Whenever a new call or reporting period is created in FMP, you need to create an instructions set for it.  This is best accomplished by duplicating an existing instructions set that is most like what the new instruction set will become and then editing the new instructions files.

Please refer to the tables below that describes the arrangement of instructions files within the eSG root folder

  • Instructions sets and webfiles for RFP calls and reporting periods are located in the 'instructions_includes' folder of eSG. 
  • Call instruction sets are organized in a folder named for the call's database ID (e.g. 1,2,3,…) found in the 'Calls' layout of RFP FMP.
  • Reporting Period instruction sets are organized in a folder named for the reporting period's database ID (e.g. rep_1,ep_2,ep_3,…) found in the 'Reporting Periods' layout of PM FMP.

RFP - Call Instructions Sets

'instructions_prelim.php' is the core instructions page for submitting pre-proposals and applications in eSG. Both the pre-proposal start page (index_prelim.php), application start page (index_app.php),and the printer-friendly, publicly-accessible version (index_pp_popup.php) include 'instructions_prelim.php'. If accessed via a public page, 'index_pp_popup.php' requires a query parameter for call ID (e.g. "index_pp_popup.php?call_id=1").

It's important to note that there are really two types of 'instructions_prelim.php' files: one for pre-proposals, and one for applications, because each relies on a different set of includes (see table).

'instructions.php' file is the core instructions page for submitting full proposals in eSG. Both the full proposal start page (index_fp.php), and the printer-friendly, publicly-accessible version (index_fp_popup.php) include 'instructions.php'. If accessed via a public page, 'index_fp_popup.php' requires a query parameter for call ID (e.g. "index_fp_popup.php?call_id=1").

Each call instructions set contains a set of budget justification includes. These instructions appear both in core instructions pages and the justification pop-ups.

Each call also uses two embedded, call-specific pre-proposal review instructions includes that work just like the call-specific instructions includes for the proposal submission interfaces. There's one set for each pre-proposal review configuration (1:simple, 2:complex), and correspond to instructions sections at the top and bottom of the peer review interface.

Each call also uses two embedded, call-specific peer review instructions includes that work just like the call-specific instructions includes for the proposal submission interfaces. There's one set for each peer review configuration (1:simple, 2:complex), and correspond to instructions sections at the top and bottom of the peer review interface.

not call specific... Instructions Sets (call-specific)...    
RFP/proposals >instructions_includes >Call ID# >instructions_peer_rev >   
use instructions.php include :panel_review_instructions.phpPre-Proposal Instructions 1_>   
  index_fp_popup.phpdocuments2.php (reporting)preprop_nav_header_file_list.php  peer_review_instructions.php 
  index_fp.phppublications2.php (reporting)instructions_prelim.php*  peer_review_instructions2.php 
use instructions_prelim.php include : instructions_budgets.php 2 >  
  index_pp_popup.php instructions_misc_uploads.php  peer_review_instructions.php 
  index_prelim.php instructions_submission.php  peer_review_instructions2.php 
  index_app.php instructions_help.phpinstructions_pp_rev >   
    1 >  
  Full Proposal Instructions  pp_review_instructions.php 
  fp_nav_header_file_list.php  pp_review_instructions2.php 
  instructions_investigators.php 2 >  
  instructions_project_summary.php  pp_review_instructions.php 
  instructions_full_narr.php  pp_review_instructions2.php 
  instructions_budgets.phpjustification_includes >   
  Call ID# >    
  Application Instructions    
  *it's important to note that there are really two types of instructions_prelim files: one for Omnibus, one for Applications, because each relies on a different set of includes    
PM - Reporting Period Instructions Sets

Reporting period instructions work similar to call instructions, where each php file is an include that appears both at the start page for that reporting period, and in the specific form that php file pertains to.