iLabs Information Collected

iLab APIs

Process Agents

A process agent in the iLab architecture is a web service that implements the Process Agent interface. A process agent can be a web service or a web server. In the iLab architecture there are several types of process agents: ISB, ESS, USS, LSS, ILS BLS.

  • iLab Service Broker (ISB)
  • Experiment Storage Server (ESS)
  • User-side Scheduling Server (USS)
  • Lab-side Scheduling Server (LSS)
  • Batched Lab Server (BLS)
  • Interactive Lab Server (ILS)

The Service Broker collects the following information about each Process Agent:

Service Name

Descriptive name of the process agent.

Web Service URL

Fully qualified URL to the web services page

Agent GUID

Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) is a unique string for referencing.

Agent Type


Codebase URL

Fully qualified web service application URL.


Text based description of the process agent.

Info URL

Fully qualified URL where more information about the process agent can be found.

Contact Email

Email for the process agent contact.

Bug Report Email

Email for reporting problems with a process agent.


Text based description of the location of the process agent.

Experiment Clients

The Service Broker collects the following information about each Experiment Client:

Lab Client Name

Descriptive name for the experiment client.

Client GUID

Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) is a unique string for referencing


Client version number.

Short Description

Short textual description of the experiment client.

Long Description

Long textual description for experiment client.

Contact First Name

First name of the contact for the client.

Contact Last Name

Last name of the contact for the client.

Contact Email

Email of the contact for the client.

Documentation URL

Fully qualified URL where more information about the client can be found.


Additional information about the client, its setup, contacts, etc.

Client Type

Predefined type: Batch Applet, Batch Redirect, Interactive Applet, Interactive Redirect

Loader Script

Applet loader script for the client.

Needs ESS

Boolean to determine if the client needs Experiment Storage Services

Needs Scheduling

Boolean to determine if the client needs Scheduling Services

Associated ESS

Specifies which ESS this client is using for experiment storage.

Associated USS

Specifies which USS the users of this client is using.

Associated LS

Specifies which Lab Server this client runs on.

Lab Servers

Each Lab Server is written for a particular experiments and it is up to the Lab Server implementation team to determine what information is collected.

Microelectronic Batched labs:



Class Membership


Broker Web Service URL

Contact First Name

Contact Last Name

Contact Email

Broker ID

Broker Groups

LabVIEW Interactive Labs:

  • No labels