- Platform and Software Requirements- Our project is a web application, and can run on Mozilla Firefox or on Google Chrome.
- Describe which parts of the prototype are shallow (incompletely implemented or canned), so that your evaluators know what should work and what shouldn't.
- General:
- Window resizing has not been implemented.
- "Create Post" has a form already filled instead of a blank form.
- Login page:
- We are not doing any user validation. We
On the login page, we - are not checking whether the user has an MIT certificate or not. For non-MIT sign ups, any username/password can be entered
, and sign - Sign up does not create the user in the backend.
- On the "Browse" tab, filtering :
- Filtering does not actually filter posts, although the filters are displayed.
- Only clicking on the first post i.e. "Microsoft Internship" displays the post as an overlay.
- On the post overlay, the "Follow" button has no effect, nor does "Message" button
- "My Posts" tab , deleting
- Deleting a post from "My Posts" removes it from the display but does not change the count of posts. Similarly, unfollowing a post removes it from "Posts Followed by Me", but does not change the count of posts.
- On the post overlay, the "Delete" button has no effect
- "Previous" and "Next" links for posts have no effect
- "Messages" tab, messages :
- Messages cannot be deleted.
- Sending messages does not show it in sent folder; similarly message updates are also not updated.
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