Infoblox is used to manage the network at Media Lab / XCenter

1. select DHCP record and convert to > Host
click "dhcp" and this creates a static DHCP address. 
add the extensible attributes. 
hit save and close. 

2. select ip i want, click add host. choose zone. add mac address and other required info.

3. traditional static ip - make host record (select one that's not dhcp). save and close without adding mac address. put in the host name so we can ping it. 

4. if i don't want to have a hostname or any kind of record or anything like that, i can go to add > reservation. this will not make any dns entries. if i have a machine with 6 ip addresses and i only want . fixed address is similar to reservation but not sure what i want. they use reservations at the top of the blocks. 

they to use DHCP for everything except like infrastructure things that for some reason don't have DHCP. 

we could use cnames but it's probably better to do A record. 

usually what happens 

rancher manags Kubernetes

if everything is on one machine and they're not contact outside databases, we will does

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