
The CRE: Rm - Staff Conf Rm (9-357) ZR calendar is used for scheduling the CRE Staff Conference Room. It connected to a computer running the Zoom Rooms desktop software.

Where to View

  • In your Outlook Client (Calendar Function > Add > Open Shared Calendar > CRE: Rm: Staff Conf Rm (9-357) ZR )
  • On the web: https://crestaff.mit.edu/calendars/9-357
  • On the iPad outside the CRE Reception Desk


  • When creating a meeting in Outlook, add cre-rm---staff-conf-rm-9-357-zr-res@mit.edu to the list of recipients. This will automatically book the room for you.
  • You may also book the conference room using the iPad outside of the conference room (currently located on the CRE Reception Desk). Once booked, the conference room will be publicly listed as unavailable for the duration of your meeting.
  • Any time you update your meeting details, the changes will be propagated to all sources (CRE iPad, crestaff website, Outlook clients...)

Email Address

In Outlook for Android, the directory search function does not work properly however, you can enter this email address directly and the resource will be invited.

Noteworthy Settings (for CRE IT)

  • A retention rule is configured to automatically delete all email >6 months old.
  • Calendars are set to accept meetings which recur indefinitely, although the actual maximum the calendar will accept is 1080 days (3 years).
  • Calendars create an automatic response to users when their meeting is accepted, with a link to the web-published calendar on the crestaff intranet page.
  • Special Calendar Attributes:

    • AddOrganizerToSubject $true

    • DeleteSubject $false

  • No labels