Reading Practice

Group Members

  • Geza Kovacs
  • Andrew Liu
  • Anthony Lee
  • TA: Vijay Umapathy

Problem Statement

Students studying foreign languages would like to improve their reading abilities but cannot find suitable reading material for their level. There are large collections of sentences in foreign languages available on the web, but these provide no way to filter them according to what students have learned so far in their foreign language classes.

Target Users

Students studying foreign languages, and teachers who would like to use the tool to help their students learn.

Proposed Solution

A tool that determines the user's reading level and provides them with sentences to read, and assists them in understanding the sentences.

GR1 - Task Analysis

GR2 - Designs

GR3 - Paper Prototyping

GR4 - Computer Prototyping

GR6 - User Testing

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. GR5 Comments (since there was no page):

    Nice job overall, and I think you all did well adapting your system based on user feedback.  One piece of advice for the future: I noticed in this system that a few design decisions were made somewhat arbitrarily (especially things like individual selection of words on the left hand pane, etc.) and not so much from the principles we learned in class, so I'd encourage you to in the future to try to pay more attention to those core ideas.