
Faculty Opening

Stanford University

Department of Management Science and Engineering

Faculty Opening

We invite applications from individuals working at the frontiers of Management Science and
Engineering, broadly defined, including candidates from engineering and the mathematical,
medical, physical, and social sciences. We are particularly interested in scholars who can
strengthen our portfolio in computational social science, operations research or applications in
such areas as decision making, economics, financial engineering, operations management,
policy, and work systems. Appointments are to tenure-line junior faculty positions at the
Assistant or untenured Associate Professor level. Please visit our website for more information
about the MS&E Department at .

An earned Ph.D., evidence of the ability to pursue a program of research, and a strong
commitment to graduate and undergraduate teaching are required. A successful candidate will be
expected to teach courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels and to build and lead a team
of graduate students in Ph.D. research.

Applications should include a resume, brief statements of research and teaching interests, and the
names and e-mail addresses of at least three references. Candidates should apply online at:

Applications will be accepted until January 15, 2013. The review of applications will begin on
October 1, 2012. Interviews will begin before the end of the fall term. Therefore, applicants are
encouraged to apply early.

Stanford University is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the
diversity of its faculty. It welcomes nominations of and applications from women and members
of minority groups, as well as others who would bring additional dimensions to the university's

research and teaching missions.

Faculty Position in Operations Supply Chain Management at NC State

NC State University invites applications for a tenure-track (rank open) faculty position in Operations / Supply Chain Management.  The start date for the position is August 2013. Qualified candidates will possess a completed PhD or DBA in operations management, supply chain management, or a related field, and a demonstrated commitment to high quality graduate and undergraduate teaching, research, and service.

New Working Alone Policy

Dear Fellow Faculty and Colleagues:  We are writing to alert you to a new Working Alone Policy for the Institute.  This policy is relevant to all departments, labs and centers where research or teaching involves working with potentially hazardous conditions that may result in immediate injury or serious harm.  The policy resulted from concerns raised after a student died from injuries sustained while working alone at Yale University in April 2011.  The policy has been vetted through the various Institute EHS-related committees (CAB/ESCRO, RPC, and CTC).  It was discussed and endorsed at the February 1, 2012 Institute Council on EHS.  It was approved and adopted by the Academic Council on May 22, 2012.   Each PI is responsible for the safety of his or her lab.  If you are a PI whose research includes such potentially hazardous conditions as defined in the policy, you are responsible for ensuring that your lab personnel are familiar with the Working Alone policy.  Please refer to Guiding Principles in Support of the Working Alone Policy for documentation requirements associated with the policy.  Your Department, Lab or Center EHS Coordinator and the EHS Office are available to provide assistance to you and your lab should you have any questions about the implementation of this policy in your lab.   Thank you for your attention to this important matter.  I appreciate your ongoing commitment to ensuring your world-class research continues to be conducted with safety as a fundamental practice and core value.

Dear ESD community members,

Made possible by a generous gift from Mr. Joseph A. Martore (MIT 1975), we are seeking nominations for the Joseph A. Martore (MIT 1975) Award for Exceptional Contributions to Engineering Systems Education for academic year 2011-2012. Nominations for academic year 2012 are due September 28, 2012. Details about eligibility (which has just been expanded!) and the nomination format are in the attached call for nominations.

This honor will be given to an ESD community member or group in recognition of outstanding contributions in engineering systems education over the past academic year.

“The thought behind the award was to recognize the leadership role that MIT ESD faculty, staff and students … serve in preparing and influencing students to make real world engineering contributions to society,” said Martore, who received both an SB and an SM in civil engineering from MIT.

The award will be presented at the Brunel Lecture on Complex Systems during the Fall term. The honoree will receive a plaque of appreciation and a cash award of $1000.

If you know of someone or several someones who have made a positive impact on Engineering Systems education during the last academic year – give them their due and nominate them!

Thank you,



Elizabeth Milnes

ESD Academic Office


P - Think Before You Print

Faculty Position in Operations at UNC-Chapel Hill Kenan-Flager Business School

Dissertation Defense of Rhonda Jordan

ESD Faculty, Students, and local alumni:

Please join us for the dissertation defense of Rhonda Jordan.

Date: Monday, September 17, 2012

Time: 10am

Room:  9-151

Title:  Incorporating Endogenous Demand Dynamics into Long-term Capacity Expansion Power System Models for Developing Countries

Committee: M. Webster (chair), R. de Neufville, J. Sterman, I. Perez-Arriaga

The abstract follows, and a draft of the dissertation is available to ESD Faculty and doctoral students online:

Other ESD Community members may request a draft for review from me.




This research develops a novel approach to long-term power system capacity expansion planning for developing countries by incorporating endogenous demand dynamics resulting from social processes of technology adoption.  Conventional capacity expansion models assume exogenous demand growth; however, literature suggests that this assumption is not appropriate for developing countries.

The approach presented in this research explicitly represents the links between the social and technical components of the power system.  As customers without electricity select between various supply options to meet their power needs, the demand for grid power is directly impacted.  Similarly, the price of electricity supply and the perceived performance of the grid impact customer choice.  The case study of this thesis demonstrates that neglecting these feedbacks and resorting to simplified assumptions can result in suboptimal investment strategies. 

By comparing the investment strategies identified using this novel approach to that of more conventional approaches, this research highlights cases in which the incorporation of endogenous demand impacts capacity expansion planning.  More specifically, incorporating endogenous electricity demand is important when there is a large fraction of the population without access to power and when the improvement in reliability afforded by capacity expansion is large.  Employing traditional capacity expansion methods in such cases may lead to the selection of inferior expansion strategies depending on the objective of the system planner.

This research necessitated the development of an integrated decision model.  Two generally separate modeling approaches, system dynamics and optimization, are combined to capture both the technical details of power grid operation and endogenous electricity demand dynamics in order to simulate the performance and evolution of the electric power grid. The simulation model is used to identify strategic investment plans suited to meet growing demand at minimum costs for centralized power systems in developing countries.  Finally, in order to compare the output of conventional approaches to the approach developed in this thesis, a power system capacity expansion model assuming exogenous demand was developed using mixed-integer programming.

This research has both academic and applied contributions. It demonstrates a holistic approach to centralized power planning that enables a more realistic representation of grid demand in developing countries, and results in the identification of strategies that, in some cases, perform better than the strategies identified using traditional approaches.  This research also developed a modular, power system modeling framework that integrates the social and technical aspects of the system.  While this research was inspired by the case of Tanzania, the approach was developed with the flexibility to be applied to other countries with similar power system structure and contextual features.  

McKinsey Operations Practice

Please join us to learn more about McKinsey's Operations Practice...

We'd like to share with you what the McKinsey Operations Practice is and how it might be a great fit for you!  We'll go through a brief overview of what we do and the different ways we serve our clients, then we'll give you a taste of it by having some friendly competition as we highlight one of our service lines.

The event will take place on campus this Friday, September 14th, 2012 from 3pm to 5pm.    

We hope you can join us for a fun and informative afternoon!  After we're done with the presentation and game, we'll have plenty of time to answer your questions about McKinsey, the Operations practice, and your next steps to apply.

Please RSVP to our MIT recruiter, Brenna Stearns, at by Thursday, September 13th. You will receive location details in your confirmation.  Also look for us at our Campus Presentation on Thursday (9/13) at 7:30 PM in 34-101 and at the Career Fair Friday (9/21) on the second floor.

For more information about McKinsey Operations, visit our website: 

Career Fair Prep Events

Welcome back to another exciting school year! GECD Career Services is ready for Career Fair Prep week to prepare students for the Fall Career Fair on September 21st. We will be holding the following workshops and panels starting Monday, September 10th, in addition to extended drop in hours for resume prep, plus employer resume critiques (details at the bottom of this email). For more information on events, including room numbers (which are subject to change) and to register, visit CareerBridge. For drop in information, visit the GECD website.


Upcoming Events


Technical Interviewing for Engineering (incl. Google)

Tuesday, September 18, 2:30-4pm

Staying Competitive in Your Job Search, featuring Google (pizza!)

Tuesday, September 18, 4:30-6pm


How to Work a Career Fair (webinar)

Wednesday, September 19, 5-6pm

Registration and attendance at


Art of Behavioral interviewing

Thursday, September 20, 6-7pm

Registration and attendance at

Register to have your resume reviewed by employers in consulting, finance, and engineering!

Sign up with CareerBridge:  Click on “On-Campus Interviews”, then “Interviews I Qualify For,” then “Advanced Search,” and type in “Employer Resume Critiques” in the “Company Name” field. Remember to bring a hard copy of your resume with you!

Note: Students may only sign up for 1 timeslot

Putnam Associates Information Session

Management and Strategy Consulting Information Session

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012 6pm-8pm

Room 4-237

Refreshments will be served

Are you interested in a career in business strategy consulting? Putnam Associates, a boutique firm just outside of Boston, is looking for competitive undergraduates with business interest and strong analytical skills for the position of Analyst. We are also currently seeking PhD or MD students with an interest in Life Sciences to join our firm as a Life Sciences Consultant. We invite students with an interest in strategy consulting and healthcare to come to our information session on Wednesday, September 12th, 2012 and to visit our website to learn more. 

Since 1988 Putnam Associates has provided exceptional insight into the strategic, marketing and sales issues facing companies operating in the rapidly changing pharmaceutical, biotechnology, diagnostics and medical devices industries. We strive to combine the best of the larger firms’ process rigor with a specialist firm’s culture, opportunity and expertise. Recognized by Consulting Magazine as a "Small Jewel" within the consulting marketplace for an innovative approach to client service, firm culture, and thought leadership, we are in the top 10 consulting firms for Work/Life Balance, Travel Requirements, Hours in the Office and Relationship with Supervisors by (2011).

Putnam’s culture is decidedly client focused and impact oriented. We have been fortunate to serve many exciting and demanding clients, including most of the top 10 global pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Our focus, expertise and track-record have led to many long-term relationships. Almost all of our studies combine sophisticated quantitative analytics with significant qualitative fact-finding and synthesis to inform strategic decision-making. Our diverse casework spans portfolio prioritization, development pathway and resource optimization, market assessment, product pricing and launch strategies, market segment growth strategies, sales force strategies, franchise development and patent expiration strategies.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at


Carolyn Massey

Submit a Proposal to Improve Student Life

The Graduate Student Life Grants program is a request-for-proposal process inviting graduate students, spouses, faculty, or staff to submit creative, community building ideas for possible funding.

We encourage you to apply for funds - especially in collaboration with other students or student groups. Proposals may address a specific constituency such as families; they may cross departments or focus within a discipline; they may target several residence halls, or a variety of student groups. Their purpose should be to explore the role and relevance of community in creating a more balanced and fulfilling graduate experience.

Previous successful grants include Weekly Wednesdays at the Muddy Charles, Greek Cooking Class, Science Policy Bootcamp, the FamilyNet website and "An Evening with Tom Chapin."

The application deadline is midnight on Friday, October 26, 2012.  Proposal authors will have the opportunity to answer any questions from the selection panel; funds will be released after December 7, 2012. Contact us with any questions:

Omidyar Fellowship Recruitment

The Omidyar Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Santa Fe Institute offers:

• transdisciplinary collaboration with leading researchers worldwide

• up to three years in residence in Santa Fe, New Mexico

• discretionary research and collaboration funds

• a structured leadership training program

• unparalleled intellectual freedom

Deadline: 1 November 2012. 

 Apply at

The Omidyar Fellowship at the Santa Fe Institute is unique among postdoctoral appointments. The Institute has no formal programs or departments. Research is collaborative and spans the physical, natural, and social sciences. Most research is theoretical and/or computational in nature, although it may include an empirical component. SFI typically has 15 Omidyar Fellows and postdoctoral researchers, 12 resident faculty, 100 external faculty, and 250 visitors per year. Descriptions of the research themes and interests of the faculty and current Fellows can be found at

Requirements include a Ph.D. in any discipline (or expect to receive one by September 2013), an exemplary academic record, strong quantitative and computational skills, a proven ability to work  both independently and collaboratively, a demonstrated interest in multidisciplinary research and evidence of the ability to think outside traditional paradigms. The Santa Fe Institute is an equal opportunity employer, and women, veterans, and members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.  U.S. citizenship is not a requirement.

The *SANTA FE INSTITUTE *is a private, independent, multidisciplinary research and education center. SFI seeks to catalyze new collaborative, multidisciplinary research; to break down the barriers between traditional disciplines; to spread its ideas and methodologies to other institutions; and to encourage the practical application of its results. The Omidyar Fellowship at the Santa Fe Institute is made possible by a gift from Pierre and Pam Omidyar.

For additional information or assistance, please email ofellowship at santafe dot edu or fax 505-982-0565

Barbara Kimbell 
Santa Fe Institute

Faculty Opening in IEMS at Northwestern


 We invite applications for one full-time, tenure-track faculty appointment at the assistant or associate professor level to begin September 2013. Applicants should hold an earned Ph.D. or be near completion of their doctoral studies with demonstrated research potential in healthcare engineering and strong methodological background in industrial engineering, operations research or analytics. Industrial experience is desirable; a strong commitment to rigorous and relevant research is essential.

The Department offers an undergraduate program, a Ph.D. program, a full-time professional master’s degree in analytics and a part-time professional master’s degree in engineering management. Both the undergraduate and graduate programs have been consistently ranked among the top ten by US News & World Report.

Applications must be submitted electronically to

Materials to be uploaded include a cover letter and a curriculum vitae detailing educational background, research and work experience. Applicants at the assistant professor level should also include a statement of their current and future research program. Candidates should also provide letters of recommendation from three references to be mailed or e-mailed directly to the address below. To receive full consideration, all materials should be received by December 31, 2012, but earlier application is encouraged.

Chair, Faculty Recruiting Committee | Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences | Northwestern University

2145 Sheridan Road, Room C210 | Evanston, IL 60208-3119

Faculty Position in Operations Management

The University of Texas at Dallas

Naveen Jindal School of Management

The Naveen Jindal School of Management is recruiting to fill a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Operations Management, beginning in Fall 2013. All areas of research in Operations Management will be considered. Applicants must have a Ph.D. or be in the process of completing it.

We seek scholars who can produce research of excellent quality with high impact. The person would teach operations management courses in the core curriculum as well as specialized electives. The person is expected to actively participate in our Center for Intelligent Supply Networks. Experience in working with the business community is also desirable. The Dallas Metroplex is ranked 3rd as the home of Fortune 500 companies. Well-known firms like American Airlines,  Ericsson,  J.C. Penney, Nortel, and Texas Instruments are headquartered here.

The Naveen Jindal School of Management fosters a professional research environment as well as a collegial culture that is intellectually stimulating and interdisciplinary. Based on publications in the select set of top-tier journals included in The UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings™, our Information Systems and Operations Management department has consistently ranked among the top in recent years. The School provides faculty with state-of-the-art computer technology enhanced with in-house programming support. Library and secretarial support is generous and funding is provided for travel and other activities related to research and teaching.

The Naveen Jindal School of Management is rapidly growing and currently offers BA, MBA, MS and Ph.D. degrees. We offer an MS degree in Supply Chain Management and various executive development programs for all levels of management. The School has over 85 tenure track faculty in addition to several full-time lecturers.

Applicants should submit a CV (education, research, teaching and student evaluations, work experience, a list of publications and presentations) and at least three letters of reference to Academic Search #PML120822, via the online application form at . Indication of gender and ethnic origin for affirmative action purposes is requested as part of the application but is not required for consideration. Review of application material will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled or the search is closed.

The University of Texas is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and strongly encourages applications from candidates who would enhance the diversity of the university’s faculty and administration.

Suresh P Sethi

Eugene McDermott Chair of Operations Management &Director, Center for Intelligent Supply Networks (C4iSN)

School of Management, M/S SM30 The University of Texas at Dallas 800 W. Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080-3021 Phone: 972-883-6245   Fax: 972-883-5905 Home Page: My papers on SSRN:

Faculty Position at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Faculty position in Logistics/Supply Chain Management/ Operations

The Department of Management of Technology and Innovation at Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University, invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position (preferably at the Assistant Professor level) in Logistics or a related area such as Supply Chain Management and/or Operations.

The Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, located in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, is a top-ranked international business school renowned for its ground-breaking research in sustainable business practice and for the development of future global business leaders. Offering an array of bachelors, masters, doctoral, MBA and executive education programs, RSM is consistently ranked amongst the top 10 business schools in Europe; it has a research ranking of 3rd in Europe, with its full-time and executive MBA programs ranked in the top 30 world-wide, and its international CEMS MSc Program ranked 2nd world-wide.

Applicants should have (or expect to complete) a Ph.D. in Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, or a closely related field by Fall 2013. In particular, we seek candidates with the ability to perform quantitative research as well as candidates with empirical research skills, who have interest and experience in the following themes within the field of SCM; operational excellence, sustainability, interorganisational integration, human factors or service operations. Candidates need to have demonstrated a potential for excellence in research and teaching.

Base salaries are in the range of €50,000 - €70,000 per annum with attractive benefits.  Substantial tax benefits apply to non-Dutch citizens, conditional on permission granted by the Dutch Tax Office.

For further information regarding,

•         RSM, Erasmus University:

•         the research environment at RSM:

•         salary and benefits:

Applicants should send an electronic copy of their letter of interest, curriculum vitae, a research statement, a teaching statement, two recent (working) papers and names of three referees toCarmen Meesters-Mirasol (e-mail:, and to Marco Bijvank (

Screening will start immediately and continue until the position is filled. Department representatives will be interviewing candidates at the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ in October 2012. Candidates who would like to be considered for an interview at INFORMS should submit their application before October 5, 2012, and indicate if and when they will be presenting papers at the conference.

The Price of Climate Risk

The MIT Sloan Finance Group presents Robert Litterman, Inaugural S. Donald Sussman Award Recipient

Thursday, September 20th


Wong Auditorium

70 Memorial Drive, MIT Building E51, Cambridge, MA

The S. Donald Sussman Award is presented to individuals or groups who best exemplify Donald Sussman’s career as a successful investor in quantitative investment strategies and models.

Robert Litterman recently retired from a 23-year career at Goldman, Sachs & Co. in research, risk management, investments, and thought leadership roles. He oversaw the Quantitative Investment Strategies Group and Global Investment Strategies. Bob is Chairman of the advisory board at Kepos Capital, and for the past six years he has been one of three external advisors to Singapore’s Government Investment Corporation (GIC).

No RSVP Required

For more information, please contact