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Sorted by Severity & Complexity

 Major Severity + High Complexity

File pemissions for Content Editors / Channel Managers (warning)Under Review by MIT Dev Ops / DCAD(warning)   **Temp Fix Verified**
  • this affects the whole business workflow 
  • DCAD is researching a workaround for this access  **See Below**
  • (info)  This is a Drupal Cloud limitation
    • Permission to access the sites file system is configurable  via the ICME module, but Drupal Cloud does not permit reconfiguring.
    • this ability will not be opened up in Drupal Cloud any time soon.
    • In order to access the File Browser, the 'Node: Bypass content access control ' permission must be granted.  Content managers have this permission by default. It's NOT desirable to open up this permission for Content Editors.
    • There is a work around by adding a image field to the Content type.  

      Work Around: (for more details click here)

      • Add an image field to the Content type,
      • If Channel Editors are permitted to edit that content type, they will also be able to upload to that image field.
        • the image field does not depend on ICME or the File Browser
        • the image field can be set up to handle one or more files
        • the image field is set to hidden so it will not display
        • the Channel Editor can obtain the location (URL) of the particular image file once it is loaded
        • to insert the image file into the Body of the page
        • click on the Image button
        • in the 'Image Properties' popup display, paste the URL (relative link) of the image
        • voila


Major Severity + Moderately Complex


Development of Special Content Type:

  • Sponsors - Editor role Can Not add content to this content type at this time  DEFERRED  (warning)Deferred to Phase TBD (warning)



  • Go Abroad Map -
    • via JS injector, CM (Web Admin) only.      **J-Script / HTML mark-up work around implemented**  Verified method.....
    • tedious to maintain (manual process)

4//8 - review w/ Web Management Team....(warning)


Major Severity + Low Complexity

 Development of Special Content Type:
  • Blogs - More testing and development required....will the student blogger be able complete the required operations as spec'd?


  • Sponsors -      (red star) Sponsor Page Still Pending Development (red star)



Medium Severity + High Complexity


Events per Channel: 


  • Unable to recreate a view on each channel that passes the original query from the MIT Calendar feed w/out patching the code on referring site or making a complex web of JScript & CSS....

DEFERRED  (warning)Deferred to Phase 2 due to limitations of the current Cloud Module(warning)


Medium Severity + Moderate Complexity

Unpublished pages do not show up in the Admin -> Content display list for Channel Editors     **Work Around Verified**
  • Content Editors can view their own unpublished pages; however, the Admin->Content list will only display Published pages   **verify implementation for all roles across site (TJ)**
  • A view can be created to show unpublished pages.
  • See sample view:  (lightbulb)

Special Page permissions and theming       

                           ***See Touchstone access****


4//8 - checking w/ DCAD....(warning)

See Attached

  File Modified
PNG File TimeOut_page.PNG inconsistent behaviour on Time out for different users Jun 11, 2015 17:30 by
PNG File conference service access.PNG Conference services User Role **Missing** Jun 11, 2015 17:31 by
PNG File Events_Page.PNG functionality to add / edit an event missing from pages in content type: event Jun 11, 2015 17:32 by

Medium Severity + Low Complexity


Add Default Shortcut to Menu by Role (star)Feature Request(star)

Give a link to authenticated users to go directly to the restricted pages via a shortcut on the menu bar    ....via Block (needs to be configured) or include touchstone link into page(s)     ***See Touchstone access****

Give Channel managers......

4//8 - checking w/ DCAD....(warning)

Ordered/ numbered lists not displaying in the proper format.  

(Scott: Replicated this issue across content types and browsers, then dug into CSS with element inspector. <ol> element has a property "list-style-type" receiving a value of "decimal" (so, arabic numerals), but this is elsewhere being overwritten with a list-style-type of "none")




Minor Severity + Moderate Complexity


  • Items for LOGINS dropdown: CareerBridge: Student, CareerBridge: Employer, Horizons, Resources for MIT (Scott: We need to internally review the flow I sent for private resources first. I'm also recommending we remove CareerBridge as a label. Where would we move the Touchstone Login for site editors?)  (warning)Still Under development - Related to development of new redirect pages for the log-ins(warning)  **Review**
  • Cross-site text spacing issues between paragraph content and headers makes it hard to skim and scan content in chunks. (Scott: the gist seems to be that we need less space after headers, so that paragraph content tightens up to the header preceding it. (Line height?) We also probably need more space after paragraphs followed by headers, to visually reinforce the break. (More space before headers (margin-top?) could achieve this effect) **Fixed**

  • Are we making changes to the title area of landing and content pages to move content higher and closer to the lefthand navigation block, as previously discussed? I thought we were removing the colored "swoops" design element and styling that title text differently. **Completed**

  • Scott: 403 style broke when I edited it. Title "swoops" design bar disappeared and title text is white on white background
  • Not seeing any styling issues with this page


Minor + Low Complexity



  • About and Services pages are using About Landing Page content type, which is reserving space for an image. We don't have images for these pages. (Scott: We could move intro content into the body, or make pages using the About - Content Page content type. Perhaps on the About page we can use the image space to highlight contact info?) **Fixed**

  • "Career Handbook" is a page and menu item under Resources, but this is actually a PDF resource. How should we handle this? **Keep as page**

  • Email in footer says "mailto" (Scott: Is there some UX rationale to this? Lacking a strong case I'd just as soon delete it) **Fixed**



  • Add URL redirects access to all Channel Editor roles - DONE
  • (info) Channel Editors will need to have the 'Redirect: Administer URL redirections '  permission set





Home Page
  • Intro text obscured by background "swoops" design at some browser window sizes. (Scott: Do we need this text?)

  • Scott: I still like sponsors better below Quick Links/Announcements/Events


  • Mobile header crowded, Menu link not obvious enough (Scott: I think we need to lose the MIT logo from the mobile header and add a mobile 'hamburger' icon)
  • I believe Mobile header is fixed now?

  • Is having the whole mobile menu open by default too overwhelming? Can sections expand/collapse?
  • Not possible with current mobile menu module provided by MIT cloud

  • Replace "Utility" in the mobile menu with About" and remove "About" as a sub-item in this menu section. (Can we do this ourselves?)
  • Not possible with current menu configuration.  This request would be a lot of rework

  • Is there another way to get rid of the mobile menu besides hitting Menu again? Maybe with the MIT logo out of the header we can make "Menu" a little more prominent (including menu icon?)













  • No labels


  1. Thanks for discussing the login.

  2. I'm adding a comment since I don't seem to have permissions to edit. 

    LOGINS: Should Prehealth Credential Service be included?

    Go Abroad Student Map – we don't have functionality for this.



  3. Can we turn revisioning on by default for all roles?

    1. Unknown User (

      revisioning should be turned on for most if not all roles.... I will verify that this is consistent across the site.