Accessing the 'Edit Permissions' Page1. Go to the Image Added drop down menu on the top navigation bar, 2. Click 'Space Admin' tab and hit the Image Added link. 3. The 'Edit Permissions' page will appear. Image Added
Assigning Individual Permissions1. Navigate to the 'Edit Space Permissions' screen. 2. Find the 'Individual Permissions' section, beneath the 'Group Permissions' . 3. Click Image Added - To give a permission, check the corresponding box
Image Added. - To remove a permission, uncheck the box
Image Added.
4. Click Image Added . Searching for Users 1. Click Image Added 2. In the 'User Search' window, enter the name of the group. You can use an asterisk '*' as a wildcard. 3. Check the box(es) of the desired user(s) 4. Click Image Added |