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January 12, 2012

Everyone:  Work on the tweaks to your gamestorming write-ups.  Finish by Jan. 31.  Here's the doc with notes from the meeting re: tweaks.

December 8, 2011

Everyone: Write up the details of each gamestorming ideas result using the template Nicole provided.  See the list of ideas to flesh out for who's writing up which topic.  Put your write-ups on a child page of ideas to flesh out.  See Nicole's child page example, if needed.  Deadline is Jan. 5.

Lisa: Set up appointment with Nicole to look into options for central place for user comments.  (also invite Lisa for Google Fusion demo?)

Putting off til January meeting: Betas review, e-reader topics, idea of UX holding regular staff info./update sessions

November 10, 2011

Remlee & Nicole: continue Gamestorming planning


  • DONE - Schedule another meeting with Nicole for Brainstorming
  • DONE - Send a link to Nicole for the UIG wiki for discovery tools.


  • Talk to Joanne to set up a catered lunch for UX morale lunch.  Thursdays 12-1 in late December?
  • Revisit in January - idea of offering UX informational workshops for librarians, and offer "Writing for the Web" again (based on Darcy's idea from EDUi conference)
  • Revisit in January - talk again about what sort of wrap-up we should do (video, paper, etc.) that we could send to people.

Lisa S: Bring color printouts of heat maps to Gamestorming

September 8, 2011

Lisa & Nicole: Talk about setting up a "wormhole" meeting with Stanford counterparts.

Darcy: Put a slightly revised version of our UX elevator pitch on staff web page & public department directory.

Lisa: Invite all of UX to dress rehearsal for all-staff meeting.

August 11, 2011

Present: Nicole, Darcy, Remlee, Stephanie, Lisa S., Georgiana (notes)

Next Meeting

Meeting time will be changed from 3-5 to 2-4 on Thursdays starting with the September meeting

We will revisit Design Thinking next meeting continuing with Interpretation and Ideation.

Elevator Pitch

Elevator pitch - finished! Final version is posted on wiki. Everyone should practice the pitch out loud.

July 14, 2011

Present: Nicole, Darcy, Remlee, Stephanie, Lisa H., Georgiana (notes)

To Dos

Nicole will send the priority time line and annual report to UX.

Elevator Pitch

Nicole, Darcy, Remlee, Georgiana will send their revisions to Stephanie who will condense the revisions into one final pitch...we are almost there!


Next outing is Thursday 7/21; details will be shared via email.

Next Meeting

Discuss how to share what UX has done this past year.

UX Advocates

Nicole will put UX Advocates on the September agenda.

June 9, 2011

Library Survey

  • Lisa H. Invite all attendees to Library Survey input meeting.

Communication Plan

UX Advocates

  • Nicole will talk to Remlee to rewrite UX Advocate idea with changes (change word from Advocate, list benefits to other units of participation). Draft for July meeting

E-mail communications

  • Georgiana and Stephanie will take a first stab at a list of communication email targets (top 10 most used?) to change; will bring to SOT.

Staff e-readers

  • Nicole will draft a new message to all-lib inviting everyone to borrow a staff e-book reader. Will ask Joanne to arrange training for X-Space residents to learn how to loan and take back. Will order a new B&W Nook to add.
  • Lisa S. will make a new wiki page with same permissions, 1 week time slots with option for 2 weeks in a row, through Dec. 31.

Public e-readers

  • Steph, Darcy, Remlee? will plan for maintenance of public e-book readers. Will include a card or sticker that links to the ereader FAQ.

UX team-building

  • Georgiana will invite the group to a UX lunch on June 15, 11:30-1.
  • Nicole will confirm that lunch time is ok for Marion, will ask Keith if money rolls over to FY12, will email a group to pick a restaurant.

May 19, 2011

Nicole/Darcy: discuss implementation of CampusGuides for staff web

Steph: look into ideas for a creativity workshop

Remlee (& Steph?): explore idea of UX advocates

Nicole/Steph/Darcy: meet to plan UX Summit (Darcy will find meeting time within the next 2 weeks)

Nicole: invite Melissa and Georgiana to future UX meetings, starting in July

April 14, 2011


  • Plan for a "summit" with all UX staff (UX & UIG) 2-4 times a year, to make sure we're all aware of what's going on with different groups and that we're working toward the same goals.
  • Put on next agenda: Continue discussion about planning for blending virtual & physical space services planning.
  • Put on future agenda: Ideas for holding system-wide creativity workshops related to user study results.


  • Experiment with making a quick video update on something to see if it's a good idea for providing updates (ex., user studies, UIG updates, tour of UX space)


  • Talk to Nicole about some sort of team training.
  • Ask Joanne to get rid of rolly chairs.

All who live in UX space:

  • Look in Ikea catalog and put a sticky by your favorite chair.  (We decided to get 2 comfy chairs for now.  We can get more chairs & a lower table later, if we decide we need them.)

February 10, 2011


  • get agreement from Steve and others that other groups share responsibility and ownership in projects we work with them on; look into incorporating this into our scope statement
  • research main bins

Darcy: research trash cans

Stephanie: research cord management

Lisa: order name tags for spaces

Everyone: look at potential chairs for UX space

December 9, 2010

Stephanie/Roshni: PFAD - summarize the results a little more and send out to UX; find a place on the UX wiki to put this.

Darcy: WorldCat - add to UIG agenda - get rid of beta (labeling on site and take off betas page), think about how we want to position it (invite Stephanie, Cassandra, Melissa); follow up with marketing group

Rich/ChristineQ/Nina: WorldCat - determine/document technical support

LisaH: revise UX FY11 Goals

Everyone: Fill out lotus blossom charts for Lisa (kept in UX space)

October 14, 2010


  • Put stars in the Goals for UX brainstorm page for Space and Virtual Sites: - DONE
  • Convene fast acting team for loaning new devices (iPads, Kindles, etc.) with Lisa H, Lisa S, & Stephanie.  Include Ellen & some IDLA folks in the discussion.  Get back to Christine about retiring the oldest Kindle.
  • Add to next agenda: experimenting in UX with various devices (iPads and beyond) and giving Libraries staff the option to borrow devices
  • Add to future agenda: helping selectors figure out which ebook packages are best for users (ebrary vs. NetLibrary, etc.)
  • Add to November or December agenda: discuss Patron for a Day outcome & next steps
  • Set up meeting with various departments to talk about ideas for the user needs study. (DONE). Then convene Lisa H, Lisa S, & Stephanie to figure out how to proceed.


  • By next November UX meeting: go to the top of the wiki page for "Goals for UX "
    Add a section for Virtual Sites category.  Rewrite & refine top few goals for that section.  (Goals are broad.)

Lisa H:

  • By next November UX meeting: go to the top of the wiki page for Goals for UX
    Add a section for Assessment category.  Rewrite & refine top few goals for that section.  (Goals are broad.)


  • By next November UX meeting: go to the top of the wiki page for Goals for UX
    Add a section for Marketing category.  Rewrite & refine top few goals for that section.  (Goals are broad.)


  • Send Patron for a Day email on Monday or Tuesday (10/18-19)
  • By next November UX meeting: go to the top of the wiki page for Goals for UX
    Add a section for Space category.  Rewrite & refine top few goals for that section.  (Goals are broad.)

Sept 9, 2010

- see notes here:

August 11, 2010

Notes from user needs brainstorming exercise


  • If you have ideas for emerging tech subgroup to explore, let Nicole know.  (Ideas: text reference, e-books, etc.)
  • Tell Nicole if you're interested in attending the CLIR workshop about faculty user needs studies in September.


  • Idea to get students' input: do brain-writing exercise with students


  • Send reminder to Nicole to put on UX agenda: how to represent library spaces on web site


  • Set up meeting with Nicole about App Maker
  • Make sure that staff members know about SCVNGR tour
  • Ask Heather to put on next marketing agenda: Interviews with different staff members or happy customers to post on web site.

Lisa S:

  • Email Nicole with idea about lecture series.


  • Carry on with Patron for a Day and have exercises ready to test by next UX meeting.  (Or email group, if better.)

June 10, 2010


  • Think about communication plans for all-lib
  • Share results of task execution/Patron for a Day in early October with staff in a brown bag session.

Emerging tech group for fall: Remlee, Stephanie, Bill (& Noel)


  • Buy a couple of Flip video cameras to use for studies.
  • Segment agenda page to add a parking lot area.
  • Invite Noel to be part of Emerging Tech group for fall.
  • Write bullets for RPPT message. Will send to group to edit.
  • Talk to Christine Q about which of her staff have time to work with us.


  • Draft Google spreadsheet to record and display projects for UX and UIG


  • Prep for ebooks reading meeting



  • Develop list of tasks to accomplish in spaces. Work with 2 people from Christine Q's group. "Patron for a Day"
  • No labels