Versions Compared


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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

Service Portfolio Prototype


The Service Catalog team (Rich Murphy, Alison Bell and Christine Fitzgerald) are invited to participate in all Sponsor meetings through April 2012 (when the website launched), as we share the same Sponsor (Barbara Goguen) and our projects have dependencies on one and other.


January 10, 2011

  1. Review of Service Portfolio Scope
  2. Review of Service Portfolio time line Service Portfolio Project Plan Revisited January 6, 2011
  3. Review of Service Catalog status
    1. RFP
    2. draft categories and services by 3/1/11
  4. Agreements:
    1. Portfolio will feed the Catalog
    2. Catalog will go with what is currently on the IS&T Website until Portfolio is complete
    3. continue joint sponsor meetings


  • Asset Management Console and drill down
    • configure search criteria under app preferences
    • tabular view
  • BMC Atrium demonstration
    • Atrium Explorer and drill down
      • graphical view (right click and edit for tabular view)
    • Federation Manager
    • Class Manager
  • Remedy CMDB issues:
    • Service Families absent from CI categorization
    • Documents are uploaded separately (would need to create a CI that was a "bundle" and relate to several products/offerings)
    • Asset management console only shows parent or child relationships, not both together
    • The interface and categorizations does not map to the way staff think or use the information
    • Can't join data the way we want (brands, aka, etc)
    • Limited in terms of easy of use and approachability
    • Glossary of terms is from Remedy and not true ITIL
    • Remedy (by design) limits participation in knowledge management
    • Administration of data is locked down to small group
    • Dynamic changes/updates are not as supported
    • View in Atrium explorer is limited
      • Drill down takes time
      • Scroll over does not stay visible for very long
      • Search is limited (does not include text in notes, etc where branding and aliases are critical to get information quickly)
    • Looks like we get 60% of our requirements met, but not 80%
  • API issues:
    • Not readily available (not Web 2.0)
    • Based on pre populated forms in Remedy
    • We would e building another application we would own
      • Do we have the skills to build and support/maintain?
        *Additional considerations:
    • Priorities for Remedy
      • Expanding change management to more teams
      • Exploring problem management and incident management
      • Knowledge management (Service Portfolio, Knowledge Base and IS&T Website) NOT priorities
        • We have existing systems or prototypes for this information
    • Service Portfolio landscape could change drastically over next 2 years, as could Remedy
      • Take a more targeted approach to building the Service Portfolio
        • Reduce investment overall but have something sooner (ROI)
          • Reduce resources/costs
          • Reduce timeline
          • Reduce requirements
  • Next steps:
    • Review the final draft of the project proposal for 6/21
      • Team will prepare edits to narrative
        • Changes to resource plan
        • Changes to support plan
      • Dave will review cost and time estimates
    • meet with KM Core and give status update 6/14

ITSM Tool Evaluation


Barbara Goguen and Mark Silis are cosponsoring the ITSM Tool Evaluation that will kick off at the end of August 2012.


July 11, 2012

  • Barbara and Mark in attendance
  • Create a picture of what an ITSM Program would look like for our department
    • Statement of Direction
      • articulate a vision
      • identify benefits - why are we doing this
        • visibility into processes
        • resources become interchangeable to some extent
        • better analysis
        • some consistent process where we had none
      • identify pain points/biggest gaps
      • identify stakeholders
      • identify places where we have the potential for success
        • base on lessons learned from Remedy Change Management implementation
        • what parts make sense in our environment
        • exclude areas where processes and/or tools are already embedded
          • we don not want to replace existing processes or tools
        • include areas where we can collect, connect and automate ("glue together")
          • ITSS incident and response
          • request fulfillment
          • problem management
      • clearly define what is in and out of scope
        • limit to Operations & Infrastructure and Customer Support
        • articulate how far down the slope we go
      • articulate milestones and time line
        • digestible chunks of work - the sequence of events to do this right
        • what we get at each step along the way
  • Barbara and Mark cosponsor this larger effort once we have agreement on the vision and the work
  • projects come next
    • for example, Remedy CMDB build out with custom UI (service data but not asset data) based on prototype
  • deliverable draft statement for next sponsor meeting 8/22/12


  • review ITSM Statement of Direction with Barbara and Mark: ITSM Statement of Direction Final Draft.docx
  • next steps:
    • lightweight evaluation of ITSM tools 9/15 - 10/31
      • look at all modules and interfaces
      • use customer perspective
      • identify any show stoppers
      • commit to ONE TOOL by 10/31
    • rework ITSM Statement of Direction
      • narrow scope to 18 months
      • delineate more tangible deliverables (name services, the processes we would apply and the value proposition)
    • meet with KM Core and give status update 8/23

September 1927, 2012

  • Mark in attendance
  • use cases for ITSM demos: ITSM Tool Evaluation FY2013.docx
  • review milestones: ITSM Tool Evaluation
  • feedback on Remedy OnDemand and RemedyForce demos
  • final decision should be accompanied by resource plan:
    • ongoing maintenance and baseline support
    • training
    • development
  • need resource commitment before we move forward with any implementation

October 29, 2012 cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy

November 7, 2012

  • ITSM Tool Evaluation FY2013.docx
  • follow up with vendors by 11/15/12
    • still deliberating internally
    • initial licensing proposal would be helpful in terms of evaluation
      • licensing
      • professional services
      • additional tools
  • business case for tool acquisition by 12/15/12
    • include maintenance and support needs
    • limit scope to internal IS&T use only
    • emphasize improved customer experience
    • need for improved support analyst interface
  • Mark and Barbara will bring finalized business case to senior staff January 2013
  • once we have direction, internal communication to IS&T
  • need to think about disposition of Request Tracker for separate community communication

December 21, 2013

  • Mark and Barbara agree that we need to move forward with implementing more parts of our service management processes in Remedy OnDemand
  • they agree that:
    • it makes sense to expand on our change management implementation
    • that we move forward with service request and service portfolio
    • at the same time, there is work that can start within RT to streamline incident and problem management processes preparing for future Remedy implementation
  • The team should move forward and make the financial and time investments necessary, within reason, to:
    • expand our Remedy licensing/training
    •  develop a compelling Remedy ITSM prototype that illustrates the potential benefits of an ITSM rollout for the IS&T organization

January 31, 2013

 Status updates:

  • Budget request for FY2014 has been made
  • Remedy 8 Prototype
    • use cases completed 1/25: MIT Remedy OnDemand 8 Protoype Use Cases.docx
    • initial vendor proposal due 2/8
    • target of late April for production cutover from Remedy 7.6 to 8 (latest will be mid to late June)
    • once prototype is ready, need to engage with more of the organization (in particular SE, AS and ES)
  • Knowledge Management
    • demo of Remedy 8 Knowledge Base scheduled for 2/7 (Release Core and KM Core)
  • Change Management
    • initial planning meeting scheduled for 2/4 (service offerings and stakeholders)
    • roll out process planning meeting scheduled for 2/13
    • finalize roll out plan by 2/20
    • need to identify PM and BA resources for this effort
      • Pat will act as BA
      • PM will depend on the service offering, but possible Sophie where appropriate (Pat will reach out to Taeminn after initial planning meeting on 2/4)

ITSM group will act as steering committee for all project efforts (program management)

February 27, 2013

  • Budget update
    • request for FY14 implementation (350K)
    • 150K steady state was included in initial request
    • add to larger customer support vision/deferred maintenance request
  • Remedy 8 prototype update: 
    • pricing looks good - move forward with requisition as soon as SoW and Ts&Cs finalized
    • timeline pushed out to 3/25-6/7/13
    • benefits for future implementation will be outlines separately (mitigate risk of double paying for same work later)
  • Change Management update: 
    • roll out process finalized, ready to pilot
    • reviewed current Remedy configuration
      • needed changes:
      • outstanding issues:
    • Merchant Services (PCI): waiting on Tim for green light to schedule initial demo
    • RAFT: on Amon's radar but they need to get through the next sprint (target mid March)
    • Network Operations: full team demo March 7th
      • then we will narrow down what service offerings
      • Sophie will be PM resource for these roll outs (Pat meeting with her 2/27 to review where we are at and include her in NetOps demo)

March 27, 2013

  • Remedy 8 Prototype update
    • negotiations ongoing
    • start date moved out to 4/29
    • stakeholder commitments in process
      • Data Management: Sherene, Peggy and Rob Campanella confirmed
      • DITR: Sar, Rashard, Greg, Bill Furtado, Joe Pitha confirmed
      • HD: Jake, Bill, Jozsef, Cynthia, Lisa, Jennifer, Stuart and Fred status?
      • Website: Alison status?
      • NetOps: Chris, Rich and Deb status?
    • need Training resource as Kate is leaving MIT
  • ServiceNow prototype proposal
    • free of charge
    • Pat has con call with them 3/28
    • move forward
  • Change Management update
    • NetOps wants to move forward with Exchange
      • sketch out the environment and resources at next Steering Committee meeting 4/17


      • invite Rich Edelson to attend
    • PCI is moving into business analysis phase for April
    • RAFT still in a sprint but on target for demo in April
    • Revisit Altiris, Casper and Lite Touch this summer

April 29, 2013

Prototype update:

  • contract signed
  • status con call with BMC 5/2
  • review list of stakeholders/resources for prototype
  • blackout dates 6/3-6/8 for Commencement

Merchant Services update:

  • intro and first business analysis meeting completed
  • second business analysis meeting scheduled for 4/29
  • need service advocate from Siobhan team
  • start documenting changes in May

RAFT update:

  • still on hold due to current sprint - Amon and Sherene to reach out when ready

Network Operations update:

  • Exchange to move forward
  • set up BA meeting week of 5/13 to include:
    • Sophie
    • Rich
    • Barry
    • Joel
    • John
    • Chris M
    • Mark
    • Garry
  • possible CMDB build out if team deems it helpful?

May 29, 2013

Remedy Upgrade:

  • still working issues in dev
  • next checking scheduled 5/30
  • possible upgrade for 6/1 in prod

Prototype update:

  • ServiceNow prototype almost complete
    • final review 6/7/13
    • record in some fashion for distribution
  • currently interviewing BMC consultants
  • draft BMC schedule sent to manger resources
    • managers need to work with their teams to free up resources
    • Alison on vacation but maybe Kris or have her team review deliverables?
  • blackout dates 6/3-6/8 for Commencement

Merchant Services update:

  • service advocate from Siobhan team
  • David completed configurations for support group
    • still waiting for approval engine fix in 8.1 dev environment for testing
  • group documenting changes in June
  • check in scheduled for 6/3/13 (come up with testing plan)

RAFT update:

  • still on hold due to current sprint - Amon and Sherene to reach out when ready

Network Operations update:

  • Exchange business analysis has started
    • people and components (hardware/software) have been mapped
    • folllow up meeting for support group structure, roles and permissions completed 5/28
    • Pat and Dave to configure support group and reports in June
    • still waiting for approval engine fix in 8.1 dev environment for testing
    • plan to move to production July

What services should move into change next?

  • Altiris - July
  • Casper - July
  • Drupal Cloud - July
  • DBA work (Pat and Garry to discuss with Mary in June)

Feedback on Remedy roll out thus far:

  • can we set default impact level by service?  by user? (preventing self selection by staff)
  • internal notifications to a support group that a team member has created a change?
  • external notifications to IS&T support groups that a change has been created against a certain service? 
  • external notifications to customers regarding changes (push as opposed to pull of information)

June 26, 2013

Remedy Upgrade:

  • dev and prod complete
    • still working out small bugs before refresh of QA and abandoning copy of old prod system

Prototype update:

  • ServiceNow prototype planning meeting 7/8
    • final review in August time frame for Steering Committee
    • record in some fashion for distribution
  • Remedy prototype in progress
    • business analysis concluded
    • feedback for vendor
    • regular status check in every Thursday through August 15th

Merchant Services CM update:

  • support group currently testing
  • round up meeting 7/9

RAFT update:

  • Amon and Sherene to reach out when ready

Exchange CM update:

    • business analysis complete
    • configuration complete
    • testing to start this week
    • follow up meeting scheduled 7/11
    • plan to move to production end July

What services should move into change next?

  • Altiris - confirmed for August start
  • Casper - confirmed for August start
  • Drupal Cloud - confirmed for September start
  • DBA work TBD