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Frontiers of Justice



June 13th, 2017 Session

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HIVE Workshop 6/12/17

Ceasar McDowell

Jaqui Lindsay


How to widen the networks?


Think about the invisible factors. > Shaping the context > widens people’s understanding, to impact people to make a change.


-Question campaign > focus on the constitution

-Dropping knowledge, a global question campaign. 8 themes of global importance. Open source video knowledge -- could be used with Hive integration down the line.


Strength in methods in taking action


People doing great work that don’t document it:

Distinction between documenting what’s happening and doc work that they’ve done.

-Don’t have the time


-It’s a behavior change

-People don’t see what they’re doing as a value

-People need to be listened too - so they document what they know. It’s a reflection process.

-Community building enterprise: key listeners

-People are listening to people think.


DEV UPDATE-Be able to message more than 1 person at a time. Or encourage people to do their own google hangouts and record...then post to the site.


NEXT Steps>Identify 20-30 practitioners that might help create engagement > then talk about additional content.


Will need to talk about costs associated soon!




June 28th, 2017 Session 2

Workshop: Ceasar McDowell & Jacqui Lindsay

Frontiers for Democracy: Conference. 3 sections presenting different models. Caesar kicked off presenting his framework. Made cards / grid for each of the 8 principles and why it’s important, and people wrote down questions on back.

International consultancy of participatory democracy.

How does question campaign work with ClimateX site?




Civic Design network

How does the concept work in the digital space?

-Learn= digital objects (podcasts, videos, posts, courses)

-Act= Projects, real life instances. Photos, descriptive info, grp messages, expert panels - hub.

generate, synthesize, consolidate

Generate questions > reframe, emanate.prioritize question ,

Generate Knowledge about top questions: invites them to share why those questions/experience are important. What’s the history of the experience? This is where they drop their knowledge about the question. Brings focus. What do we do with the question once we’ve learned more about it? The process moves the parties involved towards agreement / and yes, no, maybe, where are the tensions categories in 50 states.

How to operationalize this using as little structure as possible, so it doesn’t get bogged down.

Online/Offline boundary. Find the key moments you want to surface online/off.

Bring back the table of free voices: largest round table. Nationally culminates together.

If somebody can do this better, we should let them. Unfair advantage is that we’re MIT.

Projects: can do a great job of sharing and communicating.

Collaboration tools: slack, etc. and bring those conclusions back to the project space/

Want to move towards API integration, allowing different programs to work together and share data.

-Profile; fb, linkedin

-Collaboration; using 3rd party tools

How much of what we’re doing is pushing this network through MIT?

What are the primary and secondary topics?

2 tier taxonomy - framework, cards,dialogue/conversations. Any object ges labeled with card, and coded as such > could become difficult. Does it meant there are sub themes to different cards? Ex: Margins

Ceasar -Would love to put simple structure out and put out the question to the community.

Optimal sort: build sites and taxonomies

Next Steps:

If you were teaching someone about a certain card, what else would you be talking about besides what’s in the card?

If delivering a powerpoint with 8 ch., what would be the set of pages in each?

Next workshop scheduled for Wed, July 5th 10-11am.


Whiteboard Notes

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Notes Transcribed

The Model:

* Content
- Podcasts
- Videos
- Posts / articles
- Courses

* Members

* Projects
- Examples of the “48 cells”
- Show and Tell
- Poster Session

The Question campaign:
- How to model something different?
- State focused; find state level partners
- Constitutional focus

The Process:

A. Identify: “An effort to bring together disparate groups”
1. Generate community questions: “Please send your questions”
2. Prioritization and consolidation: “Reframe and eliminate to arrive at a collective mission”

B. Generate Knowledge: “Bring the community together to investigate the top questions”
1. Synthesize: “Discovering the ‘We’; Taking stock”; What have you experienced for this question? What else do we know?” i.e. Dropping Knowledge
2. Decide: “How do we come to terms? Where do we have common ground or disagree? Where are the gray areas?” How do we walk in the other’s shoes.
Here’s some resources —> “Learn”

C. Address the Issue: How to address the underlying questions

D. Culmination: “Can we create a Table of Free Voices” as final outcome”


1. There will be certain activities that occur
a. Offline
b. Online on MIT Hive
— Learn, Connect, Act
c. Online through other tools
— Profile Integration (FB, LI)
— Collaboration (HipChat, Slack)

2. We will try to create smooth transitions and integration between these moments.