE: deleteWorksetCache : input parms: Scenario, output: success/fail


  • GET: getWorksetExpenseLines: lineitem_id is omitted | input parms: worksetKey (req), startDate (opt), endDate (opt), output: array of expense line


  • POST: (update) updateExpenseWrk: input parms: worksetKey, costObjectKey, lineItemName, description, isRollOff [Y|N], amount, isAmortized [Y|N]


  • PUT: (create) updateExpenseWrk: lineitem_id is omitted | input parms: worksetKey, costObjectKey, lineItemName, description, isRollOff [Y|N], amount, isAmortized [Y|N]
  •  GET: getExpSubtotal: input parms: worksetKey (req), startDate (opt), endDate (opt)

getWorkset: output: Scenario Key, Workset Key, described in RAFTTHREE-605.

getCalendar: GET, returns calendar data, described in

addExpenseLine : POST, input parms, scenarioKey, worksetKey, GLCat, Name (default:GlCat), startDate, endDate, rollsOff [Y|N], amortize [Y|N], Single Cost Object Key, returns speculationId (expense line key)

upDateExpenseLine : PUT, input parms, speculationId,scenarioKey, worksetKey, GLCat, Name (default:GlCat), startDate, endDate, rollsOff [Y|N], amortize [Y|N], Single Cost Object Key, returns status

deleteExpenseLine : DELETE, speculationId, returns status

getExpenseLines :  GET,  input parms: Scenario, Budget, Workset, GL category, startDate,endDate, output: array of expense line


getExpenseSummary - Response JSON   (This needs review)


getExpenseSubtotal : input parms: Scenario, Budget, Workset, GL category, startDate (optional, defaults to workset start Date), endDate (optional, defaults to workset end date), output: array of subtotals, Auth total line only appears when dates are workset begin and end date (because calculated total is based on Auth total minus subtotal lines = calc total )
