closed areas = completely closed / partially closed

past record
•    1994: federal government created year-round fishery closures on georges bank and adjacent areas
cod separated into different populations w/ different spawning times
migratory patterns: winter = offshore, summer = inshore
spawning locations: southeast/inland, inshore

benefits of closed areas
•    prevent overfishing
•    spillover effect - area around closed area benefits
•    creates area for scientific studies to further improve conservation methods
areas to be closed
•    spawning areas
•    high density areas
•    close area for spawning season
•    weekly & seasonal quotas
•    education on overfishing and closed marine areas for fishermen & fishing communities
•    protect a fish throughout its life cycle
•    keep each isolated population sustainable
criticisms of closed areas
•    economic impact
•    enforcement
•    alternatives
•    cod migration
•    gis data