- Android tablet running Android 3.1 or higher
- Android virtual device (AVD) running Android 3.1 or higher on a Windows, Mac OS X (Intel), or Linux (i386) computer
The instruction below is for using an Android virtual device on a Windows PC.
- Download the SmartGrid installation package from <TBD>, and unzip it http://web.mit.edu/louelle/www/smartgrid.apk.
- If you haven't installed Android SDK, install it following the instruction from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html. Make sure Android SDK Tools and Android SDK Platform-tools are selected. You don't need to install Eclipse or ADT (Android Development Tools) plugin Plugin for Eclipse.
- Launch SDK Manager installed in Step 2, and install Android 3.1 (API 12).
- Launch AVD Manager installed in Step 2. Click New ... button to create a AVD. Give it a name. In the Target drop down list, select Android 3.1 - API Level 12. Accept default for the rest. Click Create AVD button.
- In AVD Manager, select the virtual device you just created, and click Start ... This will launch the virtual device.
- In command line window, cd to <SDK path>\platform-tools, where <SDK path> is the location where you installed the Android SDK in step 2.
- Run adb install "<path to the SmartGrid.apk>", where <path to the SmartGrid.apk> is the path to the SmartGrid package.
- After the package is installed, you should see the SmartGrid app in your virtual device. Click it to launch the app.
Instructions for using an AVD on Mac OS X (Intel) or Linux (i386) are similar to Windows.
Instructions for using an Android tablet device:
- All the charts are static images, including all combinations of Daily/Monthly/Yearly and Consumption/Storage/Grid.
- Checkboxes for showing/hiding data in graphs are not yet functional.
- Application settings Settings are not implemented.
- Data is not consistent across different charts, and is not consistent with the device tree view and sorted list.
- Device settings and transactions are implemented, but do not save.
- Date pickers and dropdowns are static images.
- Android Activity management is not complete. While running the app, clicking the Back button of the Android device causes the app to disappear and requires a re-launch.Date pickers are static image