It should be run on the following platform/browser combinations (Mike Please Verify):
- Mac:
- Safari current version
- Chrome current version
- Firefox
- IE
- current version or current long term release
- PC:
- Safari
- Chrome current version
- Firefox current version or current long term release
- IE 10 or later
- Linux
- Firefox (if possible)
This spreadsheet was used to document the testing:
Here is a blank version of the spreadsheet to use for future testing:
Login Page:
Visual Reference:
- Verify the screen is displayed as seen above (make sure the image is up to date).
- Verify the bread crumb at the top of the main panel is correct : Home > Selected Workset.
- Toggle the favorites star next to the workset tile by clicking on it. Verify that the workset is added or removed from the "Favorites" pop-up list as you click on it.
- Verify that the "Favorites" star icon changes to indicate a favorite (solid star) or not (start outline) as you click.
- Verify that the Budget selection input matches the Budget selected in the Settings pop-up.
- Verify that there are cost object listed in the grid and the first column (Cost Object) is a link.
- Click on a cost object link in the grid and verify that the view changes to that cost object's details.
- Using the bread crumb link, click on the workset and verify that you are returned to the workset view.
- Scroll down the page (if necessary) and verify that the people paid on cost objects in the workset are displayed and the name field is a link.
- Click on a name and verify that the view now displays two grids. The top grid should show the person's appointments and the bottom should show their allocation across cost objects.
- Click on the workset link in the left navigation grid to return to the workset view.
- Using the Budget selection input, select a different budget and verify that the grid id updated.
- Click on the "Reports" tab and verify that a table of available reports is displayed.
- Click on various reports and verify that a pop-up opens with the report you requested (The actual report won't render in dev).
- Click on the "Authorizations" tab and verify that a grid with the people authorized for this workset are displayed with their associated privileges.
- Verify that on a workset that you created, there is a "Delete Person" column and for a workset that you don't have admin privileges, the delete column is hidden.
- Using a workset that you are an admin on, verify that the Authorizations view has an "Add Person" Button.
- Click on the button, type at least 3 characters to see a list of names, select one and type enter. Verify that the person was added to the grid.
- Click on the "Delete Person" checkbox and verify that the person is removed from the grid.
- Click on the "Comments" tab and verify the new comment form is displayed followed by any existing comments.
- Enter data in the form and click the "Add Comment" button.
- Verify that your comment is listed below the form and that the form was reset.
- Verify that your comment has both an "Edit" button and a "Delete" link.
- Click on the "Edit" button, make a change, click "Save" and verify that the comment was updated.
- Click on the "Delete" link and verify that the comment was deleted.
- If possible, Verify that the comments not authored by you do not have the "Edit" and "Delete" controls.
Forecast View:
Visual Reference: