Sketch |
Explanation |
The sign in screen. Ms. Frizzle enters her username and password and clicks the sign in button. |
Ms. Frizzle’s homepage. She can now select a class from the dropdown at the top left of the screen. In addition, in the top right, she can see how many new messages she has received from parents and how many notifications/announcements she has (for example, when a parent signed a form). Ms. Frizzle selects the 3A science class. |
Ms. Frizzle’s 3A science class page. On the left side of the screen, there is a list of pages that she can view for this class. In the main section of the screen, she can see a list of the students in the class, together with their pictures. She can click on a student to view the individual student's page and then send a message to that student's parents, enter the student's grades, etc. |
Ms. Frizzle hovers over the "Forms" button, and a menu appears to give her the options of creating a new form or viewing existing form. Ms. Frizzle clicks on "create a new form." |
The create a form page. There is a textbox in which Ms. Frizzle can type the permission slip. Alternatively, she can choose a template which she can then edit, or she can click the "upload" button to upload a document from her computer. She can then send the form to all the parents in the class, save a draft of the form to return to later, or click cancel. |
Arnold's mother goes to the ConnectEd website and logs in. |
Arnold's mom is able to choose one of her children from the dropdown menu at the top left. She can also see, in the top right, how many new messages she has received from her children's teachers and how many notifications/announcements she has (for example, she can see that there is a new form for her to sign). Arnold's mom sees that she has 2 notifications, so she clicks on the notification button. This brings up a menu listing the notifications: there is one new form and there are new grades available for one of her children. (She can also see this same information in the sidebar.) Arnold's mom clicks on "Forms." |
The form comes up for Arnold's mom to view. She can click "approve" to give her consent for Arnold to go ice skating, or she can click "deny" if she does not want Arnold to go. She also has the option of clicking "remind me later." |
Ms. Frizzle later signs in to ConnectEd again and goes to the 3A science page, as shown above. She sees from the notification button and the sidebar that one parent has signed the form. She clicks on the notification button, sees forms listed, and clicks on "Forms." |
Ms. Frizzle can now see which parents have approved for their children to go ice skating, which parents are not allowing their children to go, and which parents have not yet signed the form. |
* Learnability:
- seeing pictures makes it clear how to access a student
- notifications allow users learn about the site. The user will learn about different features through them
- The website has a standard layout that users are used to it
- the "create form" page is confusing. It is not clear whether one has to add text in order to upload a PDF
- it is not clear to the user what will happen if he or she pick a template after writing a permission slip
- Having students pictures saves time
- notifications save time
- can upload PDFs
- uses templates
- nested menus require steering of mouse
- the attendance table is just plain text, can't send a reminder
- might loss what we wrote if we move to template
- too many clicks: teacher clicks on class -> clicks Forms -> clicks Create New Form
* Safety:
- parents need password, so the kid won't be able to go in and approve
- save draft of the form in case we need to go back
- can't change their mind after they approved or denied