Q: What if there is no date on the document?

A: Check the finding aid.  If there is no date on the document or the finding aid, remove the Date element. 

Q: What if there is no contributor name on the document?

A: Check the finding aid.  If there is no contributor name on the document or the finding aid, assign a nonspecific contributor.  Check the Whirlwind Cheat Sheet for examples.

Q: If Abstract does not describe the content/subject/function of a document, should I add to the abstract?

A: Add a second Description element with a short description of the item's content/subject/function.

Q: Should I do anything special with flawed/incomplete PDFs?               

A: Skip and make a note in the Filemaker database.

Q: Should I transcribe linebreaks from long abstracts into the description field?

A: Yes, but they will likely be ignored.

Q: How do I insert Unicode in Oxygen?A: Menu -> Perspective -> Show Toolbar -> Unicode

[button] Insert From Character Map -> Character Entity - hexadecimal -> Insert

Unicode info can also be found at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters

Unicode Converter: http://rishida.net/scripts/uniview/conversion.php

Q: How do I insert a newline/linebreak in a Replace function in Oxygen?

A: Use this code: {$NEWLINE}

Q: What if there is no MIT DIC listed on the document?               

A: Try to use the Finding Aids to determine the DIC #.  If no DIC # is found, but Project Whirlwind is written on the document, presume MIT DIC 6345.  Otherwise, remove the Series element for MIT DIC #.

Q: What do the Series codes stand for?               


1. SR-Series Summary Reports and Project Lincoln Division 6 Quarterly Progress Reports2. R-Series Reports

3. E-Series Engineering Notes

4. M-Series Memoranda

5. A-Series Administrative Memoranda

6. L-Series Limited Distribution Memoranda

Q: How do I quickly convert ALL CAPS to Title Caps?

A: Web tool to convert text case:   http://www.convertcase.net/

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