Once we have received back the completed Follow-up Questionnaire in the RT queue, foward it (in RT) to Qing for domain creation:
Qing will do the following to create a new domain:
1. run https://test.thalia-dev.mit.edu/builddomain and touchstone will log you in. That application looks for the /home/www/thalia/conf/thaliausers.xml file on thalia-dev.mit.edu to determine who has rights to use this application. Currently only dongq and dracus (Hunter) are in the list. If more people needs to be added to the file, please contact Qing or Hunter. Select the production cluster, put the name of the domain (eg. daper or mcgovern, case doesn't matter. You only need the domain name, not the fully qualified thalia host name) in the "Please enter the name of the domain" box, then click the build button.
note: you can also wipe out an entire domain and start from scratch by clicking the "rebuild" button. It will delete everything in the existing domain (images, libraries, albums, users, etc) and build you a brand-new domain with the same name. We never had to use this option even though our users told us that they wanted to have this option.
2. We need to ask Bob (rbasch@mit.edu) to add the new host name (eg. daper.thalia.mit.edu) to the idp metadata either via im or email. The metadata will be refreshed on the idp server in one hour
3. After step 1 and 2, the person who created this domain should test it by using https://newdomain.thalia.mit.edu (eg. https://daper.thalia.mit.edu). You should be logged on as guest and see the public library which is empty.
4. Once the domain is alive and functional, the domain creator will notify Thalia Support and thalia support should use the url https://newdomain.thalia.mit.edu/resttest.jsp (eg. https://daper.thalia.mit.edu/resttest.jsp) and self-register (the self-register button is at the top of the page). Only people in the /home/www/thalia/conf/thaliausers.xml file on thalia.mit.edu are allowed to self-register (contact Hunter if more people need to be added to that file). Once the self-register is complete, create the domain administrator by using the UI and send the domain administrator a welcome letter notifying them the creation of their domain.
TThe turn-around for domain provisioning is 2 days.
Notes: If possible, please try to batch up the requests. It is easier for Bob if he can add a few of them at a time. We want to keep the touchstone people happy.