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This page is intended to show supervisors or supervisor administrators how to view and modify charge allocations for existing users and computers. It may be helpful to review the Notes about MUMMS Allocations page before going through these instructions.

Go to User or Computer Record

To get to the record for a user or computer, first go to MUMMS (, choose "Login" and then log in with your username and password.


From the next page, click on the name of the user whose allocations you would like to modify. If you are a supervisor administrator and you are working for more than one supervisor, you can use the drop-down menu on the left to choose which supervisor's users you want to see, or you can choose "All Supervisors" to see users assigned to all of the supervisors whom you support.


Figure 3: Manage Users

Click on the name of the user you would like to view. The next page shows you some basic information about the user you have selected.


To see the allocations for this user, choose "Manage Charge AllocationsView/Modify" from the "View User" page (figure Figure 4). This takes us to a page where we opens a dialog box where you see a list summary of charge categories allocations for this user. Choose the charge category Fab Processing.


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Figure 5: Find Charge Allocation

The page below shows you a list of supervisors who are paying for Fab Processing charges for this user. In this example case, as in most actual cases, there is only one supervisor in the list.


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Figure 6: View Supervisor Allocations for Fab Processing Charges

To see the cost objects being used by this supervisor for Fab Processing charges, click on the "detail" link.


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Figure 7: View Cost Object Allocations for Fab Processing_Charges

In this example (Figure 7) we can see that the supervisor Horace Slughorn is using two cost objects to pay for bella's Fab Processing charges, 0000001 and 0000002. Also, there are two sets of dates on the screen, the dates next to the cost objects indicate the start and end dates for those cost objects according to the MIT Data Warehouse. The "Start Date" and "Valid Through" dates define the period during which that cost object is being used to pay for this user's Fab Processing charges.

To make changes to cost object allocations for Fab Processing, choose "Modify Cost Object Allocations."


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Figure 8: Modify Cost Object Allocations for Fab Processing

The modify page lets you make changes to the Fab Processing allocations. From this page, you can:

  • Remove existing allocations (check off the "remove" checkbox for that row)
  • Add an allocation (click "add a row" and enter the details for the new allocation)
  • View help information (click on the "?" icon)

Viewing and Modifying Compute Allocations

To modify allocations for another charge category, go back to the "Find a Charge Allocation" page (Figure 5) and choose another charge category. In our example we will choose the Compute charge category.


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Figure 9: View Supervisor Allocations for Compute_Charges

Here we can see that the supervisor Horace Slughorn is paying for 100% of bella's Compute charges. Note: It is possible to allocate charges to multiple supervisors, please contact the MTL billing team for assistance. Click on the "detail" link to see the cost objects being used.


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Figure 10: View Cost Object Allocations for Compute_Charges

This page shows you that Horace Slughorn is using one cost object, 0000001, to pay for bella's Compute charges. To make changes to the cost object allocations for Compute, choose "Modify Cost Object Allocations."


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Figure 11: Modify Cost Object Allocations for Compute_Charges

From here you have two options:

  1. You can choose to replace one of the listed cost objects with another cost object belonging to the same supervisor. This will allow you to replace cost objects for the current user or all users who use the selected cost object.
  2. You can choose "View/Modify allocation details for this user" to make more fine grained changes specifically for this user.

Replacing a Cost Object

If you choose the first option, the dialog box will change to show the following form:


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Figure 6: Replacement Form

  1. Choose the new cost object you would to which you would like charges assigned.
  2. Choose a replacement date. This date will be used as the end date for existing allocations (using 5555555 in this example) and the start date for new allocations (using 6666666 in this example). You can specify any month and year from the current month forward. The change will be effective the first of the month you select.
  3. Choose the charge categories you want the replacement to affect, or click "Select All" to select all charge categories. Your replacement will only affect allocations for the selected charge categories.
  4. Choose the lab identities you would like the replacement to affect, or choose "Select All" to select all of the lab identities that have allocations for the selected cost object and charge categories on the effective date. _Note: if there are no affected lab identities for the cost object selected for the selected charge categories, no lab identities will be listed. So in this case, if there were no Fab Processing allocations using cost object 5555555 on 3/1/2011, then no lab identities would be listed and you would not be able to complete the replace as it would have no effect.

Once you have made any required changes, click the "Preview" button to see a preview of your changes:


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Figure 7: Replacement Preview

Look through the changes, and if everything looks correct, choose "Replace." If not, choose "Cancel." When you complete the replacement, you will be presented with a summary of the changes, much like the preview summary.

View/Modify Allocation Details

If, instead of choosing the "replace" option, you chose to "View/Modify allocation details for this user" the dialog box would display something like this:


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Figure 8: View/Modify Allocation Details

This view allows you to see what supervisors and cost objects are being used to pay for this users charges. Click on the tabs to see the different charge categories. To remove a cost object, check off the check box in the "Remove" column. If you'd like to add a new cost object, choose "add cost object." You will then see a new row in which you can select the cost object for a new allocation:


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Figure 9: Adding a Cost Object Allocation

You must specify a start date when entering a new cost object allocation. The end date is optional. When you are done adding and/or removing allocations, click the "Save" button to save your changes.

Note that for some charge categories, you may need to enter a percentage for each allocation. For more details see the Notes about MUMMS Allocations page.

Click for Information on MIT AccessibilityFrom this page, you can make the same changes you can make for Fab Processing charges. Note that in this case you must provide a percentage for each allocation, and these percentages must add up to 100% over time.