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Urban Theses (Phase 1)

12/10/10 - Media notification

We are about to start the scanning and I was thinking about the disclaimers that we plan on including if the thesis also included additional media like CD, DVD, Video.  I would like to standardize the text we use so it is consistent. I also thought about how we should say "where the item is". The disclaimer will be in the PDF copy of the thesis forever so if there is even the slightest chance that the additional items will not be permanently held by the divisional library in the future, I think we should at the very least say something like this: The accompanying media to this thesis is available at the Rotch Library or the Institute Archives.

Ann Marie suggests: The accompanying media item for this thesis is available in the MIT Libraries or Institute Archives.

12/1/10 - Packing & labeling info from Jenn

The way they are in the box doesn't really matter. Having a label on the outside of the box is important as we will use that information internally. You can include the range of names but we would also like to have each box assigned a consecutive number

Media Arts & Sciences - all


12/3/10 - 5 boxes to Doc Svcs

12/2/10 - Info from Nick:  I think it will be 18-20 boxes.  There are 592 items on the pick list from before 2008, and we are fitting 30-35 items in a box.

12/1/10 - Andrew began disbinding theses

11/30/10 - Joaquin and Nick began pulling theses

Urban Planning - 1998 and earlier


  • Report (/"picklist") - out from Aleph. Needs author, title, degree, year, system #, OCLC#, URLs, box location
  • Hard cover/Velo cover removal.  Hard covers once removed will remain together with the glue binding.  Velo covered will need to be clipped or tied together.
  • Withdrawal - has to happen prior to scanning.  Who does this? Charlene's group or Preservation Services.   - Ann Marie to meet with Charlene regarding the freezer project perhaps that will shed light on this project.(error) Will have Beth and others do this
  • Check to see if in DSpace (handles will be on picklist).  Do we replace these theses because the scanning may not be OCRed or in color where needed? or do we check each one and decide on a case by case basis.  This would apply to approx. 431 Media Arts theses and 700 Urban planning theses in DSpace.(tick) Beverly will work with Beth on this
  • Shelf pull.  Little to no preservation work is needed on these unless it is Preservation Services who does the withdrawal.   This may be a case where a student would work.  Beverly/Mikki's student: Joaquin Muray?

Pick list info from Nina:

As I expected, Ben assured me that catalogers do not need to see the actual print volumes in order to remove the holdings from Barton.  Further, he assured me that if the pick list can include a system number, there will probably be a way to do this whole thing as a batch process.

So then I asked Beth.  She said she would talk to Christine about the best way to implement this.  But I am confident that this can happen.

I think the next step, then, is for you to work with Beth to figure out what additional information to include in the pick list, where to get it from the Data Warehouse, and set up an appropriate workflow.  As always, let me know if any further interference on my part would be useful.


Email thread regarding post-scan procedure for theses:

----Original Message----
From: Millicent R Gaskell
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 9:30 AM
To: Christine Quirion; Jennifer S Banks
Cc: Marilyn G McSweeney; Nina Davis-Millis;
Subject: RE: Operational decisions


It sounds like Millicent is raising similar issues in the last sentence of her comment about the Rotch theses.


From: Christine Quirion \ [[mailto:cquirion@MIT.EDU|]\] Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 1:06 PM To: Millicent R Gaskell Cc: Marilyn G McSweeney; Nina Davis-Millis;<> Subject: Re: Operational ]
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 1:06 PM
To: Millicent R Gaskell
Cc: Marilyn G McSweeney; Nina Davis-Millis;<>
Subject: Re: Operational decisions

so was the COP decision that the copies could be discarded as the norm except for cases where there is value to the item as 'artifact' or there were there is content that can't be represented with a scan?


The A&H CoP did discuss what to do with the divisional library copy of the historic theses to be scanned and I believe (but I’ll follow-up to confirm) that they agreed to discard the copy after scanning. We’re only doing a subset of the Rotch theses collection at this time (only specific degrees and a specific date range). Of that subset, there will likely be some (large foldouts, accompanying images, media) that can’t be done easily and that we may need to retain the divisional library print copy.


From: Christine Quirion \ [[mailto:cquirion@MIT.EDU|]\] Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 10:53 AM To: Marilyn G McSweeney Cc: Nina ]
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 10:53 AM
To: Marilyn G McSweeney
Cc: Nina Davis-Millis;<mailto:edu<> edu>
Subject: Re: Operational decisions


a few more thoughts....


I must have nodded off at LC because I’ve forgotten whatever discussion there was about keeping a chopped up second paper copy of theses once they were in DSpace.  If we are willing to live with one paper copy and one electronic copy in DSpace beginning in July 2010 on, why would we want to keep the back second copies of earlier years once they are also in DSpace??


Wiki MarkupFrom: Nina Davis-Millis \ [[mailto:ninadm@MIT.EDU|]\]
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 2:55 PM
To:<mailto:edu<> edu>
Subject: Operational decisions
Importance: High

Greetings.   As discussed at our last meeting, plans are underway for the Rotch thesis scanning project.  Beverly needs a policy decision, not immediately but soon:
