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Upcoming Events

IT Partners Webinar Series


About the IT Partners Webinar Series

As you may have noticed, the annual IT Partners Conference, like many other in-person events was indefinitely postponed. Since many of us will be working remotely for the foreseeable future, the IT Partners Planning Team has shifted gears and is excited to announce that we'll be hosting a Zoom webinar series on various IT-related topics throughout the rest of the calendar year and beyond.

What'll we cover in these webinars?

Anything. Seriously. (Well, as long as it's IT-related.)

  • Most webinars will be 30-45 minutes (depending on the content and speaker availability), including time for questions.
  • If you're interested in presenting, let us know what you want to present on, how long you'll need, and we'll take care of all the logistics--scheduling, getting the word out, all of that fun stuff.
  • If you have any ideas on topics or speakers, let us know, and we'll do the leg work.

Have ideas? Want to present at a webinar?

See See for  for the next webinar


The IT Partners Planning Team is pleased to announce a regular "Coffee Break" / Zoom Meetup every other Wednesday @ 10:30am.

In these times of social distancing and working remotely, join fellow IT Partners for a "coffee break" via Zoom.  Bring your coffee (or food/beverage of choice) and connect with others!  


Have Suggestions?

If you have suggestions or ideas for future events, contact the IT Partners Planning Team at or #ask-it-partners-planning-team.


Past Events

Table of Contents


IT Partners Lunch and Learn: Piloting Microsoft Copilot at Sloan


Join Dan Alexander, MIT Sloan Director of Workplace Technology, to get an overview of Microsoft Copilot, the generative AI web chat tool available to MIT Faculty, Staff and Students!


  • Generative AI resources
  • GenAI Strategy for Sloan
  • GenAI tools and Copilots
  • Microsoft Copilot (AI chat)
    • Overview & Features
    • Demo
    • Tips & Tricks
    • Use cases at MIT Sloan
  • Questions / Discussion

Watch the recording

Download the slides

Resources on AI

IT Partners Afternoon Snack: Leap into Microsoft this Leap Day!


Leap into the Microsoft ecosystem this Leap Day!

Microsoft presents on new and upcoming features.


  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Copilot Studio
  • Teams Unified Communications
  • PowerBI
  • Azure Open AI
  • Security

Watch the recording

MIT TUG + IT Partners present: Tableau Upgrade + Licensing Changes + Tableau Prep Builder


The MIT Tableau User Group (MIT TUG) and IT Partners are proud to present a lunch and networking session to talk about all things Tableau, including:

  • Some of the new (to us) features in Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server
  • The new Tableau Creator License, including how to activate your license
  • Tableau Prep Builder, the data cleaning tool that's part of the Tableau ecosystem and available to users with Creator licenses

Check out the slides, recording, and links on the MIT TUG wiki


IT Partners 2023 Conference

IT Partners Zoom-bruary 2023 (Now in March!)


Zoom. We all use it. Some of us use it well. Some of us, well, not so much.

Since we started using Zoom pretty much daily in the early days of the pandemic, Zoom has introduced a TON of new features and enhancements that you may not know about. We'll cover some of them in this webinar, hitting on things like sharing multiple screens and smart recordings, as well as Zoom Apps, Zoom Phones, and Zoom Rooms, oh my!

We'll also have some networking time, and for those of you who join in person, some lunch.

We hope you can Zoom in and Zoom-bruary with us!

Watch the recording

Want to review the tips and tricks we shared? Check out the slides or bookmarks in #2023-zoom-bruary

 Have questions? Ask on #2023-zoom-bruary

IT Partners Slacktoberfest 2022!


Do you feel like a Slacker some days? Do you Slackbot like champ? Do you dream in /remind? Huddle with your homies? Work those workflows?

Whether you answered "yes" or "no" to any of those questions, we know there's so much cool stuff you can do in Slack that it's hard to keep track or help your users get up to speed.

To help remedy that, members of the IT Partners community will be sharing some Slack tips and tricks at this virtual Slacktoberfest IT Partners webinar + networking event. Learn about features from slash commands to workflows and automated methods for loading users into a workspace, and a whole bunch in between. After the presentations, hang out and chat with other IT Partners members.

It's gonna be Slacktastic!

Watch the recording

Want to review the tips and tricks we shared? Check out #2022-slacktoberfest


IT Partners 2022 Virtual Conference

IT Partners, Open Learning, and Sloan present Canvas!


As the fall term comes to a close, DLC staff are starting to prepare for the spring term. If you support academic staff, you’re likely to hear the word “Canvas” lobbed about. You might be wondering: What is Canvas? Why are people using it? How can I support staff in my DLC in their use of Canvas?

Join us to learn more about what the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) offers and how it is used in DLCs.

  • Meredith Davies from Open Learning will provide a tour of Canvas, highlight areas where IT providers might get or have questions, and point us to resources to support the use of Canvas across campus.
  • Shallon Silvestrone, Anna Wright, and Sam McGurgan will share how Sloan is using Canvas. They’ll also give us a preview and timeline around the upcoming move from Canvas’s native quizzing tool (“Classic Quizzes”) to the “New Quizzes” tool.

IT Partners and IS&T Present Windows 11


Windows 11 is now officially released!

Come learn about the newest features, requirements, and recommendations from IS&T's End User Computing Team.

Watch the recording

Download the slides


Before you migrate your DLC to Windows 11:

  1. What apps (outside of the standard MIT apps) are you using in your DLC, e.g., SolidWorks? Make sure you test them before rolling out Windows 11 out. There's a lot of backwards compatibility, but still test.

  2. Can your computer even run Windows 11? Download the PC Health Check app to find out.


IT Partners 2021 Virtual Conference


If you have suggestions or ideas for future events, contact the IT Partners Planning Team.


Past Events

Table of Contents


IT Partners Webinar Series: Intro to Panopto - 8/12/2020 (Wednesday), 12:15-1pm, Zoom


IS&T recently announced the availability of the Panopto secure cloud video platform, which allows anyone with an active MIT Touchstone account to record, edit, caption, store, stream, and share videos and multimedia presentations.

Elaine Mello from MIT Open Learning will give a tour of Panopto so you can help support Panopto users in your DLC.

Note: MIT Touchstone authentication required for Zoom.

Watch the recording


IT Partners Webinar Series: Certificate Renewal - 7/15/2020 (Wednesday), 1-2pm, Zoom 


Certificate renewal period is upon us. Every July MIT staff, faculty and students must renew their personal certificates to ensure continued access to MIT protected websites and services. This brief presentation will give an overview of the process, including:

  • updating your password beforehand
  • demo of certificate installation for the Mac OS (for use by Safari and Chrome)
  • a demo of certificate installation for Firefox on Windows
  • deleting old certificates (and why you should (or, in rare cases, shouldn't!))
  • common problems and their solutions

Watch the recording

IT Partners Webinar Series: What's new in Tableau? 7/8/2020 1-2:30pm, Zoom


Tableau is being upgraded and the IT Partners Planning Team is pleased to announce a webinar on new features, updates, and all sorts of cool things added between Tableau v2019.1 and v2020.2

MIT’s Tableau Server is being upgraded from v2019.1 to v2020.2 the evening of July 13th, which is super-exciting! The new version of Tableau introduces lots of new (to us) features and functionality, including show/hide layout containers, a new data model and parameter actions, as well as feature improvements like dynamic parameters and tables with more than 16 columns (almost like Excel…but not really).

In short, lots of cool things.

Join us in this session to learn what’s new in Tableau.

 Watch the recording


MIT IT Partners Winter 2020 Lunch - MITvoip: Modernizing MIT’s Telephone Infrastructure - 1/14/2020, 11:30am-1pm, Bldg 66-110 or streaming
