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Publicity doesn't have a set budget, but you shouldn't spend more than $50 a semester without getting approval from the EC. 

Recommended Methods

GSC anno - announcement list sent to grad students every Monday. Submit by Sunday at noon; event announcements can run for two weeks.

Posters on campus - You should make sure that posters get put up around campus. For more on postering as well as poster designs from past years, see Posters. If you can find students interested in postering inside their dorms, that's also a good idea. 


Dorm Spam - Dorms and living groups at MIT have unofficial mailing lists where people send out email (dorm spam) announcing events and publicizing their student groups. Be sure to use the appropriate mailing lists (NOT the dorm's official ones). Students See Dormspam for details. Students are used to getting a lot of dorm spam mail and ignoring most (or all) of it. Consider asking students to send dorm spam to their own dorms; people are more likely to look at the email longer if they recognize the name of the sender. 

Other dance groups - We've sometimes gotten other MIT dance groups (e.g. Lindy Hop, Waltz at MIT) to share information about our upcoming squares and rounds classes with their membership via email.

Facebook Ads - We tried this in 2013. It's unclear how effective they are, but they are cheap and can be used to target MIT students. Create an event for the intro night/ start of class, then ask Tech Squares members to say they are going to the event, then buy facebook ads to advertise the event. This will cause the advertising to be shown more to fb friends of Tech Squares members, in addition to MIT students more generally. 

Poking people to email dorms/friends -  

Emailing tech-squares-interest

Social Media 

Template for individuals

We should encourage people to bring their friends (especially their student friends!) to Word of mouth and personal email are great ways to recruit people. Encourage club members (especially MIT students) to reach out to their friends and bring them to the class. It's easier easy for people to spam their email friends if we you give them a template email that they can just forward. (It works better if they write something custom, but this lowers the bar and gets them writing that email in the first place, and then they can still rewrite it however they like.) Write something up they can personalize. Write something and send it to tech-squares-social

Emailing tech-squares-interest - Tech-squares-interest is a low volume announcement mailing list. A couple weeks before the start of class, check to make sure everyone who has asked to be added to the list has been (i.e.

Social media

that there are now lists of emails floating around that haven't been added). Then a week or two before intro night/start of class, email the list about the event. Send a reminder email the day of or day before. 

Social Media - Tech Squares has group pages on facebook and google+. Facebook, google+, whatever people are using by the time you read this! Create an event, post a picture to the group, encourage people to share it around and invite their friends.

Other options

Google ads - They're too expensive and don't get good targeting. We tried this in Fall 2013. 
