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PDF File Changing the Conversation- NAE messaging book.pdf 2.52 MB Bruce Mendelsohn Oct 21, 2011 09:47
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Changing the Conversation (NAE Report)
PDF File elpbrochure92011final.pdf 1.06 MB Bruce Mendelsohn Sep 28, 2011 10:27
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Gordon-ELP Brochure (9-2011)
PDF File FacultyNL_GELUpdate_2012.pdf 584 kB Bruce Mendelsohn Jul 16, 2013 13:44
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Faculty NL Program Update 2012
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow FundraisingdeckV13_61411_BrM.ppt 2.27 MB Bruce Mendelsohn Jun 14, 2011 14:41
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Master Fundraising and Information Presentation (updated June 2011)
Microsoft Word 97 Document GEL1_Requirements_2010Apr14v1.3.doc 38 kB Bruce Mendelsohn Apr 14, 2010 16:14
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GEL Year One Program Requirements
Microsoft Word 97 Document GEL2Reqs_2010april14_DS.doc 36 kB Bruce Mendelsohn Apr 14, 2010 16:15
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GEL Year Two Program Requirements
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet GEL Enrollment Progression.xlsx 30 kB Bruce Mendelsohn Dec 03, 2012 07:45
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GEL Enrollment 08-12 Chart
PDF File GELhandbook_JM_v3.0.pdf 3.17 MB Bruce Mendelsohn Aug 27, 2013 17:45
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GEL Handbook v.3 (8/13)
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow GELP Overview Brief_2012May_DS.ppt 1.04 MB Bruce Mendelsohn May 03, 2012 17:38
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GEL Presentation: Grab & Go Slides
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet GEL-UPOP$Summary5-2012.xlsx 15 kB Bruce Mendelsohn May 16, 2012 16:09
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ELP & UPOP Sources of Support, FY11 & 12
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow GordonELP Elevator Pitch-1 (7.11).ppt 125 kB Bruce Mendelsohn Jul 27, 2011 11:43
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General 5-Minute "Elevator Pitch" Program Presentation
Microsoft Word 97 Document Gordon-MIT report May 8th 09.doc 542 kB Bruce Mendelsohn May 18, 2009 11:24
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Ruth Graham's Engineering Leadership Education Survey (5-09)
PDF File GordonPGM_9.2011FINAL.pdf 939 kB Bruce Mendelsohn Oct 20, 2011 20:59
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Gordon ELP Resource Development One-Pager (2011)
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow GordonPlanOutline_2008oct27_V26_EC.ppt 3.74 MB Bruce Mendelsohn Dec 15, 2008 12:36
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Gordon Plan Outline (10-27-08).ppt
PDF File Industry-FS_2013.pdf 355 kB Bruce Mendelsohn Dec 11, 2013 15:09
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Industry Factsheet 2013 Update
Microsoft Word 97 Document InternshipPlus_082313-rs JJ.doc 163 kB Bruce Mendelsohn Dec 11, 2013 15:08
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InternshipPlus Factsheet 2013 Update
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Joel'sEmpoweringEngineersPPT711.ppt 4.84 MB Bruce Mendelsohn Jul 27, 2011 11:17
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Joel's Empowering Engineers PPT for Industry/Academia Audiences
PDF File LeadershipCapabilites3.6_2011june7_EC.pdf 128 kB Bruce Mendelsohn Jul 14, 2011 07:41
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Capabilities of Effective Engineering Leaders (updated 6.11)
PDF File Mentors-FS_2013.pdf 143 kB Bruce Mendelsohn Dec 11, 2013 15:07
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Mentor Factsheet 2013 Update
PDF File StudentProgression8.11.pdf 2.23 MB Bruce Mendelsohn Aug 10, 2011 09:33
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Student Progression + Capabilities (page 2) as of Aug 2011
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