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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.


Updates from Barbara:

  • The May 25th IS&T All Hands will focus on Marilyn's priorities and updates not details regarding organizational changes and layoffs
  • Senior staff is working on mission and vision statements
  • The June meeting will have more details regarding IS&T changes and the future state.  Be prepared for change to happen quickly because of the new fiscal year
  • Marilyn overall goal is a flatter organization and possibly more people reporting directly to her
  • He themes are: 1) better communication across the department, 2) the concept of 1 IS&T, 3) more collaboration with our customers, creating a partnership not an attitude of "we know best", 4) better criteria for what we do and don't do, 5) need for better data and metrics on what we do and how we do it
  • Marilyn will be the key note speaker at the IT Partners Conference
  • CSS has contracted with Dell to do a 4 week study of the Service Desk
  • There is an advantage to having an outsider do this
  • Just a study, what we do, industry standards, gap analysis

Calendaring Conversation:

  • Pat has encountered some obstacles when scheduling these meetings
  • They appear on some peoples calendar and not others
  • The groups felt that this an opportunity to look at Calendaring Best Practices because if we are having issues other will also experience issues
  • Felt that we should offer classes/training on calendaring
  • CSS Leaders asked for Best Practices class for them

Release Ball: Oliver & Chris reviewed notes with team

  • We used to have a Software Release Team that had a release process for products (software) but not services
  • The team as we knew it does not exist
  • A small team was started to look at pain points and identify possible next steps (cross-directorate team that Oliver and Chris are a part of)
  • The Release Ball concept was born
  • Team is looking at both products and services and applying a methodology across the organization rather then a single team
  • Wanted to keep it light
  • Looked at the project management methodology
  • Started with rules
  • Need tools such as: calendar, check lists, clear rules, roles definition, best practices
  • Example of small & large releases
  • Incorporate: 1) methodology 2) planning, 3) execution
  • Will help bring small things out that were hidden
  • Need to drop what we knew as "owners" before

Game Rules:

  • Everyone plays
  • First player is captain until they pass the ball
  • The captain calls level of play (small, medium, large)
  • Any director can escalate
  • Anyone who calls escalation owns escalation

Next Steps: This can't be used yet because people do not know about it and it needs to be socialized

  • This concept needs to be socialized
  • Need to present to Senior Leadership
  • Need materials developed: tools
  • Need a game coordinator
  • Plan the roll out

CSS Resource Planning:  Irina

  • We have been talking for a while about the concept of the CSS Portfolio of Work
  • Held a focus group and talked to Managers about how to do this and what it looks like
  • People felt strongly that we need a "list" of work that in CSS bot just Daptiv
  • Fits with Marilyn's theme of metrics and resource allocation
  • Irina will be setting up meeting with each group to gather this data - we are going to start and see where it leads
  • Tools haven't been picked, we need to start first