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Homework Submissions

Table of Contents

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About Submission Details, Comments, and Grades

Toggle Cloak
Clicking a Submission Details link in a Submissions table displays the Submission Details & Comments/Grade page. This page lists each document the student submitted for the assignment, the date of the submission, the student's grade, and any comments on the homework.


Clicking the assignment title displays the student's homework. Comments are displayed in the lower portion of the page; you may need to scroll down to see them. If a comment includes an uploaded file, Stellar displays the Download Attached Document link below the comment.

Toggle Cloak
The instructor's view of this page also includes a link to the student's photograph if the student's name is on the Registrar's Official Class List. (Only instructors can see the photo.)


You use this page to:

  • Send email to the student (click the student's name to launch the email).
  • Upload additional homework submissions for an assignment.
  • Delete a homework submission.
  • Add a comment to the instructor.
  • View and add comments to other students' homework, if the instructor allows it.
  • Read comments submitted by the instructor and other students.

By default, student submissions, comments, and grades are not visible to other students. However, instructors can choose to make submissions and comments visible to other members of the class/section after the assignment's due date. Grades are never visible to other students.

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Background Color

Submitting a Homework Assignment

You can submit homework on the class website, or, if your instructor has set up sections, on the section subsite. Both Homework pages have the same features.

Note: In order to submit homework online, your name must appear in on the Membership page.

Directions To submit Homework Online:
  1. Toggle Cloak
    Click Homework on the navigation bar. Or, if you are already on a Homework page, click Homework in the breadcrumbs.

  2. Toggle Cloak
    On the Homework page, click the assignment's title.

  3. Toggle Cloak
    On the Assignment Details page, click the add submission link.

    Note: If this link is not displayed, the instructor is not accepting online submissions for this assignment. Check with the instructor to find out how to submit your homework.
  4. Toggle Cloak
    On the Add Submission page, do one of the following:

    1. Select and upload a file from your computer.
    2. Type the homework in plain text or use HTML tags in the text box.
  5. (Optional) To submit a comment with your submission, do the following (see also, Commenting on a Homework Submission):
    • Click the add comment link to display the Add Comment page.
    • Enter the comment as plain text or using HTML tags .
    • Check the Make This Comment Private box if you want only the class/section faculty and staff to see the comment.
    • (Optional) Attach a document to the comment by either typing the file's location or using the Browse button.
  6. Click the Submit button. After you click Submit, Stellar returns to the Assignment Details page and adds a Submission Details link under your name. Clicking that link takes you to the Submissions Details & Comments/Grade page.

Your first homework submission for an assignment is made from the Assignment Details page. You can submit additional homework for the same assignment from either the Assignment Details page (via the add submission link) or the Submission Details & Comments/Grade page (via the add another submission link)

Please note: you must either fill in the text field or specify a file to upload. The maximum allowed file size for a single upload is 250M.

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Deleting a Homework Submission

Only a student can delete his or her homework, however, only instructors may retrieve deleted submissions.


If your intent is to delete one homework submission and replace it with another submission, the replacement can have the same or different file name as the original.

  1. Toggle Cloak
    Click Homework on the navigation bar. Or, if you are already on a Homework page, click Homework in the breadcrumbs.+

  2. Toggle Cloak
    On the Homework page, click the assignment's title to display the Assignment Details page.

  3. Toggle Cloak
    Click the Submission Details link under your name to display the Submission Details & Comments/Grade page.

  4. Click the delete link to the right of the assignment's title. Stellar displays the Delete Submission page.
  5. Confirm that this is the assignment for which you want to delete the homework submission.
  6. Click the Delete button. The Submission Details & Comments/Grade page now displays a show deleted submissions link. Clicking this link will display information on the deleted homework. Click the hide deleted submissions link to again hide the information. The instructor has access to the Show and Hide links, but other students do not.

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Commenting on a Homework Submission

Both instructors and students can add comments providing feedback on a homework submission.

  • As an instructor, you can flag your comments as private, which means the comments can be read only by the student and the class/section instructor and staff.
  • Students commenting on their own submissions can also flag a comment as private, which makes it visible only to that student and the class/section instructor and staff.
  • Students' comments on other students' submissions are always public. (Students can comment on each others homework only if you have selected the assignment option to allow them access to each others homework.)
  • The name of the person posting the comment is always displayed. (There are no anonymous comments.)
  • You can also upload or attach a file to a comment.
    titleYou can comment on a student's assignment without that student handing in a submission.

Directions to Add a Comment:
  1. Toggle Cloak
    Click Homework on the navigation bar. Or, if you are already on a Homework page, click Homework in the breadcrumbs.

  2. Toggle Cloak
    On the Homework page, click the assignment's title to display the Assignment Details page.

  3. Toggle Cloak
    Click the Submission Details link under the student's name to go to the Submission Details & Comments/Grade page for that student.

    titleNo student can see another student's grade.

  4. Toggle Cloak
    Click the add comment link to display the Add Comment page.

  5. Enter the comment as plain text or using HTML tags. Please note the maximum length of the comment is 3900 characters, and Stellar only display and save the first 3900 characters you enter.
  6. Check the Make This Comment Private box if you want only the student and class/section faculty and staff to see it.
    • If you check the box, a note appears on the Submission Details & Comments/Grade page to let the student know who can see the comment.
  7. Toggle Cloak
    (Optional) Attach a document to the comment by either typing the file's location or using the Browse button.
    You must also enter text in the text box when you are attaching a file.

  8. Toggle Cloak
    (Recommended) Proofread the comment (comments can be deleted but not edited).

  9. Click the Submit button.

Comments are displayed in the lower portion of the 'Submission Details & Comments/Grade page', Comments, and Grades], and you may need to scroll down to see them. If a comment includes an uploaded file, the Download Attached Document link is displayed below the comment.

Directions to Make Comments Public:

By default, all your comments to a student are private. If you want the comments visible to the entire class, uncheck the "Make this comment private" box on the 'Add Comment' page.

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The Submission Table

Toggle Cloak
A submissions table provides the following information on homework submissions:


  1. Student: The name of the student(s) for which you can view homework submissions.
    A Submissions Details link under a student's name indicates that the student has submitted homework.
    Note: A submission table lists all known class members at the time the assignment was posted. Any students who added the class after the assignment was posted have access to the assignment and can submit homework. Once that student has submitted homework, Stellar adds the student to the table
  2. Docs: The number of documents or submissions the student has uploaded for this homework assignment.
  3. Last submit: The latest date on which the student submitted homework for this assignment.
  4. Comments: The total number of comments entered: comments entered by the student to the instructor and staff, comments entered by the instructor and staff to the student, and comments of other class/section member.
  5. Grade: The student's grade for this assignment's homework. The grade is displayed as of the date specified on the Add Assignment or Edit Assignment page.

    A student can see only his or her grade. Even if all students' can view and comment on each others' homework, no student can see another student's grade.

Submission tables automatically sort information alphabetically by students' last names. To change the sort order, click a column heading.

Note: On the All Submissions page, Stellar collapses the assignment tables until one student submits a homework assignment. At that point, Stellar expands that table to list all class or section members.

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Background Color

Finding and Viewing Submissions

Directions to Find Homework Submissions:
  1. Toggle Cloak
    Click Homework in the Navigation Bar

  2. Toggle Cloak
    Click Find submission

  3. Select "All Students" or one student's name for the Student Name dropdown list. Note: Ungraded and Incomplete submissions will not be shown
  4. Toggle Cloak
    Select "All Assignments" or a specific assignment's title from the Assignment dropdown list

  5. Click "Search"

Toggle Cloak
Clicking the View All Submissions link on the Homework page displays the All Submissions page. This page displays a submission table for each assignment, and the assignments links, near the top of the page, navigate to their respective table.


Each assignment table is collapsed until one student submits a homework assignment. At that point, Stellar expands the table to list all class or section members.

Note: A submission table lists all known class members at the time the assignment was posted. Any students who added the class after the assignment was posted have access to the assignment and can submit homework. Once that student has submitted homework, Stellar adds the student to the table.

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Tracking Homework Submissions

Instructors can keep track of all submissions from the Homework page.

Toggle Cloak
To track submissions for an individual assignment, click the assignment's title to display the Assignment Details page.


Toggle Cloak
To track all submissions for all assignments, click the View All Submissions link to display the All Submissions page.


Both pages display a Submissions table, which details student submissions by number of documents, date of the last submission, number of comments, and grade. After a student submits homework for an assignment, a Submission Details link appears under the student's name. Click that link to go to the Submission Details & Comments/Grade page where you can view the homework, read any comments, add a comment, or send an email to the student.

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labelTable of Contents
Wiki Markup

Excerpt IncludeSUG2:HomeSUG2:Homenopaneltrue Column
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h2. Homework Submissions

{bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. About Submission Details, Comments, and Grades {bgcolor}
{toggle-cloak:id=1} Clicking a Submission Details link in a [Submissions table|Homework Submissions#The Submission Table] displays the Submission Details & Comments/Grade page. This page lists each document the student submitted for the assignment, the date of the submission, the student's grade, and any comments on the homework.
Clicking the assignment title displays the student's homework. Comments are displayed in the lower portion of the page; you may need to scroll down to see them. If a comment includes an uploaded file, Stellar displays the Download Attached Document link below the comment.
{toggle-cloak:id=2} The instructor's view of this page also includes a link to the student's photograph if the student's name is on the Registrar's Official Class List. (Only instructors can see the photo.)
You use this page to:
- Send email to the student (click the student's name to launch the email).
- Upload  additional homework submissions for an assignment.
- Delete a homework submission.
- Add a comment  to the instructor.
- View and add comments  to other students' homework, if the instructor allows it.
- Read comments submitted by the instructor and other students.

{info} By default, student submissions, comments, and grades are not visible to other students. However, instructors can choose to make submissions and comments visible  to other members of the class/section after the assignment's due date. Grades are never visible to other students.{info}

{bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Submitting a Homework Assignment {bgcolor}
You can submit homework on the class website, or, if your instructor has set up sections, on the section subsite. Both Homework pages have the same features.

_Note: In order to submit homework online, your name must appear in on the Membership page._

h5. Directions To submit Homework Online:
# {toggle-cloak:id=17} Click Homework on the navigation bar. Or, if you are already on a Homework page, click Homework in the breadcrumbs.
# {toggle-cloak:id=18} On the Homework page, click the assignment's title.
# {toggle-cloak:id=19} On the Assignment Details page, click the add submission link.
_Note: If this link is not displayed, the instructor is not accepting online submissions for this assignment. Check with the instructor to find out how to submit your homework._
# {toggle-cloak:id=20} On the Add Submission page, do one of the following:
## Select and upload a file from your computer.
## Type the homework in plain text or use HTML tags  in the text box.
# (Optional) To submit a comment with your submission, do the following (see also, [Commenting on a Homework Submission|Homework Submissions#Commenting on a Homework Submission]):
#* Click the add comment link to display the Add Comment page.
#* Enter the comment as plain text or using HTML tags .
#* Check the Make This Comment Private box if you want only the class/section faculty and staff to see the comment.
#* (Optional) Attach a document to the comment by either typing the file's location or using the Browse button.
# Click the Submit button. After you click Submit, Stellar returns to the Assignment Details page and adds a Submission Details link under your name. Clicking that link takes you to the Submissions Details & Comments/Grade page.

{info:title=tip} Your first homework submission for an assignment is made from the Assignment Details page. You can submit additional homework for the same assignment from either the Assignment Details page (via the add submission link) or the Submission Details & Comments/Grade page (via the add another submission link){info}.
_Please note: you must either fill in the text field or specify a file to upload._

{bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Deleting a Homework Submission {bgcolor}
Once homework is deleted, neither instructors nor students can retrieve it. Only a student can delete his or her homework. 
+Tip: If your intent is to delete one homework submission and replace it with another submission, the replacement can have the same or different file name as the original. 
# {toggle-cloak:id=21} Click Homework on the navigation bar. Or, if you are already on a Homework page, click Homework in the breadcrumbs.+ 
# {toggle-cloak:id=22} On the Homework page, click the assignment's title to display the Assignment Details page.
# {toggle-cloak:id=23} Click the Submission Details link under your name to display the Submission Details & Comments/Grade page.
# Click the delete link to the right of the assignment's title. Stellar displays the Delete Submission page. 
# Confirm that this is the assignment for which you want to delete the homework submission. 
# Click the Delete button. The Submission Details & Comments/Grade page now displays a show deleted submissions link. Clicking this link will display information on the deleted homework. Click the hide deleted submissions link to again hide the information. The instructor has access to the Show and Hide links, but other students do not. 

{bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Commenting on a Homework Submission {bgcolor}
Both instructors and students can add comments providing feedback on a homework submission.
* As an instructor, you can flag your comments as private, which means the comments can be read only by the student and the class/section instructor and staff.
* Students commenting on their own submissions can also flag a comment as private, which makes it visible only to that student and the class/section instructor and staff.
* Students' comments on other students' submissions are always public. (Students can comment on each others homework only if you have selected the assignment option to allow them access to each others homework.)
* The name of the person posting the comment is always displayed. (There are no anonymous comments.)
* You can also upload or attach a file to a comment.
{info:title=You can comment on a student's assignment without that student handing in a submission.}

h5. Directions to Add a Comment:

# {toggle-cloak:id=3} Click Homework on the navigation bar. Or, if you are already on a Homework page, click Homework in the breadcrumbs.
# {toggle-cloak:id=4} On the Homework page, click the assignment's title to display the Assignment Details page.
# {toggle-cloak:id=5} Click the Submission Details link under the student's name to go to the [Submission Details & Comments/Grade page|#About Submission Details, Comments, and Grades] for that student.
{info:title=No student can see another student's grade.}
# {toggle-cloak:id=6} Click the add comment link to display the Add Comment page.
# Enter the comment as plain text or using HTML tags. Please note the maximum length of the comment is 3900 characters, and Stellar only display and save the first 3900 characters you enter.
# Check the Make This Comment Private box if you want only the student and class/section faculty and staff to see it.
#* If you check the box, a note appears on the Submission Details & Comments/Grade page to let the student know who can see the comment.
# {toggle-cloak:id=7} (Optional) Attach a document to the comment by either typing the file's location or using the Browse button.
You must also enter text in the text box when you are attaching a file.
!attach comment ss.jpg|border=1px!
# {toggle-cloak:id=8} (Recommended) Proofread the comment (comments can be deleted but not edited).
!new hw comment ss.jpg|width=900pxpxpxpxpxpxpxpx,height=300pxpxpxpxpxpxpxpx,border=1px!
# Click the Submit button.

Comments are displayed in the lower portion of the 'Submission Details & Comments/Grade page', Comments, and Grades\], and you may need to scroll down to see them. If a comment includes an uploaded file, the Download Attached Document link is displayed below the comment.

h5. Directions to Make Comments Public:

By default, all your comments to a student are private.  If you want the comments visible to the entire class, uncheck the "Make this comment private" box on the 'Add Comment' page.


h3. The Submission Table {bgcolor}
{toggle-cloak:id=9} A submissions table provides the following information on homework submissions:
# +Student:+ The name of the student(s) for which you can view homework submissions.
A Submissions Details link under a student's name indicates that the student has submitted homework. Click the link to view the [Submission Details & Comments/Grade page|About Submission Details, Comments, and Grades].
_Note: A submission table lists all known class members at the time the assignment was posted. Any students who added the class after the assignment was posted have access to the assignment and can submit homework. Once that student has submitted homework, Stellar adds the student to the table_
# +Docs:+ The number of documents or submissions the student has uploaded for this homework assignment.
# +Last submit:+ The latest date on which the student submitted homework for this assignment.
# +Comments:+ The total number of comments entered: comments entered by the student to the instructor and staff, comments entered by the instructor and staff to the student, and comments of other class/section member.
# +Grade:+ The student's grade for this assignment's homework. The grade is displayed as of the date specified on the Add Assignment or Edit Assignment page.
{note} A student can see only his or her grade. Even if all students' can view and comment on each others' homework, no student can see another student's grade.{note}

Submission tables automatically sort information alphabetically by students' last names. To change the sort order, click a column heading.

_Note: On the All Submissions page, Stellar collapses the assignment tables until one student submits a homework assignment. At that point, Stellar expands that table to list all class or section members._


h3. Finding and Viewing Submissions {bgcolor}

h5. Directions to Find Homework Submissions:

# {toggle-cloak:id=10} Click Homework in the Navigation Bar
# {toggle-cloak:id=11} Click Find submission
# Select "All Students" or one student's name for the Student Name dropdown list. Note: Ungraded and Incomplete submissions will not be shown
# {toggle-cloak:id=12} Select "All Assignments" or a specific assignment's title from the Assignment dropdown list
# Click "Search"

{toggle-cloak:id=15} Clicking the View All Submissions link on the [Homework page|About the Homework Page] displays the All Submissions page. This page displays a submission table  for each assignment, and the assignments links, near the top of the page, navigate to their respective table.
{cloak:id=15} !sddsdsdsds.jpg|align=center,width=612,height=295!
Each assignment table is collapsed until one student submits a homework assignment. At that point, Stellar expands the table to list all class or section members.
*Note::* A submission table lists all known class members at the time the assignment was posted. Any students who added the class after the assignment was posted have access to the assignment and can submit homework. Once that student has submitted homework, Stellar adds the student to the table.

{bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Tracking Homework Submissions {bgcolor}
Instructors can keep track of all submissions from the Homework page.

{toggle-cloak:id=13} To track submissions for an individual assignment, click the assignment's title to display the Assignment Details page.
{toggle-cloak:id=14} To track all submissions for all assignments, click the View All Submissions link to display the All Submissions page.


Both pages display a Submissions table, which details student submissions by number of documents, date of the last submission, number of comments, and grade. After a student submits homework for an assignment, a Submission Details link appears under the student's name. Click that link to go to the Submission Details & Comments/Grade page where you can view the homework, read any comments, add a comment, or send an email to the student.