This contents table helps you to navigate the on line table of contents. As it does not contain page numbers if you choose to print this manual it will not appear in the printed version.
Home Screen
The Home Screen is the default e-Builder landing page. Because current and actionable information is displayed about your projects each time you login or refresh the Home page we recommend that you do not change the landing page.
Take a minute to identify the following on the Home Page.
- Tabs across the top of the page that open different modules
- The Recent Pages drop down menu located on the left side of the page
- The Quick Start links on the left side of the page
- Workflow in your court
- My first 10 tasks
- Submittal items in your court
- Items pending approval
- The project selection dropdown
- The Announcements area
- The Calendar area
Workflow in Your Court
e-Builder determines items that are most important for you to look at or work on by pulling information from e-Builder modules for all of your projects. Those items are considered "Workflow in your court". Each time you access this module or refresh the Home page, the most current data is populated; ensuring that all information is accurate and in real time.
You can control the number of items that appear in Workflow in your court, Submittal items in your court and Items Pending Approval by using the Show dropdown above each respective table.
The table for Workflow in your court displays the Project, Name, Subject, Step and Due Date.
- To access the process or form on which your action/comment is required click on the blue link in the Name column and a popup will display with process details.
- To go the processes/form page for that project click the blue link in the Project column.
My First 10 Tasks
The first 10 tasks which you have been assigned as a resource of manager will be listed in chronological order. If you are a manager who receives notification when tasks reach a certain level of completion, these tasks will display in your court as well.
Use the Show option to control the number of tasks that appear in the list.
The table for My First 10 Tasks displays the Project, Task, Finish Date, Completion percentage and Manager.
Submittal Items in Your Court
This table displays submittal items. There are two filters for this table:
Filter by Action allows you to see either All in my Court, Action Required or Forwarded and No Response. The latter option displays items that have been forwarded for review on which action not yet been taken. Show allows you to determine the number of Submittal items displayed.
The table for Submittal Items in Your Court displays the Project, Title, #, Rev #, Package #, Status, Due Date and Held By information.
Items Pending Approval
This table displays cost items that are awaiting your approval.
This table displays the Project, Item Type, Item #, Approval Requested by, Date Approval Requested and Amount.
Note the link that allows you to display more items that are pending approval.
Announcements and Calendar Events
On the right side of the Home page are MIT specific announcements including contact names should you have issues with e-Builder as well as Help Desk session times and locations.
Under announcements are the calendar events occurring for today’s date created in e-Builder. Events are created through the Calendar module in a project. Click on the event for more information.
Navigation Tips
Top Tabs vs Left Menu
The Module tabs open modules at the summary level. When you select one of these tabs you will be required to select a project.
Left Menu options are project specific. In other words, you must first select a project to view these options. If from here you click on one of the top tabs, you will exit the project and will need to re-select it.
Once you have opened a project you can navigate through the folders for which your role has been given permission. See the section of this manual devoted to Project Documentation for more information
Recent Pages
Displays a list of recently used pages
Quick Start
This menu allows you to start any form or process instance. The default menu options contain a combination of the first ten processes/ forms that you have permissions to modify. The ten listed forms/processes will automatically update based on your usage. The most recently created instances will append to the top of the menu list.
First select the desired form or process type from the Quick Start menu. Then from the popup window select the corresponding project and create your instance.
If the form or process you are looking for is not displayed in the defaulted menu list, click the ‘More’ link. The ‘More’ link gives you access to the remaining instances you have permissions to modify.
Once the form/process has been created you will need to access it by first opening the project.
Project Dropdown Menu
The project dropdown menu allows you to open and switch between projects to which you have been granted access.
To quickly find your project you can start typing the project name or project number and it will narrow the list in the menu.
By default the search prioritizes words from left to right unless one of the search methods listed below is used.
• Search through the custom field values and notes where applicable.
• Ignore any of the noise words listed below.
Search Methods
• Phrase search (""): Double quotes around a word or phrase will search for an exact match to what's in the quotes.
• Exact word search (+): Placing a plus sign immediately before a single word is the equivalent of putting double quotes around that single word. By default the search will look for other forms of a search word. ex: A search of 'test' will look for test, testing, tests, etc. This will eliminate searching for those other forms.
• Terms to exclude (-): Putting a minus sign immediately before a single word will exclude that word from the search results.
• AND operator: Placing AND in all caps in between words/phrases will search for both phrases/words equally.
• OR operator: Placing OR in all caps in between words/phrases will search for either phrase/word.
• (): Parentheses can be used in conjunction with AND and OR to further specify what needs to be searched for ex: (word1 AND word2) OR word3.
Noise Words
$, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, about, after, all, also, an, and, another, any, are, as, at, be, because, been, before, being, between, both, but, by, came, can, come, could, did, do, does, each, else, for, from, get, got, had, has, have, he, her, here, him, himself, his, how, if, in, into, is, it, its, just, like, make, many, me, might, more, most, much, must, my, never, now, of, on, only, or, other, our, out, over, re, said, same, see, should, since, so, some, still, such, take, than, that, the, their, them, then, there, these, they, this, those, through, to, too, under, up, use, very, want, was, way, we, well, were, what, when, where, which, while, who, will, with, would, you, your
Search allows you to complete a key word search on any area of a project across all projects. Documents search is restricted to a single project due to the number of results a key word can cause.
The search can be narrowed down by selecting a project first.
Project Details
All project participants have access to the Project Details page. Key information about the project, including status and target dates can be found in the Project Details. While all project participants can view information, only those with appropriate roles and permissions for the project can edit the details.
Project details should be kept up to date throughout the life of the project. The Project Manager has primary responsibility for updating this information.
To open the Project Details page:
Select a project.
Locate the Project Menu on the left side of the page and click the Details link.
If you are able to edit Project Details an Edit button will appear on the page.
To edit Project Details:
Click on the Edit button
Update the project information in the details page.
Project roles cannot be updated here.
To change project members, please use the 01.03 Add Resource to a Project (ADDRE) process or an Action Item form.
Click the Save button.
Edit Project
The Project Details include:
- The project name
- The name of e-Builder Project Administrator
- The project status
- Address
- Country
- Start Date
- Target Date
- Description
- Project Webcam
- Last Modified By
- Date Last Modified
Custom Fields
Fields specific to MIT's implementation of e-Builder.Notes
Notes can be added to the project here
Refer to Project Documents. The Documents tab in Project Documents is not used in MIT's e-Builder implementation for required project documentation.
Project Documentation
All project documentation, including documents attached to a process or form, is stored in e-Builder.
Access to Documentation
There are two ways to access project documentation.
If you have already opened and are working with a project, click the Documents link in the left side menu.
If you have not opened a project, click the Documents tab at the top of the page and select the project.
Document Folder Structure
A pre-defined document structure, created for MIT and determined by a Committee, should be used to organize and archive project documents. Comments or suggestions about the folder structure can be forwarded to e-Builder administrators by using the e-Builder MIT Feedback form.
Once in the project you will be able to navigate through the folders for which your role has been given permission.
The folders are labeled:
- “I” for Internal (MIT users)
- “E” for External
- “I&E” for Internal and External.
Project Managers can view all folders. However, if you upload documents, pay close attention into which type of folder you upload documents.
Upload Multiple Documents
Upload multiple documents into a folder in one step by dragging documents from the folder on your computer to the right hand side of the e-Builder screen.
Dragging documents requires IE10 or higher. The ability to Create Folder has been restricted. You will be unable to upload an entire folder at one time.
The menu under folder name on the right side is for multiple documents. You would select the checkbox to one or more documents and click on an option (Download, Send, Compare, etc.)
The menu under the file name is just for that file.
Email In
The contents of each folder can be viewed on the right side. The folder name appears at the top. The menu under folder name on the right side is for multiple documents. To Delete, Move, Copy, etc. document(s), you must select the item(s) by clicking in the checkbox and clicking the desired option (Download, Send, Compare, etc.)
From the project documents page:
Select the “00 – E-mail In-box (I)” folder.
On the right side, click “Email Address”
It will copy the email address (you may receive a prompt requesting access to do so)
In your email message, paste the email address.
The project email address format should be: If it is not, please contact the MIT e-Builder Administrator.
Sending Documents
Within the documents module you have the ability to send the document to users or nonusers of e-Builder from within the folder.
From the project documents page:
Select the document or documents you want to send.
Click the Send link (top link if multiple documents, link under document name for just that one)
You will have an option of
Fax: Sends to a fax machine anything that can be converted to a PDF
Email: Send the native file or a PDF to any valid email address
As Attachments – will physically attach the document to the email
As Link – will provide a link to the document in e-Builder. They do not have to be an e-Builder user to access. This is recommended if sending large files that may be rejected by the recipient’s IT.
Notify: Use inform another e-Builder user that the file is in the folder. They will be provided a link to that folder and will be required to login.
In your email message, paste the email address.
Check Out versus Download
A document that has been checked out by a user is temporary locked by that user. Another user will not have the ability to upload a new version of the document until that document has been checked back in. This helps prevent multiple people updating different versions of the same document.
A document that has been checked out will have a check mark in over the document icon next to the document name. If you hover over that icon it will list the person’s name who checked out a document. To check the document back in, a new file with the same name can be uploaded to the folder by the user that checked out the document and it will automatically check the file back in.
Download is used when you do not need to make any updates and would like to review or distribute the file outside of e-Builder.
Forms are used to have a ball-in-court communication. The initiator selects and submits a form and sends it to another e-Builder user. That person becomes responsible for responding. They need to either complete the form and send it back or they have the ability to send it to others for additional comments or information. Each send makes a new person responsible to complete the item until the initiator or a role with permissions marks it complete.
Creating a Form
Select a Project:
Click on Forms in the left-hand column
Click on Fill Out Form on the right side of the screen.
Note: You will only be able to fill out forms you have access to.
Select a Form.
Fill out the details of the form and select the recipient. Recipients must be e-Builder users.
Note: All fields with a red asterisks are required before sending.
Click the documents, processes or forms tab to attach supporting documentation.
Click “Post Form”
Replying to a Form
To find forms created related to a project:
In the Filter Forms: Select Forms In My Court” , “Opened” and
‘All Workflow and Static Forms” and click filter
Select a Form in the grid.
Fill out the details of the form click Reply. This will allow to send the form back to the originator and add comments.
Click “Reply” again.
Note: You can also forward the form to another user if additional review or action is needed.
Closing a Form
From in the Project Form Page:
In the Filter Forms: Select Forms In My Court” , “Opened” and
‘All Workflow and Static Forms” and click filter
Select a Form in the grid.
Review the details, if everything looks complete, click “Close Form”.
e-Builder Processes route information based on defined business rules. Processes improve communication and enhance collaboration among members of the project team. Forms in e-Builder are completed by project participants. When a form is submitted it is moved to the next step in the process for review or action by the appropriate actor. The MIT Facilities e-Builder team and steering committee has defined forms and workflow for MIT-specific processes. Some processes are integrated with the cost module. This allows the status of a cost item, such as an invoice, to be updated as approvals are received providing full and consistent visibility. Using e-Builder effectively requires users to complete workflow in their court accurately and in a timely manner so that processes are constantly moving information through the workflows.
Starting a Process
A Process is applicable within the context of a project. Therefore, to start a Process you must first select and be working within a project.
Follow these steps to start a Process:
Select a Project.
In the Project menu in the left hand column select Processes. Alternatively, you can select Processes from the top menu and then select the project you wish to work within.
Click on Start Process on the right side. This will open a page with a list of the processes you may start based on your role and project permissions.
Select a Process.
Fill in the process details.
Click the documents, processes or forms tab to attach any supporting documentation needed.
Click “Submit" to route the workflow to the next step.
Spawned Processes
To spawn a process means to allow the current process to start another process when the workflow enters that step. When the parent process spawns another process the workflow stays in the spawn step until the child (or spawned) process completes the start step. For example, a process for Potential Change Orders could spawn a Change Order Request process.
Process Name & Number
Allows you to always see what process you are in and the number instance it is on the project.
Taking Action on a Process
You are required to take action when a process in the structured workflow reaches a step for which you are listed as an actor.
From the Project Process Page:
To see processes that are in your court use these settings in Filter Processes:
Click Processed in My Court in the radio button group.
Check Open for Type of Process.
Choose All Statuses from the Status dropdown menuSelect a Process in the table.
Fill in the details on the process and attach any supporting documentation
At the top of the page, there will be an Action drop down, select your action and click the button to move the workflow to the next step.
Allows you to always see what process you are in and the number instance it is on the project.
Process Page Actions
Processes open in a separate browser window on your desktop. Other e-Builder windows remain open in the background.
Once you have reviewed the item in your court, click on one of the buttons to initiate the appropriate action. You will see only actions that apply to the process given the designed workflow and your role.
Field | Description |
Accept/Decline | The option to accept or decline to act on a process step is only available if there are multiple actors on the step and this option is configured in the account settings. If you click Decline, the process step will no longer appear in your court. |
Workflow Override | This button displays only for administrators and users with manage workflow permissions. Click this button to override the step and move the process instance to another step in the process. |
All Fields View | This button displays for administrators and user with manage workflow permissions only. Click this button to view a list of all data fields and their values for the process |
Help | Click this link to view instructions for the process written by the process creator. If a data field has a question mark icon displayed to the right of the field name then hover over it for additional help content for that field. |
Show History | Click this link to open the routing history page and view an audit trail of the process. |
Show Workflow Diagram | Click this link to view the workflow diagram. The current step will be highlighted. |
Current Actors | Click this link to view current actors on the process steps. |
Take Action | Click the drop-down arrow to the left of this field to select an action to take, and then click this button to take the action. Taking action will move the process to the next step in the workflow. See Action Dropdown below |
Check Spelling | Click this button to check the spelling of data fields on this page. |
Submit | Click this button to complete the start step when initiating a process. |
Forward | This button only display if the step has been configured for flexible routing by your account administrator. Click this button to forward the process to another user on the project. |
Reply | This button only display if the step has been configured for flexible routing by your account administrator. Click this button to reply to the user on the project that forwarded the process to you. |
Click this button to print the process step. Based the settings for this step, this button may or may not appear. | |
Copy | This button displays for processes that are already in progress. Click this button to duplicate the process instance. This capability allows you to carry over existing, reusable information, reducing data entry efforts. Once a process instance is copied, data entry fields are copied as well, such as custom fields, data fields, company and contact information and reason codes. If this is a cost process, all cost data is also carried over with the exception of line items and dynamic line items. |
Delegate | Click this button to delegate the current step to another user on the project. |
Save | Click this button to Save the current filled out data and return to it at a later time. |
Delete Draft | This button displays only for account administrators, the process initiator and users with the permissions to access draft processes. Click to delete the draft. |
Cancel | Click this button to cancel the current action. All unsaved data will be lost. |
Details Tab | The Details tab list all data fields for the process. |
Comments Tab | Click the Comments tab to view a list of comments added to the process in chronological order. Date and time stamps are included. If a document or process is attached it also can be referenced here. From here you can also add and request comments. |
Attached Documents Tab | Click the Attached Documents tab to download and view a list of documents attached to the process. From here you can also attach documents as a reference or supporting evidence, such as a sketch, plan, specification, or budget. |
Attached Processes Tab | Click the Attached Processes tab to view a list of documents attached to the process. From here you can also attach documents as reference or supporting evidence, such as a Request for Information to a Potential Change Order. |
Attached Forms Tab | This tab will only display if the Forms module is enabled on your account. Click the Attached Forms tab to view a list of forms attached to the process. You can also attach forms as reference or supporting evidence. |
Attached To Tab | Click the Attached To tab to view a list of processes that this process is attached to. |
Action Dropdown
If you are an actor on a step and are responsible for completing the task you will see this drop down with the actions you may take. Use the Show Workflow Diagram button if you wish to see the next process step.
Clicking on the Show History link displays all of the actions on this process; what steps it has gone through; who took action on those steps; the date/time and field values that have been changed and by whom.
Current Actor
The user(s) currently responsible for reviewing this step and taking action.
Current Step and Show Workflow Diagram
Click Show Workflow Diagram to display the entire process in a new window. The current step will be outlined in blue.
Comments & Attachments
Click on the comments tab to add a comment or see comments from others. In addition, any documents, another form or another process can be attached in the following tabs.
The Schedule module is used to track project schedules.
A template has been created to promote consistency and ease of use across all MIT Facilities projects. The template will be visible when you begin using the Schedule module. If the template does not appear please contact the e-Builder administrator.
The template accounts for Design, Construction, Commissioning and Turnover and Occupancy.
Take these steps when you start using the schedule.
Adjust durations and dates to fit your project.
Activate the schedule.
Save a baseline of the scheduled tasks.
Update and maintain the schedule.
Updating Schedule
Click on the Pencil icon to update the schedule. The icon changes to a disc and an "X" to allow users to save the change or to cancel the action.
It is good project management practice to save schedule Snapshots. Save a Snapshot by picking Save Snapshot from the Actions dropdown menu that is located next to the Update Schedule button. Use Snapshots throughout the life of your projects to compare the current schedule to prior Snapshots and/or to the Schedule Baseline.
Activate and Save a Baseline
Activing a schedule makes it available for all users to see. Prior to activation only the e-Builder Administrator and the Schedule Manager can see the schedule.
To activate the schedule select all tasks with check box located in the grey table header. Choose Activate from the Actions dropdown menu that is next to the Add Task button.
Once you have activated the schedule, select all the tasks again, click the Action button and select Save Baseline.