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The Summer show coordinator makes sure that a small show happens over the summer. In particular, they are responsible for coordinating the process of choosing the show and the director.
1. Find out when and where the rehearsals and performances are from the Secretary.
2. The day after strike, send out an email to ensemble, ensemble-dartes, and ensemble-friends in search of a director and a show. Remind the director that they also need to find a producer and they can be their own producer if absolutely necessary. Performance space and dates (but not necessarily times) should be included. One week will be allotted for this search.
3. A week and a day after strike, if more than one show is proposed, send out a poll to ensemble and ensemble-dartes to vote on the director and show. This email should also encourage discussion of potential pros and cons of each show/director. For example, if a show requires 30 people or if a director is going to be gone for a month on vacation, make sure that is emphasized in the email. One week will be allotted for voting. In the event that only one show is proposed, announce the show and the director and proceed with step 5.
4. Two weeks and one day after strike, send an email to ensemble and ensemble-dartes announcing the show and the director.
5. Politely remind the Treasurer to obtain rights, if rights are necessary. This should be done IMMEDIATELY after the show is chosen.
6. Politely remind the producer to find a stage manager. This email should include a line emphasizing that the stage manager does not need previous experience in this area. This is in order to encourage newly speared members to take on positions. (Summer is a great time to try new things.)
7. Politely remind the Officers, director, and producer to coordinate audition times with the stage manager as soon as possible; auditions should occur during or before dead week. Remind them to obtain a room for auditions. Also remind them that this spam should include the following: audition dates, performance dates, a brief summary, what those auditioning need to do (prepare a monologue, wear comfortable clothing, etc.), a poll to see when people are planning on coming, who to contact for conflict auditions, and anything that is needed on publicity as dictated by the rights agreement (the author's name, the rights company's names, etc.).
Important Notes
1. The producer, LD, and TD should all get their plots to the CAC Assistant Manager of Technical Operations.
2. Reservations during performance weeks must be ALL DAY if we intend to keep set pieces in KLT.