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Result or Product of this Process

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The purpose of the Project Definition Form Creation process is to create and route a PD Form through an approval system for non-Capital and non-Academic projects.  This process spawns the Team Assignment process.

Composition Setup

Process Details

When “One Funding Source?” is “True”, the process will proceed to this spawn step.  In the spawn step the 03.01 –Milestone Project Estimate process will be started and moved to the first step of that workflow. 

13. Finish

Deck of Cards
  • This process
can be started by:
  • is usually initiated by the CC planner or the project manager. Other roles with the ability to being the process are:CC Planner
    • CC Planning Manager
  • eB Admin
  • Project Manager
    • R&M Manager
    • UTLITIES-Program Manager
    • e-B Admin
  • When not started by the CC planner the process routes to the CC planner as the second step.
  • After the PD form is completed this process spawns the 03.01 Milestone Project Budget Estimate process.
labelProcess Map

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  • Used to identify whether or not 03.01 Milestone Project Estimate should be spawned.  It is assumed that if there is only one funding source, 03.01 Milestone Project Estimate has not been previously started; therefore, it will be spawned from this process.
  • If there is one funding source the “03.01 Milestone Project Estimate” is spawned.
  • If there is more than one funding source, the next step is “Finish
  • Process 03.01 needs to be either (1) started manually or (2) a pre-existing instance of 03.01 should be updated with the Infrastructure cost data as documented in the PD Form process.

    labelStep Descriptions

    Toggle Cloak
    1. Start

    • The process is started by any of the eligible roles. The process form is completed, when finished click Submit.
    • If the process was initiated by CC Planner, the next step is Project Manager Review.
    • If not initiated by CC Planner, the next step is CC Planner Completes PD Form
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    • .
    CC Planner Created? (Decision Step)cloak
    • If the initiator is the CC Planner the next step is Project Manager Review
    • If the initiator is not the CC Planner then the next step is CC Planner Completes PD Form

    Toggle Cloak
    3. CC Planner Completes PD Form

    • CC Planner reviews the process, completes the required fields and has the option to selects one of the following actions: Submit, Revise or Void.
    • If Submit is chosen the next step is Project Manager Review.
    • If Revise is chosen the next step is Initiator ReviewIf Void is chosen the next step is Finish. The process is set to a Void status.

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     4. Project Manager Review

    • The Project Manager reviews the process , completes the required fields and chooses to Submit or Revisewith the option to approve and Submit or to Revise.
    • To approve and submit the project manager must complete the required fields including section 9.1 on the process form by choosing the date.
    • If Submit is chosen the next step is Planning Manager and Prog. Manager Review.
    • If Revise is chosen the next step is CC Planner Revise
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    • .
    Initiator Reviewcloak
    • The process Initiator reviews the process, completes the required fields and clicks Reply.
    • The next step is CC Planner Completes PD Form

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    6. CC Planner Revise

    • The CC Planner reviews the process, completes the required fields, and clicks Resubmit.
    • The next step is Project Manager Review.

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    7. Planning Manager and Prog. Manager Review

    • Project Manager and Program Manager review the process, complete the required fields and choose to Submit or Revise.
    • If Submit is chosen the next step is Working Committee Review
    • IfRevise is chosen the next step is CC Planner Revise

    Spawn 3.01a Budget Approval Process

    • This step initiates a Budget Approval Process.
    • The project manager attaches the budget request spreadsheet requesting the Capital Renewal funding.
    • Upon the successful spawning of this Budget Approval Process the next step is Project Manager Review.

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    8. Working Committee Review

  • CC Planning Manager reviews the process with the working committee outside of e-Builder, completes the required fields and chooses to Submit or Put On Hold.
  • Included in the required fields is the question "Expected number of funding sources". Later in the process this field is used to determine whether or not to spawn the process.If Submit is chosen theNext Step is Utilities, O&M and SEG Review
  • If Put On Hold is chosen the next step is Finish
  • Cloak

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    9. Utilities, O&M and SEG Review

    • In this step the The working committee reviews the budget request
    • When Submit is chosen the next step is Property Office Review
    • If Put on Hold is chosen the next step is Finish.

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    Property Office Review Step

    • In this step the Property Office reviews the information that has been entered to the process. The Property office then indicates whether or not they agree with the funding type. If the Property Office disagrees with the funding type they should select the have made a change to the funding type on the PD option of the Property Office Review field.
    • When Submit is chosen the next step is M(ail) M(erge) Property Office.

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    Mail Merge (Automation) Property Office

    • This automation step sends an e-mail to the Property Office showing the information that has been entered into the process.
    • When this step completes successfully the next step is R&M, Utilities, FEG, CC Plnng Review.

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    R&M, Utilities, FEG, CC Plnng Review

    • In this step the CC Planner, Utilities Director, R
    • Utilities Director, O&M Director, and SEG Assignor review the process, add their comments and click Submit.
    • The next step is Create PD Form

    Toggle Cloak
    10. Create PD Form (Mail Merge Step)

    • The PD form is created and stored in the Documents folder.
    • Next Step: One Funding Source? (Conditional)

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    11. One Funding Source? (Conditional)

    Toggle Cloak
    12. Spawn 03.01 Milestone Project Estimate and Budget Request - (COST) (MPEB)





    CC Directr & VP, CSS Review

    • In this step the information entered is reviewed by by the CC Director, and the VP, CSS Director.
    • When the Submit action is taken the next step is Create PD Form.

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    Create PD Form

    • In this automation step e-Builder creates the the PD form and stores it in the Documents folder.

    • Upon successful completion of the PD form mail merge the next step is CC Planning Manager Hold - Record Approvals

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    CC Planning Manager Hold - Record Approvals

    • In this step, the approved Capital Renewal allocation is recorded.
    • When the Create Final PD action is taken the next step is Create Final PD Form.

    Toggle Cloak
    Create Final PD Form

    • In this automation step e-Builder creates the Final PD form.
    • Upon successful completion of the Final PD form mail merge the next step is Finish.

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