
Golden Test Begins...

This is the first news entry for the RAFT system's release testing.

As of Tuesday morning the RAFT Golden Test will officially begin.

To access the application please go to:

So what does "Golden Test" mean:

What is a 'Golden Test'?

Traditionally the golden test is a reference to the final tests before a software product is sent out for software duplication prior to shipping. It used to be that the CDs or DVDs sent for duplication were referred to as the 'gold master', with the act of finally sending out a product referred to as 'going gold'.

In our case this release will be closer to a release candidate: a version with the potential to be a final product failing the emergence of any fatal bugs.

Anything we should keep in mind

For the testers this is a bit of a repeat, but:

  • Data is as close of business from the previous day
  • All data is from SAP
  • SAP Payroll detail data available from FY2007 (July 2006) to present
  • SAP Financial Data available from FY1997 (July 1996) to present
What do we do now?

The intent is for people to use the system and let us know about any issues or concerns. In order for this product to be a success we need your feedback.
Please send any issues or concerns to
All issues at any point in time can be found at: RAFT Golden Test Issue List

All issues will be publicly tracked throughout the golden test.

In addition we have begun a wishlist for features for phase II at: Phase II+ Wishlist

For those of you who are comfortable with wikis, please feel free to add comments or content directly to the associated pages.

Once again, thank you all for your assistance.