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MIT 8.01 Lesson 13: Momentum

Lesson Summary


The Momentum and External Force model is introduced. This model has great utility for describing multi-body processes that occur over a finite time interval, particularly nearly-instantaneous collisions.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this Lesson, you should be able to:

  • Be able to read and understand the Momentum and External Force model template.
  • Be able to accomplish the learning objectives listed there.
  • Define time-averaged force in terms of impulse, or vice-versa.
  • Describe the conditions on both the system and the interactions which allow the assumption of conservation of momentum in analyzing a collision.
Include Page
Momentum (Intro)
Momentum (Intro)
Include Page
Momentum (Impulse)
Momentum (Impulse)
Include Page
Momentum (Average Force)
Momentum (Average Force)
Include Page
Momentum (Multi-Object)
Momentum (Multi-Object)
Include Page
Momentum (Conservation)
Momentum (Conservation)
Wiki Markup
h3. Momentum    [!copyright and waiver^SectionEdit.png!|Page Name Goes Here] {HTMLcomment}Please DO NOT remove the  's or the image (copyright and waiver^SectionEdit.png) from the above title. They create a link back to the section for editing!{HTMLcomment} h3. Introduction to Linear Momentum Although Newton is famous for the law F-ma, he actually stated his Second Law in terms of momentum and its change due to impressed forces or impulses (the time integral of the force).   He defined Momentum as _The quantity of motion is the measure of the same, arising from the velocity and quantity of matter conjointly_. - DEFINITiON II, Principia (Motte and Cajori).   {include:momentum} Newton emphasizes the linearity of momentum with both mass and velocity.  He specifies our sum over different bodies by further stating that the motion of the whole is the sum of the motions of all the parts; and therefore in a body double in quantity, with equal velocity, the momentum is double; with twice the velocity also, it is quadruple. Newton's Second Law is the fundamental law of change for momentum, Frac{d\vecp}{dt}=\Sigma_j\vec{F_j} Where the sum goes over all the forces acting on any body in the system. {include: Newton's second law} Technically, the concept of linear momentum applies only to collections of point objects.  The momentum of a rigid body is simply the sum of the momentum of each of the atoms in the body, which turns out to be the body's mass times its center of mass velocity.  The momentum of a system composed of many rigid bodies and point particles is then the sum of their individual momenta, which again can be expressed as the total mass of this system times the velocity of the system's center of mass.  This is true, and a valuable concept, especially when the system is composed of disparate objects going in different directions - for example a system of two cars about to have a collision, or after they have just had a collision.   {include: momentum and external force}