What about authority control and indexing structure; VRA Core can put in the source of information; use AAT http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/ and LC http://authorities.loc.gov/ forsubjectheadings (can add terms to both); can create local terms; think of headings and making it searchable; IRIR (filemaker pro based) uses VRA Core and takes excel fraily easily
American Antiquarian Society http://www.americanantiquarian.org/digital2.htm#news doing a lot of digitization of collections
9/11/07 William and Nora met with Jolene
Jolene looked at ARTStor http://www.artstor.org/info/ since our last meeting & suggested it is a place to 'look around' (on 9/18/07 I couldn't get in)
OPAC for RVC slides is DOME https://dome.mit.edu/
Adding to IRIS drop down menus is easy; adding fields a little more difficult
University of North Texas (UNT) Digital Projects Unit http://www.library.unt.edu/digital haslots of information on their web site; Ann Marie has first-hand experience working with digital projects because of serving as consultant at UNT
Bill Comstock (formerly of Document Services), technical side, and Todd Bachman, metadata/cataloging side, at Harvard (part of Imaging Services in Weissman Preservation Center? http://preserve.harvard.edu/wpc.html)
Michelle Baildon, MIT Libraries subject specialist for history of science & technology, x3-9352 or baildon@mit.edu