I stole this shamelessly from Olu Brown's documentation in the SAIS wiki. We need to clean this up and probably include Mac instructions and MyEclipse specifices for the MAP Handbook.
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Developer access to svn.mit.edu (MIT Subversion)
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1. Install MIT SecureCRT 5.1 (https://wserv.mit.edu/fcgi-bin/softcount?product=mit/win/mit-securecrt-5.1-r2.msi). |
3. Obtain a Kerberos ticket using the MIT Leash program. |
4. Dowload and Install the Eclipse Subversive plugin (http://www.polarion.org/index.php?page=installation&project=subversive). |
5. Switch to the "SVN Repository Exploring" perspective and create a new repository location. |
6. Choose a project in the SVN repository and perform a checkout. |
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Windows GUI client
1. Install a Windows subversion client on your desktop, such as TortoiseSVN (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/tortoisesvn/TortoiseSVN- |
2. Install MIT SecureCRT 5.1 (https://wserv.mit.edu/fcgi-bin/softcount?product=mit/win/mit-securecrt-5.1-r2.msi). |
4. Obtain a Kerberos ticket using the MIT Leash program. |
5. Open Windows explorer and right-click in the window to open the Tortoise SVN settings. |
6. In the settings window, click on the "Network" item in the left hand menu and then enter the SecureCRT SSH binary location into the "SSH" field. |
7. Open Windows explorer and right-click on the directory you want to check out a project in and select the menu option "SVN Checkout". |
8. Fill out the checkout information and click the OK button. |
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Windows command line client
- Install subversion on your Windows machine (http://subversion.tigris.org/files/documents/15/39559/svn-1.4.5-setup.exe).
- Install MIT SecureCRT 5.1 (https://wserv.mit.edu/fcgi-bin/softcount?product=mit/win/mit-securecrt-5.1-r2.msi).
- Configure your desktop to use the SecureCRT SSH binary.
- Obtain a Kerberos ticket using the MIT Leash program.
- Open a Windows command prompt and issue a subversion command. For example:
No Format svn checkout svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/<repository name>/<project name>/trunk
Tortoise Documentation http://tortoisesvn.net/support
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Linux command line client
- Verify that subversion is in your PATH, by typing:
You should see the following:No Format which svn
No Format /usr/bin/svn
- Obtain a kerberos ticket with the command:
No Format kinit
- You may have to set a subversion editor
No Format export SVN_EDITOR=vi (There is an underscore between SVN and EDITOR)
- Perform the subversion command they desire. For instance to checkout a project from the repository:
No Format svn checkout svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/<repository name>/<project name>/trunk
- Notes:
- If you checkout only secure/cgi-bin from the command line interface, only the cgi-bin directory will get created in your workspace