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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.


Task is learned by trying it, watching others, reading the manual

Wiki MarkupSreeja @ Domain Analysis: I like Dimitar's chart and would not change much. Could you be a little clearer on what the numbers mean though? X\[Y-Z\] \ -> what does X,Y,Z mean in the context of the relationship?

Sreeja @ User Analysis: Any age group that does experiments with robots, educated, no physical capabilities required except that we're designing for a set of mobile users,

persona : geeky computer scientists who prefer graphical visualizations with as much content as possible. Interviewed with personnel from the 1,2,3 labs and the results show (your inputs). We are at an advantage because we represent 3 classes of users however the system we want to design is generic enough to be expanded to other classes.


Dimitar: I disagree that this is the only class of users: -- both good points, I agree (--Andy)


  • Mid-20s
  • Well educated
  • Highly motivated for research tasks
  • Familiar with the specifics of their hardware and software
  • Expert computer users
    • Linux based systems (most users)
      • Medium to heavy command line use
    • Understand networking at a medium level
      • Know what an IP address is
      • May or may not know the difference between TCP, UDP, broadcast, etc
  • Willing to dedicate large amounts of time to understanding robot dynamics, interactions, controls
  • Too busy to dedicate large amounts of time to learning new interfaces unless use is immediately obvious
  • Care a lot about delay on their systems
  • Have used LCM before, likely have used lcm-spy (previous desktop interface)
  • Work in 5-20 person labs
    • Willing and able to ask for help
    • Environment noise level varies
      • One user operates a wind tunnel
      • Another user operates a very loud air compressor



Task Analysis


Run system: Goal operate robot
        Set up LCM on robot
        Connect all features of robot to LCM
        Turn on LCM system for robot
        Turn on phone
            Know the IP address of the robot? (depends on LCM configuration)
        Start application
        Identify system to connect to
        Confirm that system is online
        Run system
        Interact with system (ie demo)
        Kill system
        End application        
