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1. email about the scheduled down time ahead of time so they will not be alarmed when the nagios service fails on Thalia.  

2. check out the release branch

3. make sure that the following lines are  in settings.xml in $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml  . Username and password are for the tomcat manager. Ask if you don't have that information.        <server>

4. Deployment method 1: command line

goto the directory where the pom.xml resides (the top level branch directory) and type:

mvn tomcat:undeploy -Denv=prod1  (this commands undeploys thalia on isda-thalia5)

mvn clean tomcat:deploy -Denv=prod1 (this command does a clean build and deploys it onto isda-thalia5)

mvn tomcat:undeploy -Denv=prod2  (this commands undeploys thalia on isda-thalia8)

mvn clean tomcat:deploy -Denv=prod2 (this command does a clean build and deploys it onto isda-thalia8)

5. Deployment method 2: via the tomcat manager interface

goto the directory where the pom.xml resides (the top level branch directory) and type:

mvn clean package -Denv=prod1 (this will generate a clean production build).


undeploy the root (context /)

deployed the newly generated war

repeat this process on isda-thalia11 

 6. If you have to make changes:

Part of the profile definition is in ime\Trunk\thalia\pom.xml under the profiles section. It specifies which servers to deploy to in each environment. Part of the profile definition is in thalia\ime\Trunk\thalia\src\main\filters*.properties files. It specifies the alfresco server address/port, alfresco passwords for user and admin.  To change the prodution environment, edit


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