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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.


Almost everyone uses some kind of tool to keep track of their time responsibilities.  Online calendars allow users to automatically repeat events and share their availability and group events with others. Current  Current online calendar implementations can be difficult to learn and inefficient to use, especially with regard to sharing calendars and coordinating schedules. Additionally, most online calendars have only one notion kind of "event" , -- a task with a clear start and end time.  We posit that an "event" can also be a to-do list, or a deadlinein addition to handling tasks with a fixed start and end time, our calendar should be able to handle "deadlines" -- due dates with only one time.  Additionally, our calendar should support "notes" which are free-form text entries associated with a margin of the calendar, similar to the way that a person would scribble notes to him/herself in the margin of a physical calendar.  Our project will implement an easy to use web-based calendar system. 


GR2 - Designs

GR3 - Paper Prototyping

GR4 - Computer Prototyping

GR5 - Implementation

GR6 - User Testing