Page Mockup:
Page Layout: This page consists of a main grid/form for forecasting, a forecasting totals block that follows the user as they scroll down, and a "favorites" block that contains To Be Hired templates (grad student, research assistant, research scientist, etc.) and any spending favorites (trip to Provence in Spring, etc.). The forecasting form/grid is further broken down into GL sections, one for each of the high level CEMIT or Approved GLS. Each GL block contains a subtotals block at the bottom.
Functional Summary: On first entry, the name and description are blank, all GL blocks are open, and the people are shown in their data range view. If the user wants, they can close each block of existing commitments. (Do we need a close all/open all button???) Above each existing commitment in each GL block is an empty row so users can immediately begin forecasting. When a user gets to the last input field in the row, a new blank row is automatically added. In addition and not shown in the image is a "Add new row" button on each block. If a user wants to add a To Be Hired, they click on them and a new row is added that contains the defaults from the To Be Hired they clicked on, which can then be edited.
Any time a user creates a new forecast, they are taken here and have to supply a new name and description. If they are editing an existing forecast, they also come here but the name and description are open for editing. If a user edits the title, this does NOT create a new forecast, it just edits the existing name (we maintain a unique forecast id under the hood). A forecast is saved in a special table in the backend, one per user. This table allows users to edit one forecast as much as they want without committing it. When they click Save, the system will validate the forecast and save it if it passes validation.
Description of the Page: Specify user all actions available on the page. Specify destination of navigation buttons or hyperlinks. Insert one or more annotated screen mock ups to show the page in representative states.
Table 1: Common User Interface Elements for the Forecasting Detail Page
This table includes all elements that appear on this page. Flag elements that have appeared on other pages.
Element |
Control |
Functional Description |
Technical Rules |
cell A1 |
cell A2 |
cell A3 |
cell A4 |
cell B1 |
cell B2 |
cell B3 |
cell B4 |
cell C1 |
cell C2 |
cell C3 |
cell C4 |
cell D1 |
cell D2 |
cell D3 |
cell D4 |
Table X: Validation Rules for [name of page] Page
Validation |
Message |
cell A1 |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
cell B1 |
Consetetur sadipscing elitr |
cell C1 |
Sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor inviduant ut labore |
cell D1 |
Labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua |
Repeat for each screen of the application.