The second design is a list-based design.
The side bar is a navigation bar, with different customer categories selectable. The main section contains a photo, name, and other information such as date last contacted (regular customer) or date submitted (new). The second frame is a representation of what the user sees if he clicks on a given customer. The list expands to show detailed information about the history of the customer and the respective social media interactions.
It is inspired from a phone-sized interface. The right side represents customers, with a photo and information displayed in a scrolling tab on the right. The bottom left is a menu interface allowing different selections. Clicking on a new customer request pulls up a page with more detailed information, and the ability to prioritize and contact the user in one-click.
The next screen is an additional screen for the user to view for regular customers, containing the history in a list format, separated by type of social media. Both allow navigation through a back button on the top.