For Windows XP. using 'Picasa' to create the thumnail images and the webpages and using 'WinSCP' to copy them over to the internet.
Sorry if this is very basic/long, but I tried to write it such that even a complete klutz like me can't get it wrong! Once you've got the hang of it this whole process takes about 5 minutes.
It'll be full of spelling/typing mistakes and awful grammar no doubt, so feel free to use the log in and then edit page buttons at the top right hand side of this page to correct it/add advice to it as you see fit.
Step One
Download the two files located here:
'WinSCP' is what lets you copy the webpage from your computer onto you MIT webspace. Open up the 'WinSCP' program and you will get a screen that looks like this:
Type bold*athena.dialup.mit.edu*bold into the box that says bold*Host Name*bold
Type your bold*kerberos ID*bold into the box that says bold*User name*bold
Type your bold*kerberos password*bold into the box that says bold*password*bold
This is a pain in the bum, so once you've done that click on the 'save' button. You'll get a new warning screen telling you that if somebody hacks into your laptop they can steal your kerberos password, doctor your photographs and rack up huge athena printing bills, or words to that effect:
Click 'login' and the usual 'i accept', 'yes', 'next', 'ok' or 'finish' when the new warning message comes up. (you'll only get this message once). You should now have a screen that looks somethign like this:something like this:
The files/folders on the left hand side are on your computer (top red arrow). The files/folders on the right hand side are on the MIT computer (top green arrow). Everything you put inside the www folder (bottom green arrow) will be visible to the world. The example folder (bottom red arrow) is the webpage we made earlier. All we have to do to make the page visible to the world is copy the example folder into the www folder.
Open up the www folder by double clicking on it. Now everything on the right hand side is what's on the internet.
Create new folders by right-clicking in some empty space on the above screen, give it a name and click ok:
Open your new folder by double clicking it:
Now click and drag the webpage from your computer (left hand side) into the new folder on the right hand side:
Click 'copy' on the message box that pops up, and wait for it to finish:
Step Five
Your photos are now on the internet!
If you can't remember the folder names you used, type:
into your web browser and click through the links that appear.
Good luck!-