- Home (Grid) page
- All contact buttons, history items, and all name links lead to the same review page
- Filtering will only allow for the 4 given tags. Users can't add new tags, and then filter
- All history items are canned and repeated across the board
- Clicking on history items and contact buttons will take you to the review page, but will not directly take you to the specified contact method or history at this time.
- Approve page
- Actions taken on the approve page will only allow changes to Delian
- Status information is canned
- The information boxes are all canned, there may be more or less content depending on the amount of information we have
- Delian will eventually fade into view, as he is the only actionable one for now.
- Show page
- None of the communication methods actually cause real communications to go through (ie can't actually post on facebook) yet
- All content on the page is canned
- Adjusting tags on the prototype won't change anything on the grid right now, and is stateless.
- You can't create events/send invitations on the calendar yet
- The calendar would be from the perspective of the user ryan.m.lau@gmail.com
- Tagging/Hashtags/Tweeting at functionality not enabled
- Only plaintext Email
Key Takeaways:
- More options to sort and order the contacts are wanted
- Contacts should be searchable on more dimensions than tags (ie name)
- There should be options to collapse or expand all contacts
- Going to the show page from a specific contact link should populate that type of engagement in the contact box
- The link to the show page is confusing, it should be gotten rid of an the show should be a modal over the grid
- Specify which history items are ingoing vs outgoing
- Need ways of filtering to one type of history vs integrated view
- Add more safety when approving and denying a contact
- Adjust the approve page layout to make text more readable and well laid out
- Various cosmetic bugs regarding tags
- Need indication of current page
- Add links to the contacts social media pages
- History should be more searchable and sortable