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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


  • RLE:  Complete
    • RLE reports to DSpace.Rob has put the items here along with the metadata.  He says you have access to this folder.  I do not have access so I could not confirm. This is the path to the RLE metadata directories:   R:\MetaData\Projects-RLE\metadataProduction\metadata  RLE_QPR_001 and RLE_QPR_004 are ready for testing.  The plan for this project is to break this project up in batches and maybe load monthly if the tests go well.  The entire project probably will not be complete until Spring.  Wiki page
    • Ongoing-Rob has his team working on some edits but otherwise 50 total reports are ready to load to DSpace.  Expect this to happen prior to holiday.
    • Workflow for RLE: Workflow time estimate


  • David Taylor Model Basin Reports Wiki page:
    • These are currently being scanned in Document Services.  These 1,000 reports will go in Dome.  I have attached the spreadsheet with the metadata.  The reports will not be finished scanning for another week.
    • Sending spreadsheet for the metadata to begin testing.  The pdfs and tiffs will be on DSpace Images. (tick)
    • Expect to be ready to load mid-late-January
    • Carl continuing fixing metadata issues with the collection: adding multiple authors
  • MIT Energy Reports:
    • 447 technical reports.  The scanning in Document Services will probably not start for another 2-3 weeks. (tick) This will be another Barton to DSpace batch so the testing should be minimal.
    • Ready to load - couple of issues to resolve - see Bobby Hall.  Ben to send MARC xml report to Carl
    • Carl to load when ready
    • Wiki page
  • Vail Balloon Prints:
    • Still waiting to hear from Archives if they are ready to load to production or what for the descriptive metadata.
    • Scheduled meeting with Mikki, Nora, and Carl to review the Filemaker to Archivist Toolkit migration. (meeting scheduled for 12.18.09) (tick) On-going
