Best Practices for metadata editing in Edgerton Collection:
*When a page or foldout/overlay is pasted on a page in the notebook, consider each page/foldout/overlay a separate page (even if it is only a half or quarter-sized page) and designate it as "a", "b", "c", etc for the page it is attached to. If there are more than one on a page, start with the top layer as 'a", if the back side of a is filmed call that "b", and the next one "c", its back side "d", etc. (Even if the back side of the page is overlapping the previous page it is still considered #b, and NOT given the number of the previous page) Then in page details, note each "a", "b", "c" in the type field as foldout/overlay. Finally, change the sequence number to reflect each layer of the notebook, as if you would be looking through the notebook and lifting each foldout as you go along. For example, 9a would be 1, 9b would be 2, 9c would be 3, 9 would be 4, so that then actual notebook page, with each of the attached items lifted up, is the last image you see. *NOTE: for pasted in pages that are not lifted up to see page beneath, they are considered the page they are on, you do NOT create a new page for them
*If the back side of the filming and separation record is filmed, consider them an extra page (so that if the front side is 9a, the back side is 9b) and note in the type field of page details that it is a filming and separation record.
Q: How do we show pages attached to notebook page that do not have filming and separation record for them?
A: Add a, b, c, etc to the page they are attached to, starting with the top layer as the actual page number, then each sheet under that as a, b, c, etc. in ascending order.
Q: How do we mark the back side of filming and separation records when they are filmed?
A: Note them as f & s records in the type field, even though they are blank pages.
Q: How do we number pages that are attached to page x, but the back is filmed laying on top of page y?
A: Stay with the numbering system for the page they are attached to, ex. if pg114 has 2 sheets attached to it, the top sheet is pg114, the back of that sheet (even if it is filmed laying on page 113) is pg114a, then next is pg114b, and so on.
Q: Do we create new page files for pages that are attached to the notebook page but are not full pages (such as half pages or quarter pages) that are filmed front and back, but you still see the majority of the page they are attached to?