- For how to set up scp between the database server and the IME/UI servers, please refer to Hunter's document at https://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/display/ISDA/Configure+Stats+reporting+for+Thalia
- Also installed the DBD::mysql on mysql server (for instructions, see https://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/display/ZEST/installing+DBD+mysql+package
- logon to each of the IME/UI servers as the user www and create the directory /home/www/thalia/stats. This is the directory that the report will go to
- logon to the mysql server as the user db and create the directory /home/db/bin if it's not there
- download the thaliastats.pl script onto /home/db/bin and make sure it is executable. The script is in svn zest/thalia/ime/Trunk/thalia-utils/scripts/thaliastats.pl or you can find it under /home/db/bin on isda-thalia13.
- customize the script: at the beginning of the script, set the proper value for $dbname (name of the thalia database on the local server. It is not consistent across clusters), for $to (email recipient for the report), for $reply_to (reply_to email address), for @scp_servers (a list of servers the report will be scp'ed to. It should be all the IME/UI servers in the cluster). The default configuration works only with the thalia-test cluster. If you can setting this up in the production cluster, make sure to change it.
- Set up the crontab for db: first check /etc/cron.allow file, if user db is not there, add it. Then add the following task to db's crontab: 0 23 * * * /home/db/bin/thaliastats.pl >> /home/db/bin/thaliastats.log 2>&1 &