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Draw the temperature dependence of the concentration of charge carriers in a p-type semiconductor. For each regime that you identify, draw a schematic of the band structure to indicate the origin of charge carriers. Give an expression for p(T) where appropriate.


Freeze out, intrinsic, extrinsic





Unknown macro: {1}
Unknown macro: {4}

\left ( \frac

Unknown macro: { 2 m_v k_B T}
Unknown macro: {pi hbar^2}

\right )^

Unknown macro: {3/2}



<math>p_v (T) = \int_

Unknown macro: {infty}


Unknown macro: {epsilon_v}

d \epsilon g_v ( \epsilon ) e^{- (\epsilon_v - \epsilon ) / k_B T} e^

Unknown macro: {( mu - epsilon_c )/k_B T}




Demonstrate using the law of mass action how an addition of a ppm concentration of dopant can lead to orders of magnitude change in conductivity.


Calculate the number of impurities doped when adding a one part in <math>10^6</math>. The atom density is about 10^

Unknown macro: {22}

. An expression of the number of dopant atoms per cubic centimeter is below.





Unknown macro: {10^6}

= 10^

Unknown macro: {16}



<math>n_c \approx 10^



<math>p_v = \frac

Unknown macro: {n_i^2}
Unknown macro: {N_d}



<math>p_v \approx 10^4</math>



Conductivity is proportional to the number of carriers leading to orders of magnitude change in conductivity.


Write an expression for the conductivity of a semiconductor, clearly define the different contributors to the conductivity. Plot the temperature dependence of the conductivity for an extrinsic semiconductor, outline the different mechanisms which contribute to the change in conductivity as a function of temperature.



<math>\sigma = n_e e \frac

Unknown macro: {e tau_e}
Unknown macro: {m_e}

+ n_h e \frac

Unknown macro: {e tau_h}
Unknown macro: {m_H}



<math>\mu_e = \frac

Unknown macro: {m_e}



<math>\mu_h = \frac

Unknown macro: {e tau_h}




Outline the steps for calculating the density of electrons in the conduction band of a 2D semiconductor? Obtain a mathematical expression for the density of carriers function (an integral expression), graphically display the integral for a 2D p-type semiconductor. How could you change the density of charge carriers?


Change the density of charge carriers by shifting the chemical potential. The position of the chemical potential can be engineered by adding impurities.


How is the chemical potential found in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors? Plot the dependence of the chemical potential in an extrinsic semiconductor on temperature.



<math>\mu = \epsilon_v + \frac

Unknown macro: {2}

E_g + \frac

Unknown macro: {3}
Unknown macro: {4}

k_B T \ln \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {m_v}
Unknown macro: {m_c}

\right )</math>



Are there solutions that exist in the bandgap of a semiconductor even in the absence of defects? How would you mathematically describe these states and how does their nature depend on the distance from the band edge?


Derive an expression for the chemical potential of an intrinsic semiconductor. Do not stress out if you don���t get all of the terms right I���m interested in your approach not the final answer necessarily���


The position of the chemical potential is obtained from the expressions of the charge carrier density. In intrinsic semiconductors the number of electrons in the conduction band is equal to the number of holes in the valence band.



<math>n_c(T) = N_c (T) e^{-(\epsilon_c - \mu )/k_B T}</math>


<math>p_v(T) = P_v (T) e^{-(\mu - \epsilon_v)/k_B T}</math>


<math>n_c(T) = p_v(T)</math>


<math>n_c(T) = n_i(T)</math>


<math>n_i(T) = \sqrt

Unknown macro: {P_v(T)N_c(T)}


Unknown macro: {E_g}
Unknown macro: {2k_B T}




There is then an expression of the chemical potential.



<math>\mu = \epsilon_v + \frac

Unknown macro: {1}

E_g + \frac

Unknown macro: {3}
Unknown macro: {4}

k_B T \ln \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {m_v}
Unknown macro: {m_c}

\right )</math>




Describe the operating principle of a solar cell. How would you find the optimal load to be used with the solar cell? Support your answer with equations.

We want to fabricate a p-n junction in a Si wafer. What could you use as a p and n type dopant?

Draw the space charge distribution versus position for Na >> Nd assuming an abrupt junction at xd after equilibrium is achieved, identify the depletion region.

Express the chemical potential as a function of dopant concentration prior to equilibrium. What is the magnitude of the built-in voltage once equilibrium is established? Draw the band structure after equilibrium. Clearly indicate the position of the chemical potential curvature of the bands. Assuming an ideal diode behavior, give an expression for the I-V characteristic of the p-n junction. Explain how and why the different currents are affected under applied bias.

In what direction do the charge carriers flow right after the p-n junction is formed? What is the driving force for their flow and what ultimately stops the transfer of charges? Plot the I-V curve for a p-n junction.

Outlines the different methods for creating a built-in voltage in a material. Describe how the build-in voltage is generated and how we may control its magnitude. Support your answer with equations.

Describe the operating principle of a solar cell. How would you find the optimal load to be used with the solar cell? Support your answer with equations.

Draw the band diagrams reflecting the joining of the following pairs of materials, provide a brief-explanation on the properties and characteristics of each junction, suggest candidate materials for each junction. P-n junction with different Ec and Ev levels, p-n junction with save Ec and Ev levels, metal and n-doped.


Plot on separate figures the DOS versus energy for an amorphous and crystalline semiconductor. Relate the features in the DOS to the specific crystal imperfections.

Plot qualitatively the electronic eigenfunctions versus position for the states in the mobility gap and out of the mobility gap of an amorphous semiconductor.

Compare and contrast the electronic properties of amorphous and crystalline semiconductors. Be sure to relate the electronic structure to the underlying physical structure. How are the electronic states in the mobility gap of an amorphous semiconductor different from the rest of the states. Compare the properties of amorphous Si and crystalline Si. What types of applications are these two forms of Si used in and why?

Give two examples of amorphous semiconductors that have a corresponding crystalline form. Compare and contrast the electronic properties of the amorphous and crystalline forms on one of the materials.

How would you describe the structure of an amorphous semiconductor? Provide a mathematical function that can be used to desribe the structure of an amorphous material, plot this function for a hypothetical 2D amorphous material.

Define the DoS and explain why it is used to desribe the electronic properties of amorphous semiconductors. Draw a typical DoS function for an amorphous structure and identify the different types of states associated with the different regimes. What characteristics of the amorphous structure give rise to the different states and the corresponding features in the DoS?


Give an example and provide a bonding schematic of an organic material that would display semiconducting properties?


Using the variational approach demonstrate how you would proceed to calculate the molecular eigenfunctions in a linear conjugated polymer with 10 repeat units? Provide as much detail as you can about the trial function.


Explain briefly what the following forces are and in what way do they each influence the magnetic ordering, comment on their relative strength and dependence on distance: exchange, dipolar, anisotropic.

Explain why magnetic domains form.


What is the most general relation between the polarization vector and the electric field?



<math>P = \chi^

Unknown macro: {(1)}

\vec E + \chi^

Unknown macro: {(2)}

\vec E^2 + \chi^

Unknown macro: {(3)}

\vec E^3 +...</math>



A material���s optical properties are described by its susceptibility. Outline the derivation steps for an analytical expression for the linear susceptibility (damped harmonic oscillator model).



<math>m \frac

Unknown macro: {d^2X}
Unknown macro: {dt^2}

+ m \gamma \frac

Unknown macro: {dX}
Unknown macro: {dt}

+ m \omega_o^2 X = q E(t)</math>


<math>X = \frac

Unknown macro: {qE_o}
Unknown macro: {m(omega_0^2 - omega^2 + i gamma omega)}


Unknown macro: {i omega t}



<math>\vec P = N \vec p</math>


<math>\vec p = q \vec X</math>


<math>\vec P = N \vec \frac

Unknown macro: {m(omega_0^2 - omega^2 + i gamma omega)}


Unknown macro: {i omega t}



<math>\chi = N \vec \frac

Unknown macro: {q}


Unknown macro: {i omega t}




What additional terms are added the damped harmonic oscillator model to account for nonlinear optical behaviors? Give two examples of nonlinear processes (one second order and one third order) cite a material that exhibits the process you mention.



<math>m \frac

Unknown macro: {dt^2}

+ m \gamma \frac

Unknown macro: {dX}
Unknown macro: {dt}

+ m \omega_o^2 X + ax^2= q E(t)</math>



There is a second-order process exhibited by KTP. The process is frequency doubling.


A third order process is self-focusing. CdxHg1���xGa2S4


Plot the materials dispersion (index of refraction versus wavelength) for Si, Ge, and SiO2 for wavelengths 1-10 microns.


See notes


What is the form of the harmonic oscillator potential? What are the energy eigenvalues? Plot the first 3 eigenfunctions. Why is the harmonic oscillator potential so important and general? Consider an experiment where a gas of diatomic molecules is being illuminated by light and is undergoing harmonic vibrations���the intensity of the illumination is increase by 3 orders of magnitude���what form of the potential would you use to analyze the vibrations if the quadratic form is no longer adequate?




Unknown macro: {1}
Unknown macro: {2}

m \omega^2</math>


<math>E = (n + \frac

Unknown macro: {2}

0 \hbar \omega</math>



Good at approximating small pertubations.


Use more terms in the Taylor approximation.


What are the optical dispersion relations omega versus k for a plane wave in a medium with refractive index n? How is this dispersion relation modified by the presence of periodic interfaces?



<math>k = \frac

Unknown macro: {omega n}
Unknown macro: {c}




What determines the frequency width of the photonic bandgap? Give an example of a pair of materials that would yield large photonic bandgaps and one example of a pair that would yield small photonic bandgaps.




Unknown macro: {Delta omega}
Unknown macro: {omega_o}

\approx \frac

Unknown macro: {pi}


Unknown macro: {Delta n}
Unknown macro: {n}




Large difference: <math>SiO_2</math> and <math>Si</math>


Small difference: <math>GaSb</math> and <math>GaAs</math>


Suppose you have a linearly polarized TE plane wave incident from left to right on a planar dielectric interface (between media 1 and 2) at an angle theta. Write explicit mathematical expression for all the waves that exist once the original wave encounters the interface. Clearly label the wavevectors, frequencies, and directions of the electric and magnetic fields for each wave on a schematic.




Unknown macro: {Incident Wave}



<math>\vec E_i e^{\omega t - i \vec k_i \cdot \vec r</math>



Unknown macro: {Reflected Wave}



<math>\vec E_r e^{\omega t - i \vec k_r \cdot \vec r</math>



Unknown macro: {Transmitted Wave}



<math>\vec E_t e^{\omega t - i \vec k_t \cdot \vec r</math>



What components of the wave vector are preserved across the dielectric interface? Show how Snell���s law is related to these conserved components.


To calculate the behavior of the normal components of the field with respect to the interface unit vector Gauss' theorem




Unknown macro: {volume}

\vec \nabla \cdot \vec B dv = \int_

Unknown macro: {surface}

\vec B \cdot \hat n dS = 0</math>



\vec \nabla \cdot \vec D dv = \int_

Unknown macro: {surface}

\vec D \cdot \hat n dS = 4 \pi \int_

Unknown macro: {volume}

\rho dv</math>



  • <math>\hat n \cdot ( \vec B_2 - \vec B_1 ) = 0</math>
    • The normal component of the magnetic induction is continuous across the surface of discontinuity
  • <math>\hat n \cdot ( \vec D_2 - \vec D_1 ) = 4 \pi \rho</math>
    • In the presence of a layer of surface charge, the normal component of the electric displacement changes abruptly by an amount equal to <math>4 \pi \sigma</math>. The tangential components are found through the application of Stokes Theorem.




\vec \nabla \times \vec E \cdot \hat n dS = \int_

Unknown macro: {line}

\vec E \cdot d \vec r</math>



  • <math>\hat n \times (\vec E_2 - \vec E_1) = 0</math>
    • The tangential component of the electric field is continuous across the interface.
  • <math>\vec n \times (\vec H_2 - \vec H_1 = \frac
    Unknown macro: {4 pi}
    Unknown macro: {c}

    \vec K</math>

      • In the presence of a surface current the tangential component of the magnetic induction changes abruptly.

    Focus on the interface plane, <math>x=0</math>. Boundary conditions dictate relations between the field components on both sides of the interface. The phase of the fields must be equal.



    <math>( \vec k_1 \cdot \vec r )_

    Unknown macro: {x=0}

    = ( \vec k'1 \cdot \vec r )

    = ( \vec k_2 \cdot \vec r )_

    Unknown macro: {x=0}



    <math>( \vec k_

    Unknown macro: {1y}

    y + \vec k_

    Unknown macro: {1z}

    z) = ( \vec k'_

    y + \vec k'_

    Unknown macro: {1z}

    z) = ( \vec k_

    Unknown macro: {2y}

    y + \vec k_

    Unknown macro: {2z}




    Unknown macro: {1y}

    = k'_

    = k_




    = k'_

    Unknown macro: {1z}

    = k_

    Unknown macro: {2z}




    Consider an arbitrary vector that lies in the <math>z-y</math> plane. in this case, the following is true.



    <math>\vec r = (x=0,y,z) = \vec r_

    Unknown macro: {z-y}



    <math>(\vec k_

    Unknown macro: {1t}

    \cdot \vec r_t ) = (\vec k'_

    \cdot \vec r_t ) = (\vec k_

    Unknown macro: {2t}

    \cdot \vec r_t )</math>



    The vectors <math>\vec k_1</math>, <math>\vec k'_1</math>, <math>\vec k_2</math> all lie in a place called the plane of incidence. Orient the coordinate system so that the plane of incidence coincides with the <math>x-z</math> plane.



    <math>\vec E = \vec E e^

    Unknown macro: {i(omega t - k_x x - k_z z)}




    The tangential components of the wavevector are all identical regardless of the medium that they are in and regardless of whether a medium is lossless or absorbing.




    = k_

    Unknown macro: {1'z}

    = k_

    Unknown macro: {2z}

    = \beta</math>


    <math>|\vec k_1| = |\vec k'_1| = n_1 \vec

    Unknown macro: {omega}


<math>|\vec k_2| = n_2 \vec

Unknown macro: {omega}
Unknown macro: {c}



<math>|\vec k_i| \sin \theta_1 = |\vec k_t| \sin \theta_2</math>



Unknown macro: {omega n_1}

\sin \theta_1 = \frac

Unknown macro: {omega n_2}
Unknown macro: {c}

\sin \theta_2</math>



Consider the following dielectric constant of <math>SiO_2</math> glass and quartz: at <math>1kHz</math>, glass=7.2 and quartz=3.3, and the index of refraction for both materials is approximately n=1.5 in the visible range. Explain the observed difference between the two materials, and between the two frequencies.


What form do Maxwell���s equations take in a homogenous anisotropic medium? What do the solutions look like in this medium? Draw the dispersion relations for this type of medium. How does this dispersion relation differ from that of a free particle? How is the reflection coefficient calculated for an interface between a medium with refractive index n1 and index n2?



Calculate the density of states function for a 2D free electron gas. Define the Fermi energy for a 2D electron gas containing N electrons contained in an area A.



<math>N = \frac

Unknown macro: {2 pi k^2}


Unknown macro: {2 pi}
Unknown macro: {L}



<math>N = \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {2m epsilon}
Unknown macro: {hbar^2}

\right )^

Unknown macro: {3/2}


Unknown macro: {A}
Unknown macro: {3 pi^2}




The density of states is given by the expression below.




Unknown macro: {dN}
Unknown macro: {depsilon}

= g(\epsilon)</math>



Unknown macro: {d epsilon}

= \frac

Unknown macro: {m}
Unknown macro: {hbar^2 pi^2}

\sqrt{ \frac

Unknown macro: {2 m epsilon}




What is the difference between localized and delocalized bloch states?

First of all, a Bloch state is the wavefunction of a particle (e.g., electron) placed in a periodic potential. It consists of the product of a plane wave and a periodic function (Bloch envelope) that has the same periodicity as the potential. This is a wavefunction of an electron which spans throughout the crystal. Thus, by defination Bloch waves are always delocalized. The concept of localized states were introduced in extrinsic semiconductors. On doping, the extra hole or electron (depending on the type of doping) are bound by its center nucleus and thus these electron or holes form localized states, which may become delocalized and hence a bloch electron (or hole) when excited thermally.


Unknown macro: {r}


Unknown macro: {k}



Why do the band edges "happen" to be horizontal?

When do we use Maxwell-Boltzmann versus Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics?

In statistical mechanics, Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics describes the statistical distribution of material particles over various energy states in thermal equilibrium, when the temperature is high enough and density is low enough to render quantum effects negligible.
Fermi���Dirac and Bose���Einstein statistics apply when quantum effects have to be taken into account and the particles are considered "indistinguishable".

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