Change-Communication Topics

  • Microsoft announces IE9 Beta. Can't really stop users from upgrading. No date on IS&T support announcement.
  • Office 2011 Mac. Opt-in for community late Oct. Official support still a few months out.
  • Office 2010 Office still delayed by McAfee compatibility. Users in-the-know changing anti-virus program.
  • Warning to help desk that implementation teams are loading up the 1-1.5 weeks before Nov 3 with releases. This is to beat the code-freeze announcement for SAP support packs. Noted: APR, eW2, MIT Alert.
  • Ops officially picking up support of Quality Center application service used internally by SE-QA team.
  • Wikis production performance mitigated by ongoing. No additional progress since the last patch.

Release Dates

  • Stellar DB migration from Solaris to Linux, Sat Oct 9, added to IS&T: ISDA Tracking calendar.

Resource Requests


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