Versions Compared


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  1. Configure an Apache SSL/Tomcat server as described in the Apache-SSL
    instructions. This is the top layer of the cluster. Extra care must be
    given to certificates and wildcard DNS entries if the system is going to
    exist within a multi-stack cluster.
  2. Configure an Alfresco server without WCM components, as described in the
    Alfresco instructions. This is the second layer of the stack. Give care
    to the cluster configuration is this is part of a multi-stack cluster.
  3. Configure a MySQL serveras described in the MySQL instructions. This is
    the bottom layer of the stack. Be certain to configure replication if it
    is part of a multi-stack cluster.
  4. On the top system in the stack, create directory structure:

    mkdir /home/thalia
    mkdir /home/thalia/conf
    mkdir /home/thalia/log
    mkdir /home/thalia/bulkimage
    mkdir /home/thalia/tmp

  5. Place the thaliausers.xml file into /home/thalia/conf. Its contents
    should be similar to:


  6. Install ImageMagic on the top layer of the stack.
    1. go to and get the source distribution:
    2. unzip and unstar ImageMagick-6.3.2.tar.gz and cd to ImageMagic-6.3.2
    3. by default, the base installation directory is /usr/local. binary files
      go in /usr/local/bin and library files go in /usr/local/lib. If you want to specify an installationprefix other than /usr/local, you can do it by specify the --prefix=PATH in step 6d.
    4. ./configure (specify the path here if necessary. Please note that the binary files should be in the system path)
    5. make; make install
    6. for more info, please refer to the Install-unix.txt in the package
    7. after installation, you should be able to type "convert" command and get the help page.
  7. On the second server in the stack, customize the Alfresco installation.
    1. Stop the Alfresco service.

      cd /home/alfresco-version number-series
      ./ stop
      ps aux | grep alfresco
      Repeat the ps command until the Alfresco processes terminate.

    2. Edit contentModel.xml and add the Thalia admin property definition.
      It is located in the following directory:
      In the block containing <type name="cm:person">, and before the
      </properties> line, add:

      <property name="cm:isAdmin">

    3. Put our custom model (includes thaliaModel.xml and thalia-model-
      context.mxl) in the extension folder. Use the one from either the deploy
      repository or from thalia-dev.
    4. thalia-model-context.mxl) in the extension folder.
    5. Edit permissionDefinitions.xml and add the Thalia permissionGroup
      definitions to the permission group definition block. Be certain not
      within the <permissionSet type="sys:base" expose="all"> block right
      after <permissionGroup name="Execute" allowFullControl="false" expose="false"> <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base" permissionGroup="ExecuteContent" /> </permissionGroup>:
      ) Be certain not to split a block of code.  It is located in directory:
               The additional block should be: <permissionGroup name="ThaliaWrite" allowFullControl="false"
      <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base" permissionGroup="Write"/>
      <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base" permissionGroup="Read"/>
      <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base"
      <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base" permissionGroup="Delete"/>
      <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base"
      <permissionGroup name="ThaliaRead" allowFullControl="false"
      <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base"
      <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base"
      <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base"
      <permissionGroup name="ThaliaDownload" allowFullControl="false"
      <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base"
      <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base"
      <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base"
      <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base"
      </permissionGroup>permissionGroup>## Add an admin account to the Alfresco authority-services-context.xml file. The file is located at:
      In the <property name="adminUsers"> block, add the following line
      before the </properties> line:


    6. Start the Alfresco service.

      cd /home/alfresco-version number-series
      ./ start

    7. Log in as the Alfresco Admin user, and add the thaliaAdmin and
      guestUser users. Check the passwords for these users on the Thalia
      server (top server in the stack). Use the Web interface web tool in
      Alfresco to do this.
  8. On the top server in the stack, run the BuildThaliaDomain tool to create

    cd /home/qing/dist
    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -classpath ./lib -jar \
    BuildThaliaDomain.jar \
    http://`hostname`:8080/alfresco \
    Where DOMAIN NAME is the domain to configure (such as test, hst, psb,

  9. Upload the thalia-ime.war file to /home/apache-tomcat-5.5.23/webapps.
    1. Copy the thalia.war file from either the deploy repository (pending) or from to newserver:/home/apache-tomcat/webapps as BOTH thalia.war and ROOT.war.
    2. If this is a production server, move the current web.xml file to web.xml.original, and web.xml.production to web.xml.
    3. Change the passwords for the users admin and thaliaAdmin on both the Alfresco repository and the Thalia IME server.
  10. Set the domain specific metadata mapping
  11. Upload the file to /root, and add the following line to

    30 2 * * * /root/ > /loc/logs/rmlog.log 2>&1 &