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Did you add yourself to the Set Shop Google Drive folder? No? Go add yourself to the Set Shop Google Drive folder. Once you've added yourself, read the "READ ME!" document and familiarize yourself with the folder's contents. You'll know you're familiar enough when you can answer these questions like these:

  1. Who are the current/most recent Set Shop managers and Technical Directors for the Musical Theatre Guild and the Gilbert & Sullivan Players? Do they know who you are? (The answer to the last one should be "yes.")
  2. What times during the week should the Shakespeare Ensemble have builds?
  3. How is the Ensemble's stuff labeled in the set shop? How is shared stuff labeled?
  4. How and when should you get a wood dumpster?

If you had trouble with question 1, look more closely at the contact information sheet. If you had trouble with question 2, check out the build calendar and the set shop rules. If you had trouble with question 3 or 4, look more closely at the set shop rules. As of April 2018 the set shop rules are posted on very large sheets of paper in the set shop, but the ones in the Google Drive should be the most up-to-date.

Wait, where did these set shop rules come from? And why should I care about what they say?

The original version of the set shop rules was created in spring 2017 by Jakob Weisblat '18 (Shakespeare Ensemble), Kirsten Olson '17 (MTG), and (I think, I being Kim Dauber '18) Anna and Anna Constantia-Richardson (GSP, a non-MIT person). This is based on Kim Dauber '18's impression of how this happened. There may have been others involved as well. The agreement has been updated since then by various people from those three theater groups. The spring 2018 version is the one posted on the walls of the set shop.


  1. Immediately: Update the mailing list to include yourself. contains the current set shop managers and current (or upcoming) technical directors - basically, the people who have the biggest stake in what happens in the Set Shop during the current term.
  2. At the beginning of the term
    1. Email the Ensemble an advertisement about the Set Shop Google Drive folder and encourage them to add themselves. 
    2. Add interested people to as well. 
    3. Update the roles on the Contact Info spreadsheet in the Google Drive to accurately reflect Shakespeare Ensemble members' most relevant positions. For instance, if someone is listed as the TD for five different shows, the three oldest ones are probably irrelevant by now. The previous set shop manager should not be listed as the current set shop manager. 
    4. Try to offer a tour of the set shop to interested Ensemble folks.
  3. When the term show gets one or more Technical Directors: 
    1. Add them to as well. 
    2. Introduce them to the set shop Google Drive if they don't know about it.
    3. Introduce them to the other groups' TDs and set shop managers.
    4. Take them on a tour of the set shop. If they are already familiar with the set shop, make sure they're aware of the most recent developments there. We've found it effective to do this at an early build.
  4. When the term show gets carpenters:
    1. Put the sets mailing list (probably [showname] onto This is important because people make safety announcements to that mailing list.
  5. When the term show gets a set design:
    1. Help the TD(s) figure out what already existing furniture, flats, and other large objects they will want to use from the set shop. They probably don't know what's there.
    2. If the TD(s) decide to build something new and large and want to keep it after the show is done, have them email to determine if this is okay with the other relevant parties. Storage space is at a premium in the set shop, so it's very important not to waste it.
  6. After put in:
    1. Double check that the Ensemble cleaned up according the rules agreed upon in the set shop folder.
  7. After strike:
    1. Take the sets mailing list off of but encourage everyone on it to get personally added to the Google Drive and the mailing list.
    2. Double check that the Ensemble cleaned up according the rules agreed upon in the set shop folder.
  8. Once per year:
    1. Coordinate with the rest of to organize a set shop cleanout. You may find that there is no good time to have one. Do it anyway. Good luck.
